Checkcollide in Object is unused.
Game::checkcollide is used instead, it should be cleaned and moved to
Object class.
- ${SRCDIR}/Objects/Objects.cpp
+ ${SRCDIR}/Objects/Object.cpp
- ${SRCDIR}/Objects/Objects.hpp
+ ${SRCDIR}/Objects/Object.hpp
extern float multiplier;
extern float gravity;
extern Terrain terrain;
-extern Objects objects;
extern int environment;
extern float camerashake;
extern bool freeze;
whichpatchz = coords->z / (terrain.size / subdivision * terrain.scale);
terrainlight = *coords;
- objects.SphereCheckPossible(&terrainlight, 1);
+ Object::SphereCheckPossible(&terrainlight, 1);
//Add velocity
for (i = 0; i < joints.size(); i++) {
// FIXME: this crashes because k is not initialized!
// to reproduce, type 'wolfie' in console and play a while
// I'll just comment it out for now
- //objects.model[k].MakeDecal(breakdecal, DoRotation(temp - objects.position[k], 0, -objects.yaw[k], 0), .4, .5, Random() % 360);
+ //Object::objects[k]->model.MakeDecal(breakdecal, DoRotation(temp - Object::objects[k]->position, 0, -Object::objects[k]->yaw, 0), .4, .5, Random() % 360);
Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords, joints[i].velocity * .06, 1, 1, 1, 4, .2);
breaking = false;
camerashake += .6;
if (terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz])
for (m = 0; m < terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz]; m++) {
k = terrain.patchobjects[whichpatchx][whichpatchz][m];
- if (k < objects.numobjects && k >= 0)
- if (objects.possible[k]) {
- friction = objects.friction[k];
+ if (k < Object::objects.size() && k >= 0)
+ if (Object::objects[k]->possible) {
+ friction = Object::objects[k]->friction;
XYZ start = joints[i].realoldposition;
XYZ end = joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords;
- whichhit = objects.model[k].LineCheckPossible(&start, &end, &temp, &objects.position[k], &objects.yaw[k]);
+ whichhit = Object::objects[k]->model.LineCheckPossible(&start, &end, &temp, &Object::objects[k]->position, &Object::objects[k]->yaw);
if (whichhit != -1) {
if (joints[i].label == groin && !joints[i].locked && joints[i].delay <= 0) {
joints[i].locked = 1;
- terrainnormal = DoRotation(objects.model[k].facenormals[whichhit], 0, objects.yaw[k], 0) * -1;
+ terrainnormal = DoRotation(Object::objects[k]->model.facenormals[whichhit], 0, Object::objects[k]->yaw, 0) * -1;
if (terrainnormal.y > .8)
freefall = 0;
bounceness = terrainnormal * findLength(&joints[i].velocity) * (abs(normaldotproduct(joints[i].velocity, terrainnormal)));
if (tutoriallevel != 1 || id == 0)
if (findLengthfast(&bounceness) > 4000 && breaking) {
- objects.model[k].MakeDecal(breakdecal, DoRotation(temp - objects.position[k], 0, -objects.yaw[k], 0), .4, .5, Random() % 360);
+ Object::objects[k]->model.MakeDecal(breakdecal, DoRotation(temp - Object::objects[k]->position, 0, -Object::objects[k]->yaw, 0), .4, .5, Random() % 360);
Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords, joints[i].velocity * .06, 1, 1, 1, 4, .2);
breaking = false;
camerashake += .6;
addEnvSound(*coords, 64);
- if (objects.type[k] == treetrunktype) {
- objects.rotx[k] += joints[i].velocity.x * multiplier * .4;
- objects.roty[k] += joints[i].velocity.z * multiplier * .4;
- objects.rotx[k + 1] += joints[i].velocity.x * multiplier * .4;
- objects.roty[k + 1] += joints[i].velocity.z * multiplier * .4;
+ if (Object::objects[k]->type == treetrunktype) {
+ Object::objects[k]->rotx += joints[i].velocity.x * multiplier * .4;
+ Object::objects[k]->roty += joints[i].velocity.z * multiplier * .4;
+ Object::objects[k + 1]->rotx += joints[i].velocity.x * multiplier * .4;
+ Object::objects[k + 1]->roty += joints[i].velocity.z * multiplier * .4;
if (!joints[i].locked)
damage += findLengthfast(&bounceness) / 2500;
if (terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz])
for (m = 0; m < terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz]; m++) {
k = terrain.patchobjects[whichpatchx][whichpatchz][m];
- if (objects.possible[k]) {
+ if (Object::objects[k]->possible) {
for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
//Make this less stupid
XYZ start = joints[jointlabels[whichjointstartarray[i]]].position * (*scale) + *coords;
XYZ end = joints[jointlabels[whichjointendarray[i]]].position * (*scale) + *coords;
- whichhit = objects.model[k].LineCheckSlidePossible(&start, &end, &temp, &objects.position[k], &objects.yaw[k]);
+ whichhit = Object::objects[k]->model.LineCheckSlidePossible(&start, &end, &temp, &Object::objects[k]->position, &Object::objects[k]->yaw);
if (whichhit != -1) {
joints[jointlabels[whichjointendarray[i]]].position = (end - *coords) / (*scale);
for (unsigned j = 0; j < muscles.size(); j++) {
#include "Graphic/Models.hpp"
#include "Graphic/Sprite.hpp"
#include "Math/Quaternions.hpp"
-#include "Objects/Objects.hpp"
+#include "Objects/Object.hpp"
#include "Utils/binio.h"
const int max_joints = 50;
extern int tutoriallevel;
extern int hostile;
extern int maptype;
-extern Objects objects;
extern int slomo;
extern float slomodelay;
extern bool skyboxtexture;
fpackf(tfile, "Bi", environment);
- fpackf(tfile, "Bi", objects.numobjects);
+ fpackf(tfile, "Bi", Object::objects.size());
- for (int k = 0; k < objects.numobjects; k++)
- fpackf(tfile, "Bi Bf Bf Bf Bf Bf Bf", objects.type[k], objects.yaw[k], objects.pitch[k],
- objects.position[k].x, objects.position[k].y, objects.position[k].z, objects.scale[k]);
+ for (int k = 0; k < Object::objects.size(); k++)
+ fpackf(tfile, "Bi Bf Bf Bf Bf Bf Bf", Object::objects[k]->type, Object::objects[k]->yaw, Object::objects[k]->pitch,
+ Object::objects[k]->position.x, Object::objects[k]->position.y, Object::objects[k]->position.z, Object::objects[k]->scale);
fpackf(tfile, "Bi", Hotspot::hotspots.size());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Hotspot::hotspots.size(); i++) {
- objects.DoShadows();
+ Object::DoShadows();
void ch_skylight(const char *args)
- objects.DoShadows();
+ Object::DoShadows();
void ch_skybox(const char *args)
- objects.DoShadows();
+ Object::DoShadows();
#include "Environment/Terrain.hpp"
#include "Game.hpp"
-#include "Objects/Objects.hpp"
+#include "Objects/Object.hpp"
#include "Utils/Folders.hpp"
extern XYZ viewer;
extern bool decals;
extern float blurness;
extern float targetblurness;
-extern Objects objects;
extern bool visibleloading;
extern bool skyboxtexture;
extern int tutoriallevel;
if (patchobjectnum[patchx][patchz]) {
for (k = 0; k < patchobjectnum[patchx][patchz]; k++) {
l = patchobjects[patchx][patchz][k];
- if (objects.type[l] != treetrunktype) {
+ if (Object::objects[l]->type != treetrunktype) {
testpoint = terrainpoint;
testpoint2 = terrainpoint + lightloc * 50 * (1 - shadowed);
- if (objects.model[l].LineCheck(&testpoint, &testpoint2, &col, &objects.position[l], &objects.yaw[l]) != -1) {
+ if (Object::objects[l]->model.LineCheck(&testpoint, &testpoint2, &col, &Object::objects[l]->position, &Object::objects[l]->yaw) != -1) {
shadowed = 1 - (findDistance(&terrainpoint, &col) / 50);
#include "Graphic/Stereo.hpp"
#include "Graphic/Text.hpp"
#include "Graphic/Texture.hpp"
-#include "Objects/Objects.hpp"
+#include "Objects/Object.hpp"
#include "Objects/Person.hpp"
#include "Objects/Weapons.hpp"
#include "Thirdparty/optionparser.h"
GLvoid ReSizeGLScene(float fov, float near);
int checkcollide(XYZ startpoint, XYZ endpoint);
int checkcollide(XYZ startpoint, XYZ endpoint, int what);
+int checkcollide(XYZ startpoint, XYZ endpoint, float minx, float miny, float minz, float maxx, float maxy, float maxz, int what);
void fireSound(int sound = fireendsound);
extern int kTextureSize;
extern FRUSTUM frustum;
extern Light light;
-extern Objects objects;
extern int detail;
extern float usermousesensitivity;
extern float camerashake;
glTranslatef(-viewer.x, -viewer.y, -viewer.z);
- //make shadow decals on terrain and objects
+ //make shadow decals on terrain and Object::objects
static XYZ point;
static float size, opacity, rotation;
rotation = 0;
terrain.MakeDecal(shadowdecal, point, size, opacity, rotation);
for (l = 0; l < terrain.patchobjectnum[Person::players[k]->whichpatchx][Person::players[k]->whichpatchz]; l++) {
int j = terrain.patchobjects[Person::players[k]->whichpatchx][Person::players[k]->whichpatchz][l];
- if (objects.position[j].y < Person::players[k]->coords.y || objects.type[j] == tunneltype || objects.type[j] == weirdtype) {
- point = DoRotation(DoRotation(Person::players[k]->skeleton.joints[i].position, 0, Person::players[k]->yaw, 0) * Person::players[k]->scale + Person::players[k]->coords - objects.position[j], 0, -objects.yaw[j], 0);
+ if (Object::objects[j]->position.y < Person::players[k]->coords.y || Object::objects[j]->type == tunneltype || Object::objects[j]->type == weirdtype) {
+ point = DoRotation(DoRotation(Person::players[k]->skeleton.joints[i].position, 0, Person::players[k]->yaw, 0) * Person::players[k]->scale + Person::players[k]->coords - Object::objects[j]->position, 0, -Object::objects[j]->yaw, 0);
size = .4f;
opacity = .4f;
if (k != 0 && tutoriallevel == 1) {
opacity = .2 + .2 * sin(smoketex * 6 + i);
- objects.model[j].MakeDecal(shadowdecal, &point, &size, &opacity, &rotation);
+ Object::objects[j]->model.MakeDecal(shadowdecal, &point, &size, &opacity, &rotation);
terrain.MakeDecal(shadowdecal, point, size, opacity * .7, rotation);
for (l = 0; l < terrain.patchobjectnum[Person::players[k]->whichpatchx][Person::players[k]->whichpatchz]; l++) {
int j = terrain.patchobjects[Person::players[k]->whichpatchx][Person::players[k]->whichpatchz][l];
- if (objects.position[j].y < Person::players[k]->coords.y || objects.type[j] == tunneltype || objects.type[j] == weirdtype) {
+ if (Object::objects[j]->position.y < Person::players[k]->coords.y || Object::objects[j]->type == tunneltype || Object::objects[j]->type == weirdtype) {
if (Person::players[k]->
- point = DoRotation(Person::players[k]->skeleton.joints[i].position * Person::players[k]->scale + Person::players[k]->coords - objects.position[j], 0, -objects.yaw[j], 0);
+ point = DoRotation(Person::players[k]->skeleton.joints[i].position * Person::players[k]->scale + Person::players[k]->coords - Object::objects[j]->position, 0, -Object::objects[j]->yaw, 0);
- point = DoRotation(DoRotation(Person::players[k]->skeleton.joints[i].position, 0, Person::players[k]->yaw, 0) * Person::players[k]->scale + Person::players[k]->coords - objects.position[j], 0, -objects.yaw[j], 0);
+ point = DoRotation(DoRotation(Person::players[k]->skeleton.joints[i].position, 0, Person::players[k]->yaw, 0) * Person::players[k]->scale + Person::players[k]->coords - Object::objects[j]->position, 0, -Object::objects[j]->yaw, 0);
size = .4f;
opacity = .4f;
if (k != 0 && tutoriallevel == 1) {
opacity = .2 + .2 * sin(smoketex * 6 + i);
- objects.model[j].MakeDecal(shadowdecal, &point, &size, &opacity, &rotation);
+ Object::objects[j]->model.MakeDecal(shadowdecal, &point, &size, &opacity, &rotation);
terrain.MakeDecal(shadowdecal, point, size, opacity * .7, rotation);
for (l = 0; l < terrain.patchobjectnum[Person::players[k]->whichpatchx][Person::players[k]->whichpatchz]; l++) {
int j = terrain.patchobjects[Person::players[k]->whichpatchx][Person::players[k]->whichpatchz][l];
- point = DoRotation(Person::players[k]->coords - objects.position[j], 0, -objects.yaw[j], 0);
+ point = DoRotation(Person::players[k]->coords - Object::objects[j]->position, 0, -Object::objects[j]->yaw, 0);
size = .7;
opacity = .4f;
- objects.model[j].MakeDecal(shadowdecal, &point, &size, &opacity, &rotation);
+ Object::objects[j]->model.MakeDecal(shadowdecal, &point, &size, &opacity, &rotation);
- objects.Draw();
+ Object::Draw();
//draw hawk
glRotatef(Person::players[0]->lookyaw * -1 + 180, 0, 0, 1);
glTranslatef(-(center.x / terrain.scale / 256 * -2 + 1), (center.z / terrain.scale / 256 * -2 + 1), 0);
- for (int i = 0; i < objects.numobjects; i++) {
- if (objects.type[i] == treetrunktype) {
- distcheck = distsq(&Person::players[0]->coords, &objects.position[i]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < Object::objects.size(); i++) {
+ if (Object::objects[i]->type == treetrunktype) {
+ distcheck = distsq(&Person::players[0]->coords, &Object::objects[i]->position);
if (distcheck < mapviewdist) {
glColor4f(0, .3, 0, opac * (1 - distcheck / mapviewdist));
- glTranslatef(objects.position[i].x / terrain.scale / 256 * -2 + 1, objects.position[i].z / terrain.scale / 256 * 2 - 1, 0);
- glRotatef(objects.yaw[i], 0, 0, 1);
+ glTranslatef(Object::objects[i]->position.x / terrain.scale / 256 * -2 + 1, Object::objects[i]->position.z / terrain.scale / 256 * 2 - 1, 0);
+ glRotatef(Object::objects[i]->yaw, 0, 0, 1);
glScalef(.003, .003, .003);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
- if (objects.type[i] == boxtype) {
- distcheck = distsq(&Person::players[0]->coords, &objects.position[i]);
+ if (Object::objects[i]->type == boxtype) {
+ distcheck = distsq(&Person::players[0]->coords, &Object::objects[i]->position);
if (distcheck < mapviewdist) {
glColor4f(.4, .4, .4, opac * (1 - distcheck / mapviewdist));
- glTranslatef(objects.position[i].x / terrain.scale / 256 * -2 + 1, objects.position[i].z / terrain.scale / 256 * 2 - 1, 0);
- glRotatef(objects.yaw[i], 0, 0, 1);
- glScalef(.01 * objects.scale[i], .01 * objects.scale[i], .01 * objects.scale[i]);
+ glTranslatef(Object::objects[i]->position.x / terrain.scale / 256 * -2 + 1, Object::objects[i]->position.z / terrain.scale / 256 * 2 - 1, 0);
+ glRotatef(Object::objects[i]->yaw, 0, 0, 1);
+ glScalef(.01 * Object::objects[i]->scale, .01 * Object::objects[i]->scale, .01 * Object::objects[i]->scale);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
glVertex3f(-1, -1, 0.0f);
extern float texdetail;
extern float realtexdetail;
extern float volume;
-extern Objects objects;
extern int detail;
extern bool cellophane;
extern GLubyte bloodText[512 * 512 * 3];
extern float gravity;
extern int detail;
extern float texdetail;
-extern Objects objects;
