int whichpatchx;
int whichpatchz;
- // animCurrent and animTarget are used to interpolate between different animations
- // (and for a bunch of other things).
- // animations interpolate with one another at various speeds.
- // animTarget seems to determine the combat state?
+ // animCurrent and animTarget are used to interpolate between different animations
+ // (and for a bunch of other things).
+ // animations interpolate with one another at various speeds.
+ // animTarget seems to determine the combat state?
int animCurrent;
int animTarget;
- // frameCurrent and frameTarget are used to interpolate between the frames of an animation
- // (e.g. the crouched animation has only two frames, lerped back and forth).
- // animations advance at various speeds.
+ // frameCurrent and frameTarget are used to interpolate between the frames of an animation
+ // (e.g. the crouched animation has only two frames, lerped back and forth).
+ // animations advance at various speeds.
int frameCurrent;
int frameTarget;
float damage;
float permanentdamage;
float superpermanentdamage;
- float lastcollide;
+ float lastcollide;
int dead;
float jumppower;
bool whichdirection;
float whichdirectiondelay;
bool avoidsomething;
- XYZ avoidwhere;
+ XYZ avoidwhere;
float blooddimamount;
float staggerdelay;
bool spurt;
bool onfire;
float onfiredelay;
- float burnt;
+ float burnt;
float fireduration;
float flamedelay;
float stunned;
float surprised;
float runninghowlong;
- int lastoccluded;
+ int lastoccluded;
int laststanding;
int escapednum;
void DoMipmaps()
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, skeleton.skinsize, skeleton.skinsize, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &skeleton.skinText[0]);