extern int slomo;
extern float slomodelay;
extern bool floatjump;
int closest = -1;
float closestdist = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
- for (int i = 0; i < objects.numobjects; i++) {
- float distance = distsq(&objects.position[i], &Person::players[0]->coords);
+ for (int i = 0; i < Object::objects.size(); i++) {
+ float distance = distsq(&Object::objects[i]->position, &Person::players[0]->coords);
if (distance < closestdist) {
closestdist = distance;
closest = i;
maxy = max(startpoint.y, endpoint.y) + 1;
maxz = max(startpoint.z, endpoint.z) + 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < objects.numobjects; i++) {
- if ( objects.position[i].x > minx - objects.model[i].boundingsphereradius &&
- objects.position[i].x < maxx + objects.model[i].boundingsphereradius &&
- objects.position[i].y > miny - objects.model[i].boundingsphereradius &&
- objects.position[i].y < maxy + objects.model[i].boundingsphereradius &&
- objects.position[i].z > minz - objects.model[i].boundingsphereradius &&
- objects.position[i].z < maxz + objects.model[i].boundingsphereradius) {
- if ( objects.type[i] != treeleavestype &&
- objects.type[i] != bushtype &&
- objects.type[i] != firetype) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < Object::objects.size(); i++) {
+ if ( Object::objects[i]->position.x > minx - Object::objects[i]->model.boundingsphereradius &&
+ Object::objects[i]->position.x < maxx + Object::objects[i]->model.boundingsphereradius &&
+ Object::objects[i]->position.y > miny - Object::objects[i]->model.boundingsphereradius &&
+ Object::objects[i]->position.y < maxy + Object::objects[i]->model.boundingsphereradius &&
+ Object::objects[i]->position.z > minz - Object::objects[i]->model.boundingsphereradius &&
+ Object::objects[i]->position.z < maxz + Object::objects[i]->model.boundingsphereradius) {
+ if ( Object::objects[i]->type != treeleavestype &&
+ Object::objects[i]->type != bushtype &&
+ Object::objects[i]->type != firetype) {
colviewer = startpoint;
coltarget = endpoint;
- if (objects.model[i].LineCheck(&colviewer, &coltarget, &colpoint, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i]) != -1)
+ if (Object::objects[i]->model.LineCheck(&colviewer, &coltarget, &colpoint, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw) != -1)
return i;
maxz = max(startpoint.z, endpoint.z) + 1;
if (what != 1000) {
- if ( objects.position[what].x > minx - objects.model[what].boundingsphereradius &&
- objects.position[what].x < maxx + objects.model[what].boundingsphereradius &&
- objects.position[what].y > miny - objects.model[what].boundingsphereradius &&
- objects.position[what].y < maxy + objects.model[what].boundingsphereradius &&
- objects.position[what].z > minz - objects.model[what].boundingsphereradius &&
- objects.position[what].z < maxz + objects.model[what].boundingsphereradius) {
- if ( objects.type[what] != treeleavestype &&
- objects.type[what] != bushtype &&
- objects.type[what] != firetype) {
+ if ( Object::objects[what]->position.x > minx - Object::objects[what]->model.boundingsphereradius &&
+ Object::objects[what]->position.x < maxx + Object::objects[what]->model.boundingsphereradius &&
+ Object::objects[what]->position.y > miny - Object::objects[what]->model.boundingsphereradius &&
+ Object::objects[what]->position.y < maxy + Object::objects[what]->model.boundingsphereradius &&
+ Object::objects[what]->position.z > minz - Object::objects[what]->model.boundingsphereradius &&
+ Object::objects[what]->position.z < maxz + Object::objects[what]->model.boundingsphereradius) {
+ if ( Object::objects[what]->type != treeleavestype &&
+ Object::objects[what]->type != bushtype &&
+ Object::objects[what]->type != firetype) {
colviewer = startpoint;
coltarget = endpoint;
//FIXME: i/what
- if (objects.model[what].LineCheck(&colviewer, &coltarget, &colpoint, &objects.position[what], &objects.yaw[what]) != -1)
+ if (Object::objects[what]->model.LineCheck(&colviewer, &coltarget, &colpoint, &Object::objects[what]->position, &Object::objects[what]->yaw) != -1)
return i;
if (ambientsound)
- objects.treetextureptr.load("Textures/SnowTree.png", 0);
- objects.bushtextureptr.load("Textures/BushSnow.png", 0);
- objects.rocktextureptr.load("Textures/BoulderSnow.jpg", 1);
- objects.boxtextureptr.load("Textures/SnowBox.jpg", 1);
+ Object::treetextureptr.load("Textures/SnowTree.png", 0);
+ Object::bushtextureptr.load("Textures/BushSnow.png", 0);
+ Object::rocktextureptr.load("Textures/BoulderSnow.jpg", 1);
+ Object::boxtextureptr.load("Textures/SnowBox.jpg", 1);
footstepsound = footstepsn1;
footstepsound2 = footstepsn2;
} else if (environment == desertenvironment) {
windvector = 0;
windvector.z = 2;
- objects.treetextureptr.load("Textures/DesertTree.png", 0);
- objects.bushtextureptr.load("Textures/BushDesert.png", 0);
- objects.rocktextureptr.load("Textures/BoulderDesert.jpg", 1);
- objects.boxtextureptr.load("Textures/DesertBox.jpg", 1);
+ Object::treetextureptr.load("Textures/DesertTree.png", 0);
+ Object::bushtextureptr.load("Textures/BushDesert.png", 0);
+ Object::rocktextureptr.load("Textures/BoulderDesert.jpg", 1);
+ Object::boxtextureptr.load("Textures/DesertBox.jpg", 1);
if (ambientsound)
} else if (environment == grassyenvironment) {
windvector = 0;
windvector.z = 2;
- objects.treetextureptr.load("Textures/Tree.png", 0);
- objects.bushtextureptr.load("Textures/Bush.png", 0);
- objects.rocktextureptr.load("Textures/Boulder.jpg", 1);
- objects.boxtextureptr.load("Textures/GrassBox.jpg", 1);
+ Object::treetextureptr.load("Textures/Tree.png", 0);
+ Object::bushtextureptr.load("Textures/Bush.png", 0);
+ Object::rocktextureptr.load("Textures/Boulder.jpg", 1);
+ Object::boxtextureptr.load("Textures/GrassBox.jpg", 1);
if (ambientsound)
emit_stream_np(stream_wind, 100.);
if (!stealthloading) {
terrain.numdecals = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < objects.numobjects; i++)
- objects.model[i].numdecals = 0;
- int j = objects.numobjects;
- for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) {
- objects.DeleteObject(0);
- if (visibleloading)
- LoadingScreen();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < subdivision; i++)
- for (int j = 0; j < subdivision; j++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < subdivision; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < subdivision; j++) {
terrain.patchobjectnum[i][j] = 0;
+ }
+ }
if (visibleloading)
funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &environment);
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &objects.numobjects);
- for (int i = 0; i < objects.numobjects; i++) {
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi Bf Bf Bf Bf Bf Bf", &objects.type[i], &objects.yaw[i], &objects.pitch[i], &objects.position[i].x, &objects.position[i].y, &objects.position[i].z, &objects.scale[i]);
- if (objects.type[i] == treeleavestype)
- objects.scale[i] = objects.scale[i - 1];
- }
+ Object::LoadObjectsFromFile(tfile, stealthloading);
if (mapvers >= 7) {
int numhotspots;
if (!stealthloading) {
- = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < objects.numobjects; i++)
- += objects.position[i];
- /= objects.numobjects;
+ Object::ComputeCenter();
if (visibleloading)
- float maxdistance = 0;
- float tempdist;
- for (int i = 0; i < objects.numobjects; i++) {
- tempdist = distsq(&, &objects.position[i]);
- if (tempdist > maxdistance) {
- maxdistance = tempdist;
- }
- }
- objects.radius = fast_sqrt(maxdistance);
+ Object::ComputeRadius();
if (visibleloading)
oldenvironment = environment;
if (!stealthloading) {
- int j = objects.numobjects;
- objects.numobjects = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) {
- objects.MakeObject(objects.type[i], objects.position[i], objects.yaw[i], objects.pitch[i], objects.scale[i]);
- if (visibleloading)
- LoadingScreen();
- }
+ Object::AddObjectsToTerrain();
if (visibleloading)
- objects.DoShadows();
+ Object::DoShadows();
if (visibleloading)
/* Grow tree leaves?? */
if (Input::isKeyPressed(SDL_SCANCODE_Y)) {
- for (int i = 0; i < objects.numobjects; i++) {
- if (objects.type[i] == treeleavestype) {
- objects.scale[i] *= .9;
+ for (int i = 0; i < Object::objects.size(); i++) {
+ if (Object::objects[i]->type == treeleavestype) {
+ Object::objects[i]->scale *= .9;
if (Input::isKeyPressed(SDL_SCANCODE_DELETE) && Input::isKeyDown(SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL)) {
int closest = findClosestObject();
- if (closest >= 0)
- objects.position[closest].y -= 500;
+ if (closest >= 0) {
+ Object::objects[closest]->position.y -= 500;
+ }
if (Input::isKeyPressed(SDL_SCANCODE_M) && Input::isKeyDown(SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT)) {
- if (objects.numobjects < max_objects - 1) {
+ if (Object::objects.size() < max_objects - 1) {
XYZ scenecoords;
scenecoords.x = Person::players[0]->coords.x;
scenecoords.z = Person::players[0]->coords.z;
if (temprotat2 < 0)
temprotat2 = Random() % 360;
- objects.MakeObject(editortype, scenecoords, (int)temprotat - ((int)temprotat) % 30, (int)temprotat2, editorsize);
+ Object::MakeObject(editortype, scenecoords, (int)temprotat - ((int)temprotat) % 30, (int)temprotat2, editorsize);
if (editortype == treetrunktype)
- objects.MakeObject(treeleavestype, scenecoords, Random() % 360 * (temprotat2 < 2) + (int)editoryaw - ((int)editoryaw) % 30, editorpitch, editorsize);
+ Object::MakeObject(treeleavestype, scenecoords, Random() % 360 * (temprotat2 < 2) + (int)editoryaw - ((int)editoryaw) % 30, editorpitch, editorsize);
if (pathpointselected >= numpathpoints)
pathpointselected = -1;
if (Input::isKeyPressed(SDL_SCANCODE_COMMA) && !Input::isKeyDown(SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT)) {
if (pathpointselected <= -2)
pathpointselected = numpathpoints - 1;
if (Input::isKeyPressed(SDL_SCANCODE_COMMA) && Input::isKeyDown(SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT)) {
if (pathpointselected != -1) {
if (Input::isKeyPressed(SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT) && Input::isKeyDown(SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT) && Input::isKeyDown(SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL)) {
mapradius += multiplier * 10;
if (Input::isKeyDown(SDL_SCANCODE_UP) && Input::isKeyDown(SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL)) {
editorpitch += multiplier * 100;
if (editorpitch < -.01)
editorpitch = -.01;
- if (Input::isKeyPressed(SDL_SCANCODE_DELETE) && objects.numobjects && Input::isKeyDown(SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT)) {
+ if (Input::isKeyPressed(SDL_SCANCODE_DELETE) && Object::objects.size() && Input::isKeyDown(SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT)) {
int closest = findClosestObject();
- if (closest >= 0)
- objects.DeleteObject(closest);
+ if (closest >= 0) {
+ Object::DeleteObject(closest);
+ }
for (int l = 0; l < terrain.patchobjectnum[Person::players[k]->whichpatchx][Person::players[k]->whichpatchz]; l++) {
int i = terrain.patchobjects[Person::players[k]->whichpatchx][Person::players[k]->whichpatchz][l];
- if (objects.type[i] != rocktype ||
- objects.scale[i] > .5 && Person::players[k]->aitype == playercontrolled ||
- objects.position[i].y > Person::players[k]->coords.y) {
+ if (Object::objects[i]->type != rocktype ||
+ Object::objects[i]->scale > .5 && Person::players[k]->aitype == playercontrolled ||
+ Object::objects[i]->position.y > Person::players[k]->coords.y) {
lowpoint = Person::players[k]->coords;
if (Person::players[k]->animTarget != jumpupanim &&
Person::players[k]->animTarget != jumpdownanim &&
if ( Person::players[k]->coords.y < terrain.getHeight(Person::players[k]->coords.x, Person::players[k]->coords.z) &&
Person::players[k]->coords.y > terrain.getHeight(Person::players[k]->coords.x, Person::players[k]->coords.z) - .1)
Person::players[k]->coords.y = terrain.getHeight(Person::players[k]->coords.x, Person::players[k]->coords.z);
- if (Person::players[k]->SphereCheck(&lowpoint, 1.3, &colpoint, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i], &objects.model[i]) != -1) {
+ if (Person::players[k]->SphereCheck(&lowpoint, 1.3, &colpoint, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw, &Object::objects[i]->model) != -1) {
flatfacing = lowpoint - Person::players[k]->coords;
Person::players[k]->coords = lowpoint;
Person::players[k]->coords.y -= 1.3;
Person::players[k]->jumpkeydown) {
lowpointtarget = lowpoint + DoRotation(Person::players[k]->facing, 0, -90, 0) * 1.5;
XYZ tempcoords1 = lowpoint;
- whichhit = objects.model[i].LineCheck(&lowpoint, &lowpointtarget, &colpoint, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i]);
- if (whichhit != -1 && fabs(objects.model[i].facenormals[whichhit].y) < .3) {
+ whichhit = Object::objects[i]->model.LineCheck(&lowpoint, &lowpointtarget, &colpoint, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw);
+ if (whichhit != -1 && fabs(Object::objects[i]->model.facenormals[whichhit].y) < .3) {
emit_sound_at(movewhooshsound, Person::players[k]->coords);
if (k == 0)
- lowpointtarget = DoRotation(objects.model[i].facenormals[whichhit], 0, objects.yaw[i], 0);
+ lowpointtarget = DoRotation(Object::objects[i]->model.facenormals[whichhit], 0, Object::objects[i]->yaw, 0);
Person::players[k]->yaw = -asin(0 - lowpointtarget.x) * 180 / M_PI;
if (lowpointtarget.z < 0)
Person::players[k]->yaw = 180 - Person::players[k]->yaw;
} else {
lowpoint = tempcoords1;
lowpointtarget = lowpoint + DoRotation(Person::players[k]->facing, 0, 90, 0) * 1.5;
- whichhit = objects.model[i].LineCheck(&lowpoint, &lowpointtarget, &colpoint, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i]);
- if (whichhit != -1 && fabs(objects.model[i].facenormals[whichhit].y) < .3) {
+ whichhit = Object::objects[i]->model.LineCheck(&lowpoint, &lowpointtarget, &colpoint, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw);
+ if (whichhit != -1 && fabs(Object::objects[i]->model.facenormals[whichhit].y) < .3) {
emit_sound_at(movewhooshsound, Person::players[k]->coords);
if (k == 0)
- lowpointtarget = DoRotation(objects.model[i].facenormals[whichhit], 0, objects.yaw[i], 0);
+ lowpointtarget = DoRotation(Object::objects[i]->model.facenormals[whichhit], 0, Object::objects[i]->yaw, 0);
Person::players[k]->yaw = -asin(0 - lowpointtarget.x) * 180 / M_PI;
if (lowpointtarget.z < 0)
Person::players[k]->yaw = 180 - Person::players[k]->yaw;
} else {
lowpoint = tempcoords1;
lowpointtarget = lowpoint + Person::players[k]->facing * 2;
- whichhit = objects.model[i].LineCheck(&lowpoint, &lowpointtarget, &colpoint, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i]);
- if (whichhit != -1 && fabs(objects.model[i].facenormals[whichhit].y) < .3) {
+ whichhit = Object::objects[i]->model.LineCheck(&lowpoint, &lowpointtarget, &colpoint, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw);
+ if (whichhit != -1 && fabs(Object::objects[i]->model.facenormals[whichhit].y) < .3) {
emit_sound_at(movewhooshsound, Person::players[k]->coords);
if (k == 0)
- lowpointtarget = DoRotation(objects.model[i].facenormals[whichhit], 0, objects.yaw[i], 0);
+ lowpointtarget = DoRotation(Object::objects[i]->model.facenormals[whichhit], 0, Object::objects[i]->yaw, 0);
Person::players[k]->yaw = -asin(0 - lowpointtarget.x) * 180 / M_PI;
if (lowpointtarget.z < 0)
Person::players[k]->yaw = 180 - Person::players[k]->yaw;
} else {
lowpoint = tempcoords1;
lowpointtarget = lowpoint - Person::players[k]->facing * 2;
- whichhit = objects.model[i].LineCheck(&lowpoint, &lowpointtarget, &colpoint, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i]);
- if (whichhit != -1 && fabs(objects.model[i].facenormals[whichhit].y) < .3) {
+ whichhit = Object::objects[i]->model.LineCheck(&lowpoint, &lowpointtarget, &colpoint, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw);
+ if (whichhit != -1 && fabs(Object::objects[i]->model.facenormals[whichhit].y) < .3) {
emit_sound_at(movewhooshsound, Person::players[k]->coords);
if (k == 0)
- lowpointtarget = DoRotation(objects.model[i].facenormals[whichhit], 0, objects.yaw[i], 0);
+ lowpointtarget = DoRotation(Object::objects[i]->model.facenormals[whichhit], 0, Object::objects[i]->yaw, 0);
Person::players[k]->yaw = -asin(0 - lowpointtarget.x) * 180 / M_PI;
if (lowpointtarget.z < 0)
Person::players[k]->yaw = 180 - Person::players[k]->yaw;
- } else if (objects.type[i] == rocktype) {
+ } else if (Object::objects[i]->type == rocktype) {
lowpoint2 = Person::players[k]->coords;
lowpoint = Person::players[k]->coords;
lowpoint.y += 2;
- if (objects.model[i].LineCheck(&lowpoint, &lowpoint2, &colpoint, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i]) != -1) {
+ if (Object::objects[i]->model.LineCheck(&lowpoint, &lowpoint2, &colpoint, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw) != -1) {
Person::players[k]->coords = colpoint;
Person::players[k]->collide = 1;
tempcollide = 1;
int i = terrain.patchobjects[Person::players[k]->whichpatchx][Person::players[k]->whichpatchz][l];
lowpoint = Person::players[k]->coords;
lowpoint.y += 1.35;
- if (objects.type[i] != rocktype)
- if (Person::players[k]->SphereCheck(&lowpoint, 1.33, &colpoint, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i], &objects.model[i]) != -1) {
+ if (Object::objects[i]->type != rocktype)
+ if (Person::players[k]->SphereCheck(&lowpoint, 1.33, &colpoint, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw, &Object::objects[i]->model) != -1) {
if (Person::players[k]->animTarget != jumpupanim &&
Person::players[k]->animTarget != jumpdownanim &&
Person::players[k]->animTarget == jumpupanim ||
Person::players[k]->animTarget == jumpdownanim)) {
lowpoint = Person::players[k]->coords;
- objects.model[i].SphereCheckPossible(&lowpoint, 1.5, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i]);
+ Object::objects[i]->model.SphereCheckPossible(&lowpoint, 1.5, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw);
lowpoint = Person::players[k]->coords;
lowpoint.y += .05;
facing = 0;
facing.z = -1;
facing = DoRotation(facing, 0, Person::players[k]->targetyaw + 180, 0);
lowpointtarget = lowpoint + facing * 1.4;
- whichhit = objects.model[i].LineCheckPossible(&lowpoint, &lowpointtarget, &colpoint, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i]);
+ whichhit = Object::objects[i]->model.LineCheckPossible(&lowpoint, &lowpointtarget, &colpoint, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw);
if (whichhit != -1) {
lowpoint = Person::players[k]->coords;
lowpoint.y += .1;
lowpointtarget6.y += 45 / 13;
lowpointtarget6 += facing * .6;
lowpointtarget7.y += 90 / 13;
- whichhit = objects.model[i].LineCheckPossible(&lowpoint, &lowpointtarget, &colpoint, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i]);
- if (objects.friction[i] > .5)
+ whichhit = Object::objects[i]->model.LineCheckPossible(&lowpoint, &lowpointtarget, &colpoint, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw);
+ if (Object::objects[i]->friction > .5)
if (whichhit != -1) {
if (whichhit != -1 && Person::players[k]->animTarget != jumpupanim && Person::players[k]->animTarget != jumpdownanim)
Person::players[k]->collided = 1;
if (checkcollide(lowpoint7, lowpointtarget7) == -1)
if (checkcollide(lowpoint6, lowpointtarget6) == -1)
- if ( objects.model[i].LineCheckPossible(&lowpoint2, &lowpointtarget2,
- &colpoint, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i]) != -1 &&
- objects.model[i].LineCheckPossible(&lowpoint3, &lowpointtarget3,
- &colpoint, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i]) != -1 &&
- objects.model[i].LineCheckPossible(&lowpoint4, &lowpointtarget4,
- &colpoint, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i]) != -1 &&
- objects.model[i].LineCheckPossible(&lowpoint5, &lowpointtarget5,
- &colpoint, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i]) != -1)
+ if ( Object::objects[i]->model.LineCheckPossible(&lowpoint2, &lowpointtarget2,
+ &colpoint, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw) != -1 &&
+ Object::objects[i]->model.LineCheckPossible(&lowpoint3, &lowpointtarget3,
+ &colpoint, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw) != -1 &&
+ Object::objects[i]->model.LineCheckPossible(&lowpoint4, &lowpointtarget4,
+ &colpoint, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw) != -1 &&
+ Object::objects[i]->model.LineCheckPossible(&lowpoint5, &lowpointtarget5,
+ &colpoint, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw) != -1)
for (int j = 0; j < 45; j++) {
lowpoint = Person::players[k]->coords;
lowpoint.y += (float)j / 13;
lowpointtarget = lowpoint + facing * 1.4;
- if (objects.model[i].LineCheckPossible(&lowpoint, &lowpointtarget,
- &colpoint2, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i]) == -1) {
+ if (Object::objects[i]->model.LineCheckPossible(&lowpoint, &lowpointtarget,
+ &colpoint2, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw) == -1) {
if (j <= 6 || j <= 25 && Person::players[k]->animTarget == jumpdownanim)
if (Person::players[k]->animTarget == jumpupanim || Person::players[k]->animTarget == jumpdownanim) {
lowpoint.y += (float)j / 13;
lowpointtarget = lowpoint + facing * 1.3;
flatfacing = Person::players[k]->coords;
- Person::players[k]->coords = colpoint - DoRotation(objects.model[i].facenormals[whichhit], 0, objects.yaw[k], 0) * .01;
+ Person::players[k]->coords = colpoint - DoRotation(Object::objects[i]->model.facenormals[whichhit], 0, Object::objects[k]->yaw, 0) * .01;
Person::players[k]->coords.y = lowpointtarget.y - .07;
Person::players[k]->currentoffset = (flatfacing - Person::players[k]->coords) / Person::players[k]->scale;
emit_sound_at(jumpsound, Person::players[k]->coords, 128.);
- lowpointtarget = DoRotation(objects.model[i].facenormals[whichhit], 0, objects.yaw[i], 0);
+ lowpointtarget = DoRotation(Object::objects[i]->model.facenormals[whichhit], 0, Object::objects[i]->yaw, 0);
Person::players[k]->yaw = -asin(0 - lowpointtarget.x) * 180 / M_PI;
if (lowpointtarget.z < 0)
Person::players[k]->yaw = 180 - Person::players[k]->yaw;
terrain.decalalivetime[j] < 2)
- for (int l = 0; l < objects.numobjects; l++) {
- if (objects.model[l].type == decalstype)
- for (int j = 0; j < objects.model[l].numdecals; j++) {
- if ((objects.model[l].decaltype[j] == blooddecal ||
- objects.model[l].decaltype[j] == blooddecalslow) &&
- objects.model[l].decalalivetime[j] < 2)
- objects.model[l].DeleteDecal(j);
+ for (int l = 0; l < Object::objects.size(); l++) {
+ if (Object::objects[l]->model.type == decalstype)
+ for (int j = 0; j < Object::objects[l]->model.numdecals; j++) {
+ if ((Object::objects[l]->model.decaltype[j] == blooddecal ||
+ Object::objects[l]->model.decaltype[j] == blooddecalslow) &&
+ Object::objects[l]->model.decalalivetime[j] < 2)
+ Object::objects[l]->model.DeleteDecal(j);
- for (int l = 0; l < objects.numobjects; l++) {
- if (objects.model[l].type == decalstype)
- for (int j = 0; j < objects.model[l].numdecals; j++) {
- if ((objects.model[l].decaltype[j] == blooddecal ||
- objects.model[l].decaltype[j] == blooddecalslow) &&
- objects.model[l].decalalivetime[j] < 2) {
- objects.model[l].DeleteDecal(j);
+ for (int l = 0; l < Object::objects.size(); l++) {
+ if (Object::objects[l]->model.type == decalstype)
+ for (int j = 0; j < Object::objects[l]->model.numdecals; j++) {
+ if ((Object::objects[l]->model.decaltype[j] == blooddecal ||
+ Object::objects[l]->model.decaltype[j] == blooddecalslow) &&
+ Object::objects[l]->model.decalalivetime[j] < 2) {
+ Object::objects[l]->model.DeleteDecal(j);
Person::players[i]->avoidsomething = 0;
//avoid flaming things
- for (int j = 0; j < objects.numobjects; j++)
- if (objects.onfire[j])
- if (distsq(&Person::players[i]->coords, &objects.position[j]) < sq(objects.scale[j]) * 200)
- if ( distsq(&Person::players[i]->coords, &objects.position[j]) <
+ for (int j = 0; j < Object::objects.size(); j++)
+ if (Object::objects[j]->onfire)
+ if (distsq(&Person::players[i]->coords, &Object::objects[j]->position) < sq(Object::objects[j]->scale) * 200)
+ if ( distsq(&Person::players[i]->coords, &Object::objects[j]->position) <
distsq(&Person::players[i]->coords, &Person::players[0]->coords)) {
Person::players[i]->collided = 0;
Person::players[i]->avoidcollided = 1;
if (Person::players[i]->avoidsomething == 0 ||
- distsq(&Person::players[i]->coords, &objects.position[j]) <
+ distsq(&Person::players[i]->coords, &Object::objects[j]->position) <
distsq(&Person::players[i]->coords, &Person::players[i]->avoidwhere)) {
- Person::players[i]->avoidwhere = objects.position[j];
+ Person::players[i]->avoidwhere = Object::objects[j]->position;
Person::players[i]->avoidsomething = 1;
//do stuff
- objects.DoStuff();
+ Object::DoStuff();
for (int j = numenvsounds - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
envsoundlife[j] -= multiplier;
viewer = cameraloc - facing * cameradist;
colviewer = viewer;
coltarget = cameraloc;
- objects.SphereCheckPossible(&colviewer, findDistance(&colviewer, &coltarget));
+ Object::SphereCheckPossible(&colviewer, findDistance(&colviewer, &coltarget));
if (terrain.patchobjectnum[Person::players[0]->whichpatchx][Person::players[0]->whichpatchz])
for (int j = 0; j < terrain.patchobjectnum[Person::players[0]->whichpatchx][Person::players[0]->whichpatchz]; j++) {
int i = terrain.patchobjects[Person::players[0]->whichpatchx][Person::players[0]->whichpatchz][j];
colviewer = viewer;
coltarget = cameraloc;
- if (objects.model[i].LineCheckPossible(&colviewer, &coltarget, &col, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i]) != -1)
+ if (Object::objects[i]->model.LineCheckPossible(&colviewer, &coltarget, &col, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw) != -1)
viewer = col;
if (terrain.patchobjectnum[Person::players[0]->whichpatchx][Person::players[0]->whichpatchz])
for (int j = 0; j < terrain.patchobjectnum[Person::players[0]->whichpatchx][Person::players[0]->whichpatchz]; j++) {
int i = terrain.patchobjects[Person::players[0]->whichpatchx][Person::players[0]->whichpatchz][j];
colviewer = viewer;
- if (objects.model[i].SphereCheck(&colviewer, .15, &col, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i]) != -1) {
+ if (Object::objects[i]->model.SphereCheck(&colviewer, .15, &col, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw) != -1) {
viewer = colviewer;
float texdetail = 0;
float realtexdetail = 0;
float playerdist = 0;
-Objects objects;
int slomo = 0;
float slomodelay = 0;
GLubyte bloodText[512 * 512 * 3] = {0};
extern float multiplier;
extern float gravity;
extern Terrain terrain;
-extern Objects objects;
extern int detail;
extern XYZ viewerfacing;
extern int bloodtoggle;
start = sprites[i]->oldposition;
end = sprites[i]->position;
if (!spritehit)
- if (objects.model[k].LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &objects.position[k], &objects.yaw[k]) != -1) {
+ if (Object::objects[k]->model.LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &Object::objects[k]->position, &Object::objects[k]->yaw) != -1) {
if (detail == 2 || (detail == 1 && abs(Random() % 4) == 0) || (detail == 0 && abs(Random() % 8) == 0))
- objects.model[k].MakeDecal(blooddecalfast, DoRotation(colpoint - objects.position[k], 0, -objects.yaw[k], 0), sprites[i]->size * 1.6, .5, Random() % 360);
+ Object::objects[k]->model.MakeDecal(blooddecalfast, DoRotation(colpoint - Object::objects[k]->position, 0, -Object::objects[k]->yaw, 0), sprites[i]->size * 1.6, .5, Random() % 360);
spritehit = 1;
#include "Graphic/Texture.hpp"
#include "Math/Frustum.hpp"
#include "Math/Quaternions.hpp"
-#include "Objects/Objects.hpp"
+#include "Objects/Object.hpp"
#include "Utils/ImageIO.hpp"
#include <vector>
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003, 2010 - Wolfire Games
+Copyright (C) 2010-2016 - Lugaru contributors (see AUTHORS file)
+This file is part of Lugaru.
+Lugaru is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+Lugaru is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Lugaru. If not, see <>.
+#include "Objects/Object.hpp"
+extern XYZ viewer;
+extern float viewdistance;
+extern float fadestart;
+extern int environment;
+extern float texscale;
+extern Light light;
+extern float multiplier;
+extern float gravity;
+extern FRUSTUM frustum;
+extern Terrain terrain;
+extern bool foliage;
+extern int detail;
+extern float blurness;
+extern float windvar;
+extern float playerdist;
+extern bool skyboxtexture;
+std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Object>> Object::objects;
+XYZ Object::center;
+float Object::radius = 0;
+Texture Object::boxtextureptr;
+Texture Object::treetextureptr;
+Texture Object::bushtextureptr;
+Texture Object::rocktextureptr;
+Object::Object() :
+ position(),
+ type(0),
+ yaw(0),
+ pitch(0),
+ rotx(0),
+ rotxvel(0),
+ roty(0),
+ rotyvel(0),
+ possible(false),
+ model(),
+ displaymodel(),
+ friction(0),
+ scale(0),
+ messedwith(0),
+ checked(0),
+ shadowed(0),
+ occluded(0),
+ onfire(false),
+ flamedelay(0)
+Object::Object(int _type, XYZ _position, float _yaw, float _pitch, float _scale) : Object()
+ scale = _scale;
+ type = _type;
+ position = _position;
+ yaw = _yaw;
+ pitch = _pitch;
+ switch(type) {
+ case boxtype:
+ model.loaddecal("Models/Box.solid", 0);
+ friction = 1.5;
+ break;
+ case cooltype:
+ model.loaddecal("Models/Cool.solid", 0);
+ friction = 1.5;
+ break;
+ case walltype:
+ model.loaddecal("Models/Wall.solid", 0);
+ friction = 1.5;
+ break;
+ case tunneltype:
+ model.loaddecal("Models/Tunnel.solid", 0);
+ friction = 1.5;
+ break;
+ case chimneytype:
+ model.loaddecal("Models/Chimney.solid", 0);
+ friction = 1.5;
+ break;
+ case spiketype:
+ model.load("Models/Spike.solid", 0);
+ friction = .4;
+ break;
+ case weirdtype:
+ model.loaddecal("Models/Weird.solid", 0);
+ friction = 1.5;
+ break;
+ case rocktype:
+ model.loaddecal("Models/Rock.solid", 0);
+ if (scale > .5) {
+ friction = 1.5;
+ } else {
+ friction = .5;
+ }
+ break;
+ case treetrunktype:
+ model.load("Models/TreeTrunk.solid", 0);
+ friction = .4;
+ break;
+ case treeleavestype:
+ scale += fabs((float)(Random() % 100) / 900) * scale;
+ model.load("Models/Leaves.solid", 0);
+ friction = 0;
+ break;
+ case bushtype:
+ position.y = terrain.getHeight(position.x, position.z) - .3;
+ model.load("Models/Bush.solid", 0);
+ break;
+ case platformtype:
+ model.loaddecal("Models/Platform.solid", 0);
+ model.Rotate(90, 0, 0);
+ friction = 1.5;
+ break;
+ case firetype:
+ onfire = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (friction == 1.5 && fabs(pitch) > 5) {
+ friction = .5;
+ }
+ if (type == boxtype || type == cooltype || type == spiketype || type == weirdtype || type == walltype || type == chimneytype || type == tunneltype || type == platformtype) {
+ model.ScaleTexCoords(scale * 1.5);
+ }
+ if (type == rocktype) {
+ model.ScaleTexCoords(scale * 3);
+ }
+ model.flat = 1;
+ if (type == treetrunktype || type == treeleavestype || type == rocktype) {
+ model.flat = 0;
+ }
+ model.Scale(.3 * scale, .3 * scale, .3 * scale);
+ model.Rotate(90, 1, 1);
+ model.Rotate(pitch, 0, 0);
+ if (type == rocktype) {
+ model.Rotate(yaw * 5, 0, 0);
+ }
+ model.CalculateNormals(1);
+ model.ScaleNormals(-1, -1, -1);
+void Object::handleFire()
+ if (type == firetype) {
+ onfire = 1;
+ }
+ if (onfire) {
+ XYZ spawnpoint;
+ if ((type == bushtype) || (type == firetype)) {
+ flamedelay -= multiplier * 3;
+ } else if (type == treeleavestype) {
+ flamedelay -= multiplier * 4;
+ }
+ while ((flamedelay < 0) && onfire) {
+ flamedelay += .006;
+ if ((type == bushtype) || (type == firetype)) {
+ spawnpoint.x = ((float)(Random() % 100)) / 30 * scale;
+ spawnpoint.y = ((float)(Random() % 100) + 60) / 30 * scale;
+ spawnpoint.z = 0;
+ spawnpoint = DoRotation(spawnpoint, 0, Random() % 360, 0);
+ spawnpoint += position;
+ Sprite::MakeSprite(flamesprite, spawnpoint, spawnpoint * 0, 1, 1, 1, (.6 + (float)abs(Random() % 100) / 200 - .25) * 5 * scale, 1);
+ } else if (type == treeleavestype) {
+ spawnpoint.x = ((float)(Random() % 100)) / 80 * scale;
+ spawnpoint.y = ((float)(Random() % 100) + 80) / 12 * scale;
+ spawnpoint.z = 0;
+ spawnpoint = DoRotation(spawnpoint, 0, Random() % 360, 0);
+ spawnpoint += position;
+ Sprite::MakeSprite(flamesprite, spawnpoint, spawnpoint * 0, 1, 1, 1, (.6 + (float)abs(Random() % 100) / 200 - .25) * 6, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Object::doShadows(XYZ lightloc)
+ XYZ testpoint, testpoint2, terrainpoint, col;
+ int patchx, patchz;
+ if (type != treeleavestype && type != treetrunktype && type != bushtype && type != firetype) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < model.vertexNum; j++) {
+ terrainpoint = position + DoRotation(model.vertex[j] + model.normals[j] * .1, 0, yaw, 0);
+ shadowed = 0;
+ patchx = terrainpoint.x / (terrain.size / subdivision * terrain.scale);
+ patchz = terrainpoint.z / (terrain.size / subdivision * terrain.scale);
+ if (patchx >= 0 && patchz >= 0 && patchx < subdivision && patchz < subdivision) {
+ if (terrain.patchobjectnum[patchx][patchz]) {
+ for (int k = 0; k < terrain.patchobjectnum[patchx][patchz]; k++) {
+ int l = terrain.patchobjects[patchx][patchz][k];
+ if (objects[l]->type != treetrunktype) {
+ testpoint = terrainpoint;
+ testpoint2 = terrainpoint + lightloc * 50 * (1 - shadowed);
+ if (objects[l]->model.LineCheck(&testpoint, &testpoint2, &col, &objects[l]->position, &objects[l]->yaw) != -1) {
+ shadowed = 1 - (findDistance(&terrainpoint, &col) / 50);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (shadowed > 0) {
+ col = model.normals[j] - DoRotation(lightloc * shadowed, 0, -yaw, 0);
+ Normalise(&col);
+ for (int k = 0; k < model.TriangleNum; k++) {
+ if (model.Triangles[k].vertex[0] == j) {
+ int l = k * 24;
+ model.vArray[l + 2] = col.x;
+ model.vArray[l + 3] = col.y;
+ model.vArray[l + 4] = col.z;
+ }
+ if (model.Triangles[k].vertex[1] == j) {
+ int l = k * 24;
+ model.vArray[l + 10] = col.x;
+ model.vArray[l + 11] = col.y;
+ model.vArray[l + 12] = col.z;
+ }
+ if (model.Triangles[k].vertex[2] == j) {
+ int l = k * 24;
+ model.vArray[l + 18] = col.x;
+ model.vArray[l + 19] = col.y;
+ model.vArray[l + 20] = col.z;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ shadowed = 0;
+void Object::draw()
+ static float distance;
+ static XYZ moved, terrainlight;
+ bool hidden;
+ if (type == firetype) {
+ return;
+ }
+ moved = DoRotation(model.boundingspherecenter, 0, yaw, 0);
+ if (type == tunneltype || frustum.SphereInFrustum(position.x + moved.x, position.y + moved.y, position.z + moved.z, model.boundingsphereradius)) {
+ distance = distsq(&viewer, &position);
+ distance *= 1.2;
+ hidden = !(distsqflat(&viewer, &position) > playerdist + 3 || (type != bushtype && type != treeleavestype));
+ if (!hidden) {
+ if (detail == 2 && distance > viewdistance * viewdistance / 4 && environment == desertenvironment)
+ else
+ distance = (viewdistance * viewdistance - (distance - (viewdistance * viewdistance * fadestart)) * (1 / (1 - fadestart))) / viewdistance / viewdistance;
+ if (distance > 1)
+ distance = 1;
+ if (distance > 0) {
+ if (occluded < 6) {
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ if (!model.color)
+ glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ else
+ glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ glDepthMask(1);
+ glTranslatef(position.x, position.y, position.z);
+ if (type == bushtype) {
+ messedwith -= multiplier;
+ if (rotxvel || rotx) {
+ if (rotx > 0) rotxvel -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx);
+ if (rotx < 0) rotxvel += multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx);
+ if (rotx > 0) rotxvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotx < 0) rotxvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotxvel > 0) rotxvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotxvel < 0) rotxvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (fabs(rotx) < multiplier * 4)
+ rotx = 0;
+ if (fabs(rotxvel) < multiplier * 4)
+ rotxvel = 0;
+ rotx += rotxvel * multiplier * 4;
+ }
+ if (rotyvel || roty) {
+ if (roty > 0) rotyvel -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty);
+ if (roty < 0) rotyvel += multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty);
+ if (roty > 0) rotyvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (roty < 0) rotyvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotyvel > 0) rotyvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotyvel < 0) rotyvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (fabs(roty) < multiplier * 4)
+ roty = 0;
+ if (fabs(rotyvel) < multiplier * 4)
+ rotyvel = 0;
+ roty += rotyvel * multiplier * 4;
+ }
+ if (roty) {
+ glRotatef(roty, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (rotx) {
+ glRotatef(-rotx, 0, 0, 1);
+ }
+ if (rotx > 10)
+ rotx = 10;
+ if (rotx < -10)
+ rotx = -10;
+ if (roty > 10)
+ roty = 10;
+ if (roty < -10)
+ roty = -10;
+ }
+ if (type == treetrunktype || type == treeleavestype) {
+ if (type == treetrunktype || environment == desertenvironment) {
+ messedwith -= multiplier;
+ if (rotxvel || rotx) {
+ if (rotx > 0) rotxvel -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx);
+ if (rotx < 0) rotxvel += multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx);
+ if (rotx > 0) rotxvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotx < 0) rotxvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotxvel > 0) rotxvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotxvel < 0) rotxvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (fabs(rotx) < multiplier * 4)
+ rotx = 0;
+ if (fabs(rotxvel) < multiplier * 4)
+ rotxvel = 0;
+ rotx += rotxvel * multiplier * 4;
+ }
+ if (rotyvel || roty) {
+ if (roty > 0) rotyvel -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty);
+ if (roty < 0) rotyvel += multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty);
+ if (roty > 0) rotyvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (roty < 0) rotyvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotyvel > 0) rotyvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotyvel < 0) rotyvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (fabs(roty) < multiplier * 4)
+ roty = 0;
+ if (fabs(rotyvel) < multiplier * 4)
+ rotyvel = 0;
+ roty += rotyvel * multiplier * 4;
+ }
+ if (roty) {
+ glRotatef(roty / 6, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (rotx) {
+ glRotatef(-rotx / 6, 0, 0, 1);
+ }
+ if (rotx > 10)
+ rotx = 10;
+ if (rotx < -10)
+ rotx = -10;
+ if (roty > 10)
+ roty = 10;
+ if (roty < -10)
+ roty = -10;
+ } else {
+ messedwith -= multiplier;
+ if (rotxvel || rotx) {
+ if (rotx > 0) rotxvel -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx);
+ if (rotx < 0) rotxvel += multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx);
+ if (rotx > 0) rotxvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotx < 0) rotxvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotxvel > 0) rotxvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotxvel < 0) rotxvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (fabs(rotx) < multiplier * 4)
+ rotx = 0;
+ if (fabs(rotxvel) < multiplier * 4)
+ rotxvel = 0;
+ rotx += rotxvel * multiplier * 4;
+ }
+ if (rotyvel || roty) {
+ if (roty > 0) rotyvel -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty);
+ if (roty < 0) rotyvel += multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty);
+ if (roty > 0) rotyvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (roty < 0) rotyvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotyvel > 0) rotyvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotyvel < 0) rotyvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (fabs(roty) < multiplier * 4)
+ roty = 0;
+ if (fabs(rotyvel) < multiplier * 4)
+ rotyvel = 0;
+ roty += rotyvel * multiplier * 4;
+ }
+ if (roty) {
+ glRotatef(roty / 4, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (rotx) {
+ glRotatef(-rotx / 4, 0, 0, 1);
+ }
+ if (rotx > 10)
+ rotx = 10;
+ if (rotx < -10)
+ rotx = -10;
+ if (roty > 10)
+ roty = 10;
+ if (roty < -10)
+ roty = -10;
+ }
+ }
+ if (/*detail==2&&*/environment == snowyenvironment) {
+ if (type == treeleavestype) {
+ glRotatef((sin(windvar + position.x * .3) + .5) * 1.5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position.x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (type == treetrunktype) {
+ glRotatef((sin(windvar + position.x * .3) + .5)*.5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position.x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (type == bushtype) {
+ glRotatef((sin(windvar + position.x * .3) + .5) * 4 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position.x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (/*detail==2&&*/environment == grassyenvironment) {
+ if (type == treeleavestype) {
+ glRotatef((sin(windvar + position.x * .3) + .5) * 1.5 * .5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position.x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (type == treetrunktype) {
+ glRotatef((sin(windvar + position.x * .3) + .5)*.5 * .5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position.x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (type == bushtype) {
+ glRotatef((sin(windvar + position.x * .3) + .5) * 4 * .5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position.x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (/*detail==2&&*/environment == desertenvironment) {
+ if (type == bushtype) {
+ glRotatef((sin(windvar + position.x * .3) + .5) * 4 * .5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position.x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ glRotatef(yaw, 0, 1, 0);
+ if (distance > 1)
+ distance = 1;
+ glColor4f((1 - shadowed) / 2 + .5, (1 - shadowed) / 2 + .5, (1 - shadowed) / 2 + .5, distance);
+ if (distance >= 1) {
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.5);
+ }
+ if (distance < 1) {
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.1);
+ }
+ if (type != treetrunktype && type != treeleavestype && type != bushtype && type != rocktype) {
+ glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.0001);
+ model.drawdifftex(boxtextureptr);
+ model.drawdecals(terrain.shadowtexture, terrain.bloodtexture, terrain.bloodtexture2, terrain.breaktexture);
+ }
+ if (type == rocktype) {
+ glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.0001);
+ glColor4f((1 - shadowed) / 2 + light.ambient[0], (1 - shadowed) / 2 + light.ambient[1], (1 - shadowed) / 2 + light.ambient[2], distance);
+ model.drawdifftex(rocktextureptr);
+ model.drawdecals(terrain.shadowtexture, terrain.bloodtexture, terrain.bloodtexture2, terrain.breaktexture);
+ }
+ if (type == treeleavestype) {
+ glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ terrainlight = terrain.getLighting(position.x, position.z);
+ if (!hidden) {
+ glColor4f(terrainlight.x, terrainlight.y, terrainlight.z, distance);
+ if (distance < 1)
+ glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.2);
+ }
+ if (hidden) {
+ glDepthMask(0);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glColor4f(terrainlight.x, terrainlight.y, terrainlight.z, distance / 3);
+ glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0);
+ }
+ model.drawdifftex(treetextureptr);
+ }
+ if (type == bushtype) {
+ glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ terrainlight = terrain.getLighting(position.x, position.z);
+ if (!hidden) {
+ glColor4f(terrainlight.x, terrainlight.y, terrainlight.z, distance);
+ if (distance < 1)
+ glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.2);
+ }
+ if (hidden) {
+ glDepthMask(0);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glColor4f(terrainlight.x, terrainlight.y, terrainlight.z, distance / 3);
+ glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0);
+ }
+ model.drawdifftex(bushtextureptr);
+ }
+ if (type == treetrunktype) {
+ glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ terrainlight = terrain.getLighting(position.x, position.z);
+ glColor4f(terrainlight.x, terrainlight.y, terrainlight.z, distance);
+ model.drawdifftex(treetextureptr);
+ }
+ glPopMatrix();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Object::drawSecondPass()
+ static float distance;
+ static XYZ moved, terrainlight;
+ bool hidden;
+ if (type != treeleavestype && type != bushtype) {
+ return;
+ }
+ moved = DoRotation(model.boundingspherecenter, 0, yaw, 0);
+ if (frustum.SphereInFrustum(position.x + moved.x, position.y + moved.y, position.z + moved.z, model.boundingsphereradius)) {
+ hidden = distsqflat(&viewer, &position) <= playerdist + 3;
+ if (hidden) {
+ distance = 1;
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ glDepthMask(1);
+ glTranslatef(position.x, position.y, position.z);
+ if (type == bushtype) {
+ messedwith -= multiplier;
+ if (rotxvel || rotx) {
+ if (rotx > 0) rotxvel -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx);
+ if (rotx < 0) rotxvel += multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx);
+ if (rotx > 0) rotxvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotx < 0) rotxvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotxvel > 0) rotxvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotxvel < 0) rotxvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (fabs(rotx) < multiplier * 4)
+ rotx = 0;
+ if (fabs(rotxvel) < multiplier * 4)
+ rotxvel = 0;
+ rotx += rotxvel * multiplier * 4;
+ }
+ if (rotyvel || roty) {
+ if (roty > 0) rotyvel -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty);
+ if (roty < 0) rotyvel += multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty);
+ if (roty > 0) rotyvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (roty < 0) rotyvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotyvel > 0) rotyvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotyvel < 0) rotyvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (fabs(roty) < multiplier * 4)
+ roty = 0;
+ if (fabs(rotyvel) < multiplier * 4)
+ rotyvel = 0;
+ roty += rotyvel * multiplier * 4;
+ }
+ if (roty) {
+ glRotatef(roty, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (rotx) {
+ glRotatef(-rotx, 0, 0, 1);
+ }
+ if (rotx > 10)
+ rotx = 10;
+ if (rotx < -10)
+ rotx = -10;
+ if (roty > 10)
+ roty = 10;
+ if (roty < -10)
+ roty = -10;
+ }
+ if (type == treetrunktype || type == treeleavestype) {
+ messedwith -= multiplier;
+ if (rotxvel || rotx) {
+ if (rotx > 0) rotxvel -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx);
+ if (rotx < 0) rotxvel += multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx);
+ if (rotx > 0) rotxvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotx < 0) rotxvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotxvel > 0) rotxvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotxvel < 0) rotxvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (fabs(rotx) < multiplier * 4)
+ rotx = 0;
+ if (fabs(rotxvel) < multiplier * 4)
+ rotxvel = 0;
+ rotx += rotxvel * multiplier * 4;
+ }
+ if (rotyvel || roty) {
+ if (roty > 0) rotyvel -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty);
+ if (roty < 0) rotyvel += multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty);
+ if (roty > 0) rotyvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (roty < 0) rotyvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotyvel > 0) rotyvel -= multiplier * 4;
+ if (rotyvel < 0) rotyvel += multiplier * 4;
+ if (fabs(roty) < multiplier * 4)
+ roty = 0;
+ if (fabs(rotyvel) < multiplier * 4)
+ rotyvel = 0;
+ roty += rotyvel * multiplier * 4;
+ }
+ if (roty) {
+ glRotatef(roty / 2, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (rotx) {
+ glRotatef(-rotx / 2, 0, 0, 1);
+ }
+ if (rotx > 10)
+ rotx = 10;
+ if (rotx < -10)
+ rotx = -10;
+ if (roty > 10)
+ roty = 10;
+ if (roty < -10)
+ roty = -10;
+ }
+ if (environment == snowyenvironment) {
+ if (type == treeleavestype) {
+ glRotatef((sin(windvar + position.x * .3) + .5) * 1.5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position.x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (type == treetrunktype) {
+ glRotatef((sin(windvar + position.x * .3) + .5)*.5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position.x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (type == bushtype) {
+ glRotatef((sin(windvar + position.x * .3) + .5) * 4 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position.x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (environment == grassyenvironment) {
+ if (type == treeleavestype) {
+ glRotatef((sin(windvar + position.x * .3) + .5) * 1.5 * .5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position.x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (type == treetrunktype) {
+ glRotatef((sin(windvar + position.x * .3) + .5)*.5 * .5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position.x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (type == bushtype) {
+ glRotatef((sin(windvar + position.x * .3) + .5) * 4 * .5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position.x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ glRotatef(yaw, 0, 1, 0);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, distance);
+ if (type == treeleavestype) {
+ glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ terrainlight = terrain.getLighting(position.x, position.z);
+ glDepthMask(0);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glColor4f(terrainlight.x, terrainlight.y, terrainlight.z, .3);
+ glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0);
+ glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+ model.drawdifftex(treetextureptr);
+ }
+ if (type == bushtype) {
+ glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ terrainlight = terrain.getLighting(position.x, position.z);
+ glDepthMask(0);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glColor4f(terrainlight.x, terrainlight.y, terrainlight.z, .3);
+ glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0);
+ glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+ model.drawdifftex(bushtextureptr);
+ }
+ glPopMatrix();
+ }
+ }
+void Object::ComputeCenter()
+ center = 0;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) {
+ center += objects[i]->position;
+ }
+ center /= objects.size();
+void Object::ComputeRadius()
+ float maxdistance = 0;
+ float tempdist;
+ for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) {
+ tempdist = distsq(¢er, &objects[i]->position);
+ if (tempdist > maxdistance) {
+ maxdistance = tempdist;
+ }
+ }
+ radius = fast_sqrt(maxdistance);
+void Object::LoadObjectsFromFile(FILE* tfile, bool skip)
+ int numobjects;
+ int type;
+ XYZ position;
+ float yaw, pitch, scale, lastscale;
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &numobjects);
+ if (!skip) {
+ objects.clear();
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < numobjects; i++) {
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi Bf Bf Bf Bf Bf Bf", &type, &yaw, &pitch, &position.x, &position.y, &position.z, &scale);
+ if (!skip) {
+ if (type == treeleavestype) {
+ scale = lastscale;
+ }
+ objects.emplace_back(new Object(type, position, yaw, pitch, scale));
+ lastscale = scale;
+ }
+ }
+void Object::addToTerrain(unsigned id)
+ if ((type != treeleavestype) && (type != bushtype) && (type != firetype)) {
+ terrain.AddObject(position + DoRotation(model.boundingspherecenter, 0, yaw, 0), model.boundingsphereradius, id);
+ }
+ if (detail == 2) {
+ if ((type == treetrunktype) && (position.y < (terrain.getHeight(position.x, position.z) + 1))) {
+ terrain.MakeDecal(shadowdecalpermanent, position, 2, .4, 0);
+ }
+ if ((type == bushtype) && (position.y < (terrain.getHeight(position.x, position.z) + 1))) {
+ terrain.MakeDecal(shadowdecalpermanent, position, 1, .4, 0);
+ }
+ }
+void Object::AddObjectsToTerrain()
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) {
+ objects[i]->addToTerrain(i);
+ }
+bool Object::Checkcollide(XYZ startpoint, XYZ endpoint, int which)
+ static XYZ colpoint, colviewer, coltarget;
+ static int i;
+ startpoint.y += .1;
+ endpoint.y += .1;
+ startpoint.y -= .1;
+ endpoint.y -= .1;
+ for (i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) {
+ if (objects[i]->type != treeleavestype && objects[i]->type != treetrunktype && objects[i]->type != bushtype && objects[i]->type != firetype && i != which) {
+ colviewer = startpoint;
+ coltarget = endpoint;
+ if (objects[i]->model.LineCheck(&colviewer, &coltarget, &colpoint, &objects[i]->position, &objects[i]->yaw) != -1)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+void Object::SphereCheckPossible(XYZ *p1, float radius)
+ int whichpatchx = p1->x / (terrain.size / subdivision * terrain.scale);
+ int whichpatchz = p1->z / (terrain.size / subdivision * terrain.scale);
+ if (whichpatchx >= 0 && whichpatchz >= 0 && whichpatchx < subdivision && whichpatchz < subdivision) {
+ if (terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz] > 0 && terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz] < 500) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz]; j++) {
+ int i = terrain.patchobjects[whichpatchx][whichpatchz][j];
+ objects[i]->possible = false;
+ if (objects[i]->model.SphereCheckPossible(p1, radius, &objects[i]->position, &objects[i]->yaw) != -1) {
+ objects[i]->possible = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Object::Draw()
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) {
+ objects[i]->draw();
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) {
+ objects[i]->drawSecondPass();
+ }
+ if (environment == desertenvironment) {
+ }
+ glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+ SetUpLight(&light, 0);
+void Object::DeleteObject(int which)
+ objects.erase(objects.begin() + which);
+void Object::MakeObject(int atype, XYZ where, float ayaw, float apitch, float ascale)
+ if ((atype != treeleavestype && atype != bushtype) || foliage == 1) {
+ unsigned nextid = objects.size();
+ cout << "Adding object " << nextid << endl;
+ objects.emplace_back(new Object(atype, where, ayaw, apitch, ascale));
+ objects.back()->addToTerrain(nextid);
+ }
+void Object::DoStuff()
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) {
+ objects[i]->handleFire();
+ }
+void Object::DoShadows()
+ XYZ lightloc;
+ lightloc = light.location;
+ if (!skyboxtexture)
+ lightloc = 0;
+ lightloc.y += 10;
+ Normalise(&lightloc);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) {
+ objects[i]->doShadows(lightloc);
+ }
+//~ Object::~Objects()
+//~ {
+ //~ boxtextureptr.destroy();
+ //~ treetextureptr.destroy();
+ //~ bushtextureptr.destroy();
+ //~ rocktextureptr.destroy();
+//~ }
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 2003, 2010 - Wolfire Games
+Copyright (C) 2010-2016 - Lugaru contributors (see AUTHORS file)
+This file is part of Lugaru.
+Lugaru is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+Lugaru is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Lugaru. If not, see <>.
+#ifndef _OBJECTS_HPP_
+#define _OBJECTS_HPP_
+#include "Environment/Lights.hpp"
+#include "Environment/Terrain.hpp"
+#include "Graphic/gamegl.hpp"
+#include "Graphic/Models.hpp"
+#include "Graphic/Sprite.hpp"
+#include "Graphic/Texture.hpp"
+#include "Math/Frustum.hpp"
+#include "Math/Quaternions.hpp"
+#include "Utils/ImageIO.hpp"
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+// Model Structures
+#define max_objects 300
+#define boxtype 0
+#define weirdtype 1
+#define spiketype 2
+#define treetrunktype 3
+#define treeleavestype 4
+#define bushtype 5
+#define rocktype 6
+#define walltype 7
+#define chimneytype 8
+#define platformtype 9
+#define tunneltype 11
+#define cooltype 12
+#define firetype 13
+class Object
+ static std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Object>> objects;
+ static XYZ center;
+ static float radius;
+ static Texture boxtextureptr;
+ static Texture treetextureptr;
+ static Texture bushtextureptr;
+ static Texture rocktextureptr;
+ XYZ position;
+ int type;
+ float yaw;
+ float pitch;
+ float rotx;
+ float rotxvel;
+ float roty;
+ float rotyvel;
+ bool possible;
+ Model model;
+ Model displaymodel;
+ float friction;
+ float scale;
+ float messedwith;
+ float checked;
+ float shadowed;
+ float occluded;
+ bool onfire;
+ float flamedelay;
+ Object();
+ Object(int _type, XYZ _position, float _yaw, float _pitch, float _scale);
+ static void ComputeCenter();
+ static void ComputeRadius();
+ static bool Checkcollide(XYZ startpoint, XYZ endpoint, int which);
+ static void AddObjectsToTerrain();
+ static void LoadObjectsFromFile(FILE* tfile, bool skip);
+ static void SphereCheckPossible(XYZ *p1, float radius);
+ static void DeleteObject(int which);
+ static void MakeObject(int atype, XYZ where, float ayaw, float apitch, float ascale);
+ static void Draw();
+ static void DoShadows();
+ static void DoStuff();
+ void handleFire();
+ void doShadows(XYZ lightloc);
+ void draw();
+ void drawSecondPass();
+ void addToTerrain(unsigned id);
+++ /dev/null
-Copyright (C) 2003, 2010 - Wolfire Games
-Copyright (C) 2010-2016 - Lugaru contributors (see AUTHORS file)
-This file is part of Lugaru.
-Lugaru is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-Lugaru is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with Lugaru. If not, see <>.
-#include "Objects/Objects.hpp"
-extern XYZ viewer;
-extern float viewdistance;
-extern float fadestart;
-extern int environment;
-extern float texscale;
-extern Light light;
-extern float multiplier;
-extern float gravity;
-extern FRUSTUM frustum;
-extern Terrain terrain;
-extern bool foliage;
-extern int detail;
-extern float blurness;
-extern float windvar;
-extern float playerdist;
-extern bool skyboxtexture;
-bool Objects::checkcollide(XYZ startpoint, XYZ endpoint, int which)
- static XYZ colpoint, colviewer, coltarget;
- static int i;
- startpoint.y += .1;
- endpoint.y += .1;
- startpoint.y -= .1;
- endpoint.y -= .1;
- for (i = 0; i < numobjects; i++) {
- if (type[i] != treeleavestype && type[i] != treetrunktype && type[i] != bushtype && type[i] != firetype && i != which) {
- colviewer = startpoint;
- coltarget = endpoint;
- if (model[i].LineCheck(&colviewer, &coltarget, &colpoint, &position[i], &yaw[i]) != -1)
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-void Objects::SphereCheckPossible(XYZ *p1, float radius)
- static int i, j;
- static int whichpatchx;
- static int whichpatchz;
- whichpatchx = p1->x / (terrain.size / subdivision * terrain.scale);
- whichpatchz = p1->z / (terrain.size / subdivision * terrain.scale);
- if (whichpatchx >= 0 && whichpatchz >= 0 && whichpatchx < subdivision && whichpatchz < subdivision)
- if (terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz] > 0 && terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz] < 500)
- for (j = 0; j < terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz]; j++) {
- i = terrain.patchobjects[whichpatchx][whichpatchz][j];
- possible[i] = 0;
- if (model[i].SphereCheckPossible(p1, radius, &position[i], &yaw[i]) != -1) {
- possible[i] = 1;
- }
- }
-void Objects::Draw()
- static float distance;
- static int i;
- static XYZ moved, terrainlight;
- bool hidden;
- for (i = 0; i < numobjects; i++) {
- if (type[i] != firetype) {
- moved = DoRotation(model[i].boundingspherecenter, 0, yaw[i], 0);
- if (type[i] == tunneltype || frustum.SphereInFrustum(position[i].x + moved.x, position[i].y + moved.y, position[i].z + moved.z, model[i].boundingsphereradius)) {
- distance = distsq(&viewer, &position[i]);
- distance *= 1.2;
- hidden = !(distsqflat(&viewer, &position[i]) > playerdist + 3 || (type[i] != bushtype && type[i] != treeleavestype));
- if (!hidden) {
- if (detail == 2 && distance > viewdistance * viewdistance / 4 && environment == desertenvironment)
- else
- distance = (viewdistance * viewdistance - (distance - (viewdistance * viewdistance * fadestart)) * (1 / (1 - fadestart))) / viewdistance / viewdistance;
- if (distance > 1)
- distance = 1;
- if (distance > 0) {
- if (occluded[i] < 6) {
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- glPushMatrix();
- if (!model[i].color)
- glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
- else
- glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
- glDepthMask(1);
- glTranslatef(position[i].x, position[i].y, position[i].z);
- if (type[i] == bushtype) {
- messedwith[i] -= multiplier;
- if (rotxvel[i] || rotx[i]) {
- if (rotx[i] > 0) rotxvel[i] -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx[i]);
- if (rotx[i] < 0) rotxvel[i] += multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx[i]);
- if (rotx[i] > 0) rotxvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (rotx[i] < 0) rotxvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (rotxvel[i] > 0) rotxvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (rotxvel[i] < 0) rotxvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (fabs(rotx[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- rotx[i] = 0;
- if (fabs(rotxvel[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- rotxvel[i] = 0;
- rotx[i] += rotxvel[i] * multiplier * 4;
- }
- if (rotyvel[i] || roty[i]) {
- if (roty[i] > 0) rotyvel[i] -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty[i]);
- if (roty[i] < 0) rotyvel[i] += multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty[i]);
- if (roty[i] > 0) rotyvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (roty[i] < 0) rotyvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (rotyvel[i] > 0) rotyvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (rotyvel[i] < 0) rotyvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (fabs(roty[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- roty[i] = 0;
- if (fabs(rotyvel[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- rotyvel[i] = 0;
- roty[i] += rotyvel[i] * multiplier * 4;
- }
- if (roty[i]) {
- glRotatef(roty[i], 1, 0, 0);
- }
- if (rotx[i]) {
- glRotatef(-rotx[i], 0, 0, 1);
- }
- if (rotx[i] > 10)
- rotx[i] = 10;
- if (rotx[i] < -10)
- rotx[i] = -10;
- if (roty[i] > 10)
- roty[i] = 10;
- if (roty[i] < -10)
- roty[i] = -10;
- }
- if (type[i] == treetrunktype || type[i] == treeleavestype) {
- if (type[i] == treetrunktype || environment == desertenvironment) {
- messedwith[i] -= multiplier;
- if (rotxvel[i] || rotx[i]) {
- if (rotx[i] > 0) rotxvel[i] -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx[i]);
- if (rotx[i] < 0) rotxvel[i] += multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx[i]);
- if (rotx[i] > 0) rotxvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (rotx[i] < 0) rotxvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (rotxvel[i] > 0) rotxvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (rotxvel[i] < 0) rotxvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (fabs(rotx[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- rotx[i] = 0;
- if (fabs(rotxvel[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- rotxvel[i] = 0;
- rotx[i] += rotxvel[i] * multiplier * 4;
- }
- if (rotyvel[i] || roty[i]) {
- if (roty[i] > 0) rotyvel[i] -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty[i]);
- if (roty[i] < 0) rotyvel[i] += multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty[i]);
- if (roty[i] > 0) rotyvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (roty[i] < 0) rotyvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (rotyvel[i] > 0) rotyvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (rotyvel[i] < 0) rotyvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (fabs(roty[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- roty[i] = 0;
- if (fabs(rotyvel[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- rotyvel[i] = 0;
- roty[i] += rotyvel[i] * multiplier * 4;
- }
- if (roty[i]) {
- glRotatef(roty[i] / 6, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- if (rotx[i]) {
- glRotatef(-rotx[i] / 6, 0, 0, 1);
- }
- if (rotx[i] > 10)
- rotx[i] = 10;
- if (rotx[i] < -10)
- rotx[i] = -10;
- if (roty[i] > 10)
- roty[i] = 10;
- if (roty[i] < -10)
- roty[i] = -10;
- } else {
- messedwith[i] -= multiplier;
- if (rotxvel[i] || rotx[i]) {
- if (rotx[i] > 0) rotxvel[i] -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx[i]);
- if (rotx[i] < 0) rotxvel[i] += multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx[i]);
- if (rotx[i] > 0) rotxvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (rotx[i] < 0) rotxvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (rotxvel[i] > 0) rotxvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (rotxvel[i] < 0) rotxvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (fabs(rotx[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- rotx[i] = 0;
- if (fabs(rotxvel[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- rotxvel[i] = 0;
- rotx[i] += rotxvel[i] * multiplier * 4;
- }
- if (rotyvel[i] || roty[i]) {
- if (roty[i] > 0) rotyvel[i] -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty[i]);
- if (roty[i] < 0) rotyvel[i] += multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty[i]);
- if (roty[i] > 0) rotyvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (roty[i] < 0) rotyvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (rotyvel[i] > 0) rotyvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (rotyvel[i] < 0) rotyvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (fabs(roty[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- roty[i] = 0;
- if (fabs(rotyvel[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- rotyvel[i] = 0;
- roty[i] += rotyvel[i] * multiplier * 4;
- }
- if (roty[i]) {
- glRotatef(roty[i] / 4, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- if (rotx[i]) {
- glRotatef(-rotx[i] / 4, 0, 0, 1);
- }
- if (rotx[i] > 10)
- rotx[i] = 10;
- if (rotx[i] < -10)
- rotx[i] = -10;
- if (roty[i] > 10)
- roty[i] = 10;
- if (roty[i] < -10)
- roty[i] = -10;
- }
- }
- if (/*detail==2&&*/environment == snowyenvironment) {
- if (type[i] == treeleavestype) {
- glRotatef((sin(windvar + position[i].x * .3) + .5) * 1.5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position[i].x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- if (type[i] == treetrunktype) {
- glRotatef((sin(windvar + position[i].x * .3) + .5)*.5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position[i].x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- if (type[i] == bushtype) {
- glRotatef((sin(windvar + position[i].x * .3) + .5) * 4 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position[i].x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- if (/*detail==2&&*/environment == grassyenvironment) {
- if (type[i] == treeleavestype) {
- glRotatef((sin(windvar + position[i].x * .3) + .5) * 1.5 * .5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position[i].x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- if (type[i] == treetrunktype) {
- glRotatef((sin(windvar + position[i].x * .3) + .5)*.5 * .5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position[i].x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- if (type[i] == bushtype) {
- glRotatef((sin(windvar + position[i].x * .3) + .5) * 4 * .5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position[i].x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- if (/*detail==2&&*/environment == desertenvironment) {
- if (type[i] == bushtype) {
- glRotatef((sin(windvar + position[i].x * .3) + .5) * 4 * .5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position[i].x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- glRotatef(yaw[i], 0, 1, 0);
- if (distance > 1)
- distance = 1;
- glColor4f((1 - shadowed[i]) / 2 + .5, (1 - shadowed[i]) / 2 + .5, (1 - shadowed[i]) / 2 + .5, distance);
- if (distance >= 1) {
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.5);
- }
- if (distance < 1) {
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.1);
- }
- if (type[i] != treetrunktype && type[i] != treeleavestype && type[i] != bushtype && type[i] != rocktype) {
- glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
- glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.0001);
- model[i].drawdifftex(boxtextureptr);
- model[i].drawdecals(terrain.shadowtexture, terrain.bloodtexture, terrain.bloodtexture2, terrain.breaktexture);
- }
- if (type[i] == rocktype) {
- glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
- glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.0001);
- glColor4f((1 - shadowed[i]) / 2 + light.ambient[0], (1 - shadowed[i]) / 2 + light.ambient[1], (1 - shadowed[i]) / 2 + light.ambient[2], distance);
- model[i].drawdifftex(rocktextureptr);
- model[i].drawdecals(terrain.shadowtexture, terrain.bloodtexture, terrain.bloodtexture2, terrain.breaktexture);
- }
- if (type[i] == treeleavestype) {
- glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
- glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
- terrainlight = terrain.getLighting(position[i].x, position[i].z);
- if (!hidden) {
- glColor4f(terrainlight.x, terrainlight.y, terrainlight.z, distance);
- if (distance < 1)
- glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.2);
- }
- if (hidden) {
- glDepthMask(0);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glColor4f(terrainlight.x, terrainlight.y, terrainlight.z, distance / 3);
- glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0);
- }
- model[i].drawdifftex(treetextureptr);
- }
- if (type[i] == bushtype) {
- glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
- glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
- terrainlight = terrain.getLighting(position[i].x, position[i].z);
- if (!hidden) {
- glColor4f(terrainlight.x, terrainlight.y, terrainlight.z, distance);
- if (distance < 1)
- glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.2);
- }
- if (hidden) {
- glDepthMask(0);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glColor4f(terrainlight.x, terrainlight.y, terrainlight.z, distance / 3);
- glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0);
- }
- model[i].drawdifftex(bushtextureptr);
- }
- if (type[i] == treetrunktype) {
- glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
- terrainlight = terrain.getLighting(position[i].x, position[i].z);
- glColor4f(terrainlight.x, terrainlight.y, terrainlight.z, distance);
- model[i].drawdifftex(treetextureptr);
- }
- glPopMatrix();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < numobjects; i++) {
- if (type[i] == treeleavestype || type[i] == bushtype) {
- moved = DoRotation(model[i].boundingspherecenter, 0, yaw[i], 0);
- if (frustum.SphereInFrustum(position[i].x + moved.x, position[i].y + moved.y, position[i].z + moved.z, model[i].boundingsphereradius)) {
- hidden = distsqflat(&viewer, &position[i]) <= playerdist + 3;
- if (hidden) {
- distance = 1;
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- glPushMatrix();
- glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
- glDepthMask(1);
- glTranslatef(position[i].x, position[i].y, position[i].z);
- if (type[i] == bushtype) {
- messedwith[i] -= multiplier;
- if (rotxvel[i] || rotx[i]) {
- if (rotx[i] > 0) rotxvel[i] -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx[i]);
- if (rotx[i] < 0) rotxvel[i] += multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx[i]);
- if (rotx[i] > 0) rotxvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (rotx[i] < 0) rotxvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (rotxvel[i] > 0) rotxvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (rotxvel[i] < 0) rotxvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (fabs(rotx[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- rotx[i] = 0;
- if (fabs(rotxvel[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- rotxvel[i] = 0;
- rotx[i] += rotxvel[i] * multiplier * 4;
- }
- if (rotyvel[i] || roty[i]) {
- if (roty[i] > 0) rotyvel[i] -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty[i]);
- if (roty[i] < 0) rotyvel[i] += multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty[i]);
- if (roty[i] > 0) rotyvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (roty[i] < 0) rotyvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (rotyvel[i] > 0) rotyvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (rotyvel[i] < 0) rotyvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (fabs(roty[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- roty[i] = 0;
- if (fabs(rotyvel[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- rotyvel[i] = 0;
- roty[i] += rotyvel[i] * multiplier * 4;
- }
- if (roty[i]) {
- glRotatef(roty[i], 1, 0, 0);
- }
- if (rotx[i]) {
- glRotatef(-rotx[i], 0, 0, 1);
- }
- if (rotx[i] > 10)
- rotx[i] = 10;
- if (rotx[i] < -10)
- rotx[i] = -10;
- if (roty[i] > 10)
- roty[i] = 10;
- if (roty[i] < -10)
- roty[i] = -10;
- }
- if (type[i] == treetrunktype || type[i] == treeleavestype) {
- messedwith[i] -= multiplier;
- if (rotxvel[i] || rotx[i]) {
- if (rotx[i] > 0) rotxvel[i] -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx[i]);
- if (rotx[i] < 0) rotxvel[i] += multiplier * 8 * fabs(rotx[i]);
- if (rotx[i] > 0) rotxvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (rotx[i] < 0) rotxvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (rotxvel[i] > 0) rotxvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (rotxvel[i] < 0) rotxvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (fabs(rotx[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- rotx[i] = 0;
- if (fabs(rotxvel[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- rotxvel[i] = 0;
- rotx[i] += rotxvel[i] * multiplier * 4;
- }
- if (rotyvel[i] || roty[i]) {
- if (roty[i] > 0) rotyvel[i] -= multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty[i]);
- if (roty[i] < 0) rotyvel[i] += multiplier * 8 * fabs(roty[i]);
- if (roty[i] > 0) rotyvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (roty[i] < 0) rotyvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (rotyvel[i] > 0) rotyvel[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- if (rotyvel[i] < 0) rotyvel[i] += multiplier * 4;
- if (fabs(roty[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- roty[i] = 0;
- if (fabs(rotyvel[i]) < multiplier * 4)
- rotyvel[i] = 0;
- roty[i] += rotyvel[i] * multiplier * 4;
- }
- if (roty[i]) {
- glRotatef(roty[i] / 2, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- if (rotx[i]) {
- glRotatef(-rotx[i] / 2, 0, 0, 1);
- }
- if (rotx[i] > 10)
- rotx[i] = 10;
- if (rotx[i] < -10)
- rotx[i] = -10;
- if (roty[i] > 10)
- roty[i] = 10;
- if (roty[i] < -10)
- roty[i] = -10;
- }
- if (environment == snowyenvironment) {
- if (type[i] == treeleavestype) {
- glRotatef((sin(windvar + position[i].x * .3) + .5) * 1.5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position[i].x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- if (type[i] == treetrunktype) {
- glRotatef((sin(windvar + position[i].x * .3) + .5)*.5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position[i].x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- if (type[i] == bushtype) {
- glRotatef((sin(windvar + position[i].x * .3) + .5) * 4 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position[i].x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- if (environment == grassyenvironment) {
- if (type[i] == treeleavestype) {
- glRotatef((sin(windvar + position[i].x * .3) + .5) * 1.5 * .5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position[i].x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- if (type[i] == treetrunktype) {
- glRotatef((sin(windvar + position[i].x * .3) + .5)*.5 * .5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position[i].x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- if (type[i] == bushtype) {
- glRotatef((sin(windvar + position[i].x * .3) + .5) * 4 * .5 * (sin(windvar * 2 + position[i].x * .3) + 1) / 2, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- glRotatef(yaw[i], 0, 1, 0);
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, distance);
- if (type[i] == treeleavestype) {
- glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
- glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
- terrainlight = terrain.getLighting(position[i].x, position[i].z);
- glDepthMask(0);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glColor4f(terrainlight.x, terrainlight.y, terrainlight.z, .3);
- glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0);
- glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
- model[i].drawdifftex(treetextureptr);
- }
- if (type[i] == bushtype) {
- glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
- glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
- terrainlight = terrain.getLighting(position[i].x, position[i].z);
- glDepthMask(0);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glColor4f(terrainlight.x, terrainlight.y, terrainlight.z, .3);
- glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0);
- glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
- model[i].drawdifftex(bushtextureptr);
- }
- glPopMatrix();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (environment == desertenvironment)
- glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
- SetUpLight(&light, 0);
-void Objects::DeleteObject(int which)
- type[numobjects - 1] = 0;
- yaw[numobjects - 1] = 0;
- position[numobjects - 1] = 0;
- scale[numobjects - 1] = 0;
- friction[numobjects - 1] = 0;
- numobjects--;
-void Objects::MakeObject(int atype, XYZ where, float ayaw, float apitch, float ascale)
- if ((atype != treeleavestype && atype != bushtype) || foliage == 1) {
- scale[numobjects] = ascale;
- if (atype == treeleavestype)
- scale[numobjects] += fabs((float)(Random() % 100) / 900) * ascale;
- onfire[numobjects] = 0;
- flamedelay[numobjects] = 0;
- type[numobjects] = atype;
- if (atype == firetype)
- onfire[numobjects] = 1;
- position[numobjects] = where;
- if (atype == bushtype)
- position[numobjects].y = terrain.getHeight(position[numobjects].x, position[numobjects].z) - .3;
- yaw[numobjects] = ayaw;
- pitch[numobjects] = apitch;
- rotxvel[numobjects] = 0;
- rotyvel[numobjects] = 0;
- rotx[numobjects] = 0;
- roty[numobjects] = 0;
- if (atype == boxtype) model[numobjects].loaddecal("Models/Box.solid", 0);
- if (atype == cooltype) model[numobjects].loaddecal("Models/Cool.solid", 0);
- if (atype == walltype) model[numobjects].loaddecal("Models/Wall.solid", 0);
- if (atype == tunneltype) model[numobjects].loaddecal("Models/Tunnel.solid", 0);
- if (atype == chimneytype) model[numobjects].loaddecal("Models/Chimney.solid", 0);
- if (atype == spiketype) model[numobjects].load("Models/Spike.solid", 0);
- if (atype == weirdtype) model[numobjects].loaddecal("Models/Weird.solid", 0);
- if (atype == rocktype) model[numobjects].loaddecal("Models/Rock.solid", 0);
- if (atype == treetrunktype) model[numobjects].load("Models/TreeTrunk.solid", 0);
- if (atype == treeleavestype) model[numobjects].load("Models/Leaves.solid", 0);
- if (atype == bushtype) model[numobjects].load("Models/Bush.solid", 0);
- if (atype == boxtype) friction[numobjects] = 1.5;
- if (atype == cooltype) friction[numobjects] = 1.5;
- if (atype == walltype) friction[numobjects] = 1.5;
- if (atype == platformtype) friction[numobjects] = 1.5;
- if (atype == tunneltype) friction[numobjects] = 1.5;
- if (atype == chimneytype) friction[numobjects] = 1.5;
- if (atype == rocktype) friction[numobjects] = .5;
- if (atype == rocktype && ascale>.5) friction[numobjects] = 1.5;
- if (atype == weirdtype) friction[numobjects] = 1.5;
- if (atype == spiketype) friction[numobjects] = .4;
- if (atype == treetrunktype) friction[numobjects] = .4;
- if (atype == treeleavestype) friction[numobjects] = 0;
- if (friction[numobjects] == 1.5 && fabs(apitch) > 5)
- friction[numobjects] = .5;
- if (atype == platformtype) {
- model[numobjects].loaddecal("Models/Platform.solid", 0);
- model[numobjects].Rotate(90, 0, 0);
- }
- if (type[numobjects] == boxtype || type[numobjects] == cooltype || type[numobjects] == spiketype || type[numobjects] == weirdtype || type[numobjects] == walltype || type[numobjects] == chimneytype || type[numobjects] == tunneltype || type[numobjects] == platformtype) {
- model[numobjects].ScaleTexCoords(scale[numobjects] * 1.5);
- }
- if (type[numobjects] == rocktype) {
- model[numobjects].ScaleTexCoords(scale[numobjects] * 3);
- }
- model[numobjects].flat = 1;
- if (atype == treetrunktype || atype == treeleavestype || atype == rocktype) {
- model[numobjects].flat = 0;
- }
- model[numobjects].Scale(.3 * scale[numobjects], .3 * scale[numobjects], .3 * scale[numobjects]);
- model[numobjects].Rotate(90, 1, 1);
- model[numobjects].Rotate(apitch, 0, 0);
- if (type[numobjects] == rocktype) {
- model[numobjects].Rotate(ayaw * 5, 0, 0);
- }
- model[numobjects].CalculateNormals(1);
- model[numobjects].ScaleNormals(-1, -1, -1);
- if (detail == 2) {
- if (atype == treetrunktype && position[numobjects].y < terrain.getHeight(position[numobjects].x, position[numobjects].z) + 1) {
- terrain.MakeDecal(shadowdecalpermanent, position[numobjects], 2, .4, 0);
- }
- if (atype == bushtype && position[numobjects].y < terrain.getHeight(position[numobjects].x, position[numobjects].z) + 1) {
- terrain.MakeDecal(shadowdecalpermanent, position[numobjects], 1, .4, 0);
- }
- }
- if (atype != treeleavestype && atype != bushtype && atype != firetype) {
- terrain.AddObject(where + DoRotation(model[numobjects].boundingspherecenter, 0, ayaw, 0), model[numobjects].boundingsphereradius, numobjects);
- }
- numobjects++;
- }
-void Objects::DoStuff()
- XYZ spawnpoint;
- for (int i = 0; i < numobjects; i++) {
- if (type[i] == firetype)
- onfire[i] = 1;
- if (onfire[i]) {
- if (type[i] == bushtype)
- flamedelay[i] -= multiplier * 3;
- if (type[i] == firetype)
- flamedelay[i] -= multiplier * 3;
- if (type[i] == treeleavestype)
- flamedelay[i] -= multiplier * 4;
- while (flamedelay[i] < 0 && onfire[i]) {
- flamedelay[i] += .006;
- if (type[i] == bushtype || type[i] == firetype) {
- spawnpoint.x = ((float)(Random() % 100)) / 30 * scale[i];
- spawnpoint.y = ((float)(Random() % 100) + 60) / 30 * scale[i];
- spawnpoint.z = 0;
- spawnpoint = DoRotation(spawnpoint, 0, Random() % 360, 0);
- spawnpoint += position[i];
- Sprite::MakeSprite(flamesprite, spawnpoint, spawnpoint * 0, 1, 1, 1, (.6 + (float)abs(Random() % 100) / 200 - .25) * 5 * scale[i], 1);
- }
- if (type[i] == treeleavestype) {
- spawnpoint.x = ((float)(Random() % 100)) / 80 * scale[i];
- spawnpoint.y = ((float)(Random() % 100) + 80) / 12 * scale[i];
- spawnpoint.z = 0;
- spawnpoint = DoRotation(spawnpoint, 0, Random() % 360, 0);
- spawnpoint += position[i];
- Sprite::MakeSprite(flamesprite, spawnpoint, spawnpoint * 0, 1, 1, 1, (.6 + (float)abs(Random() % 100) / 200 - .25) * 6, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void Objects::DoShadows()
- int i, j, k, l;
- static XYZ testpoint, testpoint2, terrainpoint, lightloc, col;
- lightloc = light.location;
- if (!skyboxtexture)
- lightloc = 0;
- lightloc.y += 10;
- Normalise(&lightloc);
- int patchx, patchz;
- if (numobjects > 0)
- for (i = 0; i < numobjects; i++) {
- if (type[i] != treeleavestype && type[i] != treetrunktype && type[i] != bushtype && type[i] != firetype) {
- for (j = 0; j < model[i].vertexNum; j++) {
- terrainpoint = position[i] + DoRotation(model[i].vertex[j] + model[i].normals[j] * .1, 0, yaw[i], 0);
- //terrainpoint.y+=model[i].boundingsphereradius;
- shadowed[i] = 0;
- patchx = terrainpoint.x / (terrain.size / subdivision * terrain.scale);
- patchz = terrainpoint.z / (terrain.size / subdivision * terrain.scale);
- if (patchx >= 0 && patchz >= 0 && patchx < subdivision && patchz < subdivision)
- if (terrain.patchobjectnum[patchx][patchz])
- for (k = 0; k < terrain.patchobjectnum[patchx][patchz]; k++) {
- l = terrain.patchobjects[patchx][patchz][k];
- if (type[l] != treetrunktype/*&&l!=i*/) {
- testpoint = terrainpoint;
- testpoint2 = terrainpoint + lightloc * 50 * (1 - shadowed[i]);
- if (model[l].LineCheck(&testpoint, &testpoint2, &col, &position[l], &yaw[l]) != -1) {
- shadowed[i] = 1 - (findDistance(&terrainpoint, &col) / 50);
- }
- }
- }
- if (shadowed[i] > 0) {
- col = model[i].normals[j] - DoRotation(lightloc * shadowed[i], 0, -yaw[i], 0);
- Normalise(&col);
- for (k = 0; k < model[i].TriangleNum; k++) {
- if (model[i].Triangles[k].vertex[0] == j) {
- l = k * 24;
- model[i].vArray[l + 2] = col.x;
- model[i].vArray[l + 3] = col.y;
- model[i].vArray[l + 4] = col.z;
- }
- if (model[i].Triangles[k].vertex[1] == j) {
- l = k * 24;
- model[i].vArray[l + 10] = col.x;
- model[i].vArray[l + 11] = col.y;
- model[i].vArray[l + 12] = col.z;
- }
- if (model[i].Triangles[k].vertex[2] == j) {
- l = k * 24;
- model[i].vArray[l + 18] = col.x;
- model[i].vArray[l + 19] = col.y;
- model[i].vArray[l + 20] = col.z;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- shadowed[i] = 0;
- }
- center = 0;
- radius = 0;
- numobjects = 0;
- memset(position, 0, sizeof(position));
- memset(type, 0, sizeof(type));
- memset(yaw, 0, sizeof(yaw));
- memset(pitch, 0, sizeof(pitch));
- memset(rotx, 0, sizeof(rotx));
- memset(rotxvel, 0, sizeof(rotxvel));
- memset(roty, 0, sizeof(roty));
- memset(rotyvel, 0, sizeof(rotyvel));
- memset(possible, 0, sizeof(possible));
- memset(model, 0, sizeof(model));
- memset(displaymodel, 0, sizeof(displaymodel));
- memset(friction, 0, sizeof(friction));
- memset(scale, 0, sizeof(scale));
- memset(messedwith, 0, sizeof(messedwith));
- memset(checked, 0, sizeof(checked));
- memset(shadowed, 0, sizeof(shadowed));
- memset(occluded, 0, sizeof(occluded));
- memset(onfire, 0, sizeof(onfire));
- memset(flamedelay, 0, sizeof(flamedelay));
- boxtextureptr.destroy();
- treetextureptr.destroy();
- bushtextureptr.destroy();
- rocktextureptr.destroy();
+++ /dev/null
-Copyright (C) 2003, 2010 - Wolfire Games
-Copyright (C) 2010-2016 - Lugaru contributors (see AUTHORS file)
-This file is part of Lugaru.
-Lugaru is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-Lugaru is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with Lugaru. If not, see <>.
-#ifndef _OBJECTS_HPP_
-#define _OBJECTS_HPP_
-#include "Environment/Lights.hpp"
-#include "Environment/Terrain.hpp"
-#include "Graphic/gamegl.hpp"
-#include "Graphic/Models.hpp"
-#include "Graphic/Sprite.hpp"
-#include "Graphic/Texture.hpp"
-#include "Math/Frustum.hpp"
-#include "Math/Quaternions.hpp"
-#include "Utils/ImageIO.hpp"
-#include <vector>
-// Model Structures
-#define max_objects 300
-#define boxtype 0
-#define weirdtype 1
-#define spiketype 2
-#define treetrunktype 3
-#define treeleavestype 4
-#define bushtype 5
-#define rocktype 6
-#define walltype 7
-#define chimneytype 8
-#define platformtype 9
-#define tunneltype 11
-#define cooltype 12
-#define firetype 13
-class Objects
- XYZ center;
- float radius;
- XYZ position[max_objects];
- int type[max_objects];
- float yaw[max_objects];
- float pitch[max_objects];
- float rotx[max_objects];
- float rotxvel[max_objects];
- float roty[max_objects];
- float rotyvel[max_objects];
- int numobjects;
- bool possible[max_objects];
- Model model[max_objects];
- Model displaymodel[max_objects];
- float friction[max_objects];
- float scale[max_objects];
- float messedwith[max_objects];
- float checked[max_objects];
- Texture boxtextureptr;
- Texture treetextureptr;
- Texture bushtextureptr;
- Texture rocktextureptr;
- float shadowed[max_objects];
- float occluded[max_objects];
- bool checkcollide(XYZ startpoint, XYZ endpoint, int which);
- bool onfire[max_objects];
- float flamedelay[max_objects];
- void SphereCheckPossible(XYZ *p1, float radius);
- void DeleteObject(int which);
- void MakeObject(int atype, XYZ where, float ayaw, float apitch, float ascale);
- void Draw();
- void DoShadows();
- void DoStuff();
- Objects();
- ~Objects();
extern GLubyte bloodText[512 * 512 * 3];
extern GLubyte wolfbloodText[512 * 512 * 3];
extern int bloodtoggle;
-extern Objects objects;
extern bool autoslomo;
extern float camerashake;
extern float woozy;
i = terrain.patchobjects[whichpatchx][whichpatchz][l];
lowpoint = coords;
lowpoint.y += 1;
- if (SphereCheck(&lowpoint, 3, &colpoint, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i], &objects.model[i]) != -1) {
+ if (SphereCheck(&lowpoint, 3, &colpoint, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw, &Object::objects[i]->model) != -1) {
coords.x = lowpoint.x;
coords.z = lowpoint.z;
if (bloodtoggle && !bled)
for (l = 0; l < terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz]; l++) {
int j = terrain.patchobjects[whichpatchx][whichpatchz][l];
- XYZ point = DoRotation(headpoint - objects.position[j], 0, -objects.yaw[j], 0);
+ XYZ point = DoRotation(headpoint - Object::objects[j]->position, 0, -Object::objects[j]->yaw, 0);
float size = .8;
float opacity = .6;
float yaw = 0;
- objects.model[j].MakeDecal(blooddecalslow, &point, &size, &opacity, &yaw);
+ Object::objects[j]->model.MakeDecal(blooddecalslow, &point, &size, &opacity, &yaw);
bled = 1;
if (bloodtoggle && !bled)
for (l = 0; l < terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz]; l++) {
int j = terrain.patchobjects[whichpatchx][whichpatchz][l];
- XYZ point = DoRotation(headpoint - objects.position[j], 0, -objects.yaw[j], 0);
+ XYZ point = DoRotation(headpoint - Object::objects[j]->position, 0, -Object::objects[j]->yaw, 0);
float size = .2 * 1.2;
float opacity = .6;
float yaw = 0;
- objects.model[j].MakeDecal(blooddecal, &point, &size, &opacity, &yaw);
+ Object::objects[j]->model.MakeDecal(blooddecal, &point, &size, &opacity, &yaw);
bled = 1;
if (bloodtoggle && !bled)
for (l = 0; l < terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz]; l++) {
int j = terrain.patchobjects[whichpatchx][whichpatchz][l];
- XYZ point = DoRotation(headpoint - objects.position[j], 0, -objects.yaw[j], 0);
+ XYZ point = DoRotation(headpoint - Object::objects[j]->position, 0, -Object::objects[j]->yaw, 0);
float size = .8;
float opacity = .6;
float yaw = 0;
- objects.model[j].MakeDecal(blooddecalslow, &point, &size, &opacity, &yaw);
+ Object::objects[j]->model.MakeDecal(blooddecalslow, &point, &size, &opacity, &yaw);
bled = 1;
canrecover = 0;
if (velocity.y < -30)
canrecover = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < objects.numobjects; i++) {
- if (objects.type[i] != treeleavestype && objects.type[i] != bushtype && objects.type[i] != firetype) {
+ for (i = 0; i < Object::objects.size(); i++) {
+ if (Object::objects[i]->type != treeleavestype && Object::objects[i]->type != bushtype && Object::objects[i]->type != firetype) {
colviewer = startpoint;
coltarget = endpoint;
- if (objects.model[i].LineCheck(&colviewer, &coltarget, &colpoint, &objects.position[i], &objects.yaw[i]) != -1)
+ if (Object::objects[i]->model.LineCheck(&colviewer, &coltarget, &colpoint, &Object::objects[i]->position, &Object::objects[i]->yaw) != -1)
canrecover = 0;
if (aitype != passivetype || == 1)
if (findLengthfast(&velocity) > .1)
- for (i = 0; i < objects.numobjects; i++) {
- if (objects.type[i] == firetype)
- if (distsqflat(&coords, &objects.position[i]) < objects.scale[i]*objects.scale[i] * 12 && distsq(&coords, &objects.position[i]) < objects.scale[i]*objects.scale[i] * 49) {
+ for (i = 0; i < Object::objects.size(); i++) {
+ if (Object::objects[i]->type == firetype)
+ if (distsqflat(&coords, &Object::objects[i]->position) < Object::objects[i]->scale*Object::objects[i]->scale * 12 && distsq(&coords, &Object::objects[i]->position) < Object::objects[i]->scale*Object::objects[i]->scale * 49) {
if (onfire) {
- if (!objects.onfire[i]) {
- emit_sound_at(firestartsound, objects.position[i]);
+ if (!Object::objects[i]->onfire) {
+ emit_sound_at(firestartsound, Object::objects[i]->position);
- objects.onfire[i] = 1;
+ Object::objects[i]->onfire = 1;
if (!onfire) {
- if (objects.onfire[i]) {
+ if (Object::objects[i]->onfire) {
- if (objects.type[i] == bushtype)
- if (distsqflat(&coords, &objects.position[i]) < objects.scale[i]*objects.scale[i] * 12 && distsq(&coords, &objects.position[i]) < objects.scale[i]*objects.scale[i] * 49) {
+ if (Object::objects[i]->type == bushtype)
+ if (distsqflat(&coords, &Object::objects[i]->position) < Object::objects[i]->scale*Object::objects[i]->scale * 12 && distsq(&coords, &Object::objects[i]->position) < Object::objects[i]->scale*Object::objects[i]->scale * 49) {
if (onfire) {
- if (!objects.onfire[i]) {
- emit_sound_at(firestartsound, objects.position[i]);
+ if (!Object::objects[i]->onfire) {
+ emit_sound_at(firestartsound, Object::objects[i]->position);
- objects.onfire[i] = 1;
+ Object::objects[i]->onfire = 1;
if (!onfire) {
- if (objects.onfire[i]) {
+ if (Object::objects[i]->onfire) {
- if (objects.messedwith[i] <= 0) {
+ if (Object::objects[i]->messedwith <= 0) {
XYZ tempvel;
XYZ pos;
- objects.rotx[i] += velocity.x * multiplier * 6;
- objects.roty[i] += velocity.z * multiplier * 6;
- objects.messedwith[i] = .5;
+ Object::objects[i]->rotx += velocity.x * multiplier * 6;
+ Object::objects[i]->roty += velocity.z * multiplier * 6;
+ Object::objects[i]->messedwith = .5;
XYZ tempcoord;
- if (objects.type[i] == treeleavestype && environment != desertenvironment) {
- if (objects.pitch[i] == 0)
+ if (Object::objects[i]->type == treeleavestype && environment != desertenvironment) {
+ if (Object::objects[i]->pitch == 0)
tempcoord = coords;
else {
- tempcoord = coords - objects.position[i];
- tempcoord = DoRotation(tempcoord, 0, -objects.yaw[i], 0);
- tempcoord = DoRotation(tempcoord, -objects.pitch[i], 0, 0);
- tempcoord += objects.position[i];
+ tempcoord = coords - Object::objects[i]->position;
+ tempcoord = DoRotation(tempcoord, 0, -Object::objects[i]->yaw, 0);
+ tempcoord = DoRotation(tempcoord, -Object::objects[i]->pitch, 0, 0);
+ tempcoord += Object::objects[i]->position;
- if (distsqflat(&tempcoord, &objects.position[i]) < objects.scale[i]*objects.scale[i] * 8 && distsq(&tempcoord, &objects.position[i]) < objects.scale[i]*objects.scale[i] * 300 && tempcoord.y > objects.position[i].y + 3 * objects.scale[i]) {
- if (objects.messedwith[i] <= 0) {
+ if (distsqflat(&tempcoord, &Object::objects[i]->position) < Object::objects[i]->scale*Object::objects[i]->scale * 8 && distsq(&tempcoord, &Object::objects[i]->position) < Object::objects[i]->scale*Object::objects[i]->scale * 300 && tempcoord.y > Object::objects[i]->position.y + 3 * Object::objects[i]->scale) {
+ if (Object::objects[i]->messedwith <= 0) {
XYZ tempvel;
XYZ pos;
- objects.messedwith[i] = .5;
+ Object::objects[i]->messedwith = .5;
extern float texdetail;
extern GLubyte bloodText[512 * 512 * 3];
extern int bloodtoggle;
-extern Objects objects;
extern bool autoslomo;
extern float camerashake;
extern float woozy;
whichpatchx = position.x / (terrain.size / subdivision * terrain.scale);
whichpatchz = position.z / (terrain.size / subdivision * terrain.scale);
if (whichpatchx > 0 && whichpatchz > 0 && whichpatchx < subdivision && whichpatchz < subdivision) {
- if (terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz]) { // if there are objects where the weapon is
+ if (terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz]) { // if there are Object::objects where the weapon is
for (int j = 0; j < terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz]; j++) { // check for collision
int k = terrain.patchobjects[whichpatchx][whichpatchz][j];
start = oldtippoint;
end = tippoint;
- whichhit = objects.model[k].LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &objects.position[k], &objects.yaw[k]);
+ whichhit = Object::objects[k]->model.LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &Object::objects[k]->position, &Object::objects[k]->yaw);
if (whichhit != -1) {
- if (objects.type[k] == treetrunktype) {
- objects.model[k].MakeDecal(breakdecal, DoRotation(colpoint - objects.position[k], 0, -objects.yaw[k], 0), .1, 1, Random() % 360);
- normalrot = DoRotation(objects.model[k].facenormals[whichhit], 0, objects.yaw[k], 0);
+ if (Object::objects[k]->type == treetrunktype) {
+ Object::objects[k]->model.MakeDecal(breakdecal, DoRotation(colpoint - Object::objects[k]->position, 0, -Object::objects[k]->yaw, 0), .1, 1, Random() % 360);
+ normalrot = DoRotation(Object::objects[k]->model.facenormals[whichhit], 0, Object::objects[k]->yaw, 0);
velocity = 0;
if (type == knife)
position = colpoint - normalrot * .1;
if (type == staff) {
start = tippoint - (position - tippoint) / 5;
end = position + (position - tippoint) / 30;
- whichhit = objects.model[k].LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &objects.position[k], &objects.yaw[k]);
+ whichhit = Object::objects[k]->model.LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &Object::objects[k]->position, &Object::objects[k]->yaw);
if (whichhit != -1) {
XYZ diff;
diff = (colpoint - position);
} else {
start = position - (tippoint - position) / 5;
end = tippoint + (tippoint - position) / 30;
- whichhit = objects.model[k].LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &objects.position[k], &objects.yaw[k]);
+ whichhit = Object::objects[k]->model.LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &Object::objects[k]->position, &Object::objects[k]->yaw);
if (whichhit != -1) {
XYZ diff;
diff = (colpoint - tippoint);
start = oldposition;
end = position;
- whichhit = objects.model[k].LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &objects.position[k], &objects.yaw[k]);
+ whichhit = Object::objects[k]->model.LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &Object::objects[k]->position, &Object::objects[k]->yaw);
if (whichhit != -1) {
hitsomething = 1;
position = colpoint;
- terrainnormal = DoRotation(objects.model[k].facenormals[whichhit], 0, objects.yaw[k], 0) * -1;
+ terrainnormal = DoRotation(Object::objects[k]->model.facenormals[whichhit], 0, Object::objects[k]->yaw, 0) * -1;
ReflectVector(&velocity, &terrainnormal);
position += terrainnormal * .002;
start = oldtippoint;
end = tippoint;
- whichhit = objects.model[k].LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &objects.position[k], &objects.yaw[k]);
+ whichhit = Object::objects[k]->model.LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &Object::objects[k]->position, &Object::objects[k]->yaw);
if (whichhit != -1) {
hitsomething = 1;
tippoint = colpoint;
- terrainnormal = DoRotation(objects.model[k].facenormals[whichhit], 0, objects.yaw[k], 0) * -1;
+ terrainnormal = DoRotation(Object::objects[k]->model.facenormals[whichhit], 0, Object::objects[k]->yaw, 0) * -1;
ReflectVector(&tipvelocity, &terrainnormal);
tippoint += terrainnormal * .002;
- if ((objects.type[k] != boxtype && objects.type[k] != platformtype && objects.type[k] != walltype && objects.type[k] != weirdtype) || objects.pitch[k] != 0)
+ if ((Object::objects[k]->type != boxtype && Object::objects[k]->type != platformtype && Object::objects[k]->type != walltype && Object::objects[k]->type != weirdtype) || Object::objects[k]->pitch != 0)
for (int m = 0; m < 2; m++) {
mid = (position * (21 + (float)m * 10) + tippoint * (19 - (float)m * 10)) / 40;
oldmid2 = mid;
start = oldmid;
end = mid;
- whichhit = objects.model[k].LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &objects.position[k], &objects.yaw[k]);
+ whichhit = Object::objects[k]->model.LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &Object::objects[k]->position, &Object::objects[k]->yaw);
if (whichhit != -1) {
hitsomething = 1;
mid = colpoint;
- terrainnormal = DoRotation(objects.model[k].facenormals[whichhit], 0, objects.yaw[k], 0) * -1;
+ terrainnormal = DoRotation(Object::objects[k]->model.facenormals[whichhit], 0, Object::objects[k]->yaw, 0) * -1;
ReflectVector(&velocity, &terrainnormal);
bounceness = terrainnormal * findLength(&velocity) * (abs(normaldotproduct(velocity, terrainnormal)));
start = oldmid;
end = mid;
- whichhit = objects.model[k].LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &objects.position[k], &objects.yaw[k]);
+ whichhit = Object::objects[k]->model.LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &Object::objects[k]->position, &Object::objects[k]->yaw);
if (whichhit != -1) {
hitsomething = 1;
mid = colpoint;
- terrainnormal = DoRotation(objects.model[k].facenormals[whichhit], 0, objects.yaw[k], 0) * -1;
+ terrainnormal = DoRotation(Object::objects[k]->model.facenormals[whichhit], 0, Object::objects[k]->yaw, 0) * -1;
ReflectVector(&tipvelocity, &terrainnormal);
bounceness = terrainnormal * findLength(&tipvelocity) * (abs(normaldotproduct(tipvelocity, terrainnormal)));
else {
start = position;
end = tippoint;
- whichhit = objects.model[k].LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &objects.position[k], &objects.yaw[k]);
+ whichhit = Object::objects[k]->model.LineCheck(&start, &end, &colpoint, &Object::objects[k]->position, &Object::objects[k]->yaw);
if (whichhit != -1) {
hitsomething = 1;
closestdistance = -1;
closestswordpoint = colpoint; //(position+tippoint)/2;
- point[0] = DoRotation(objects.model[k].vertex[objects.model[k].Triangles[whichhit].vertex[0]], 0, objects.yaw[k], 0) + objects.position[k];
- point[1] = DoRotation(objects.model[k].vertex[objects.model[k].Triangles[whichhit].vertex[1]], 0, objects.yaw[k], 0) + objects.position[k];
- point[2] = DoRotation(objects.model[k].vertex[objects.model[k].Triangles[whichhit].vertex[2]], 0, objects.yaw[k], 0) + objects.position[k];
+ point[0] = DoRotation(Object::objects[k]->model.vertex[Object::objects[k]->model.Triangles[whichhit].vertex[0]], 0, Object::objects[k]->yaw, 0) + Object::objects[k]->position;
+ point[1] = DoRotation(Object::objects[k]->model.vertex[Object::objects[k]->model.Triangles[whichhit].vertex[1]], 0, Object::objects[k]->yaw, 0) + Object::objects[k]->position;
+ point[2] = DoRotation(Object::objects[k]->model.vertex[Object::objects[k]->model.Triangles[whichhit].vertex[2]], 0, Object::objects[k]->yaw, 0) + Object::objects[k]->position;
if (DistancePointLine(&closestswordpoint, &point[0], &point[1], &distance, &colpoint )) {
if (distance < closestdistance || closestdistance == -1) {
closestpoint = colpoint;
* Note, that once the argument vector has been reordered, the @c gnu flag will have
* no further effect on this argument vector. So it is enough to pass @c gnu==true when
* creating Stats.
- * @param usage Array of Descriptor objects that describe the options to support. The last entry
+ * @param usage Array of Descriptor Object::objects that describe the options to support. The last entry
* of this array must have 0 in all fields.
* @param argc The number of elements from @c argv that are to be parsed. If you pass -1, the number
* will be determined automatically. In that case the @c argv list must end with a NULL
* -1 (or not pass @c bufmax at all) which tells parse() that the buffer is
* "large enough".
* @attention
- * Remember that @c options and @c buffer store Option @e objects, not pointers. Therefore it
+ * Remember that @c options and @c buffer store Option @e Object::objects, not pointers. Therefore it
* is not possible for the same object to be in both arrays. For those options that are found in
- * both @c buffer[] and @c options[] the respective objects are independent copies. And only the
- * objects in @c options[] are properly linked via Option::next() and Option::prev().
+ * both @c buffer[] and @c options[] the respective Object::objects are independent copies. And only the
+ * Object::objects in @c options[] are properly linked via Option::next() and Option::prev().
* You can iterate over @c buffer[] to
* process all options in the order they appear in the argument vector, but if you want access to
* the other Options with the same Descriptor::index, then you @e must access the linked list via
- * @brief Returns the number of valid Option objects in @c buffer[].
+ * @brief Returns the number of valid Option Object::objects in @c buffer[].
* @note
* @li The returned value always reflects the number of Options in the buffer[] array used for
* @par Notes:
* @li the @c write() method of a class that is to be passed as a temporary
* as @c MyWriter() is in the example, must be a @c const method, because
- * temporary objects are passed as const reference. This only applies to
- * temporary objects that are created and destroyed in the same statement.
+ * temporary Object::objects are passed as const reference. This only applies to
+ * temporary Object::objects that are created and destroyed in the same statement.
* If you create an object like @c writer in the example, this restriction
* does not apply.
* @li a functor like @c MyWriteFunctor in the example must be passed as a pointer.
an optional byte-order marker (defaults to H, "host-native"),
and a data-type specifier.
* when unpacking, each variable argument is a pointer to the
- appropriate number of objects of the appropriate type.
+ appropriate number of Object::objects of the appropriate type.
* when packing, each variable argument is an object of the
appropriate type if the count is omitted, or a pointer to the
- appropriate number of objects of the appropriate type if the
+ appropriate number of Object::objects of the appropriate type if the
count is specified.
* the buffer supplied to pack/unpack must be of sufficient length
to hold all the data, or the behavior is unspecified.
#define IDI_LUGARU 104
-// Next default values for new objects
+// Next default values for new Object::objects