Lugaru Developer Tools ====================== Activation ---------- - Pass --devtools option to the binary for these to work - Or add the following to your config.txt: Devtools: 1 Key bindings ------------ Note: dev keys must be pressed as if on a QWERTY keyboard. General ~~~~~~~ ~ = console (map mapname, save mapname, quit) tab = minimap super+z = restart level shift+k = win level alt+h = give 2000 health alt+j = toggle snow/grass/desert alt+c = toggle cameramode alt+b = slow motion (with motion blur that might work) alt+n = ragdoll alt+x = change weapon of nearby player (main player if ctrl is pressed) alt+f = spontaneously combust alt+o = change enemy's skin (main player if ctrl is pressed) alt+shift+o = change enemy's type (rabbit/wolf) (main player if ctrl is pressed) alt+i = explode nearby head alt+shift+i = explode nearby enemy Map editor ~~~~~~~~~~ alt+m = toggle editor mode m = place object p = place enemy shift-p = place waypoint delete = delete most recently made object shift-delete = delete most recently made player up/down = change size of next object control+up/down = change tilt of next object left/right = change rotation of next object shift+left/right = change type of next object control+p = make/connect pathfind waypoint period/comma = select pathfind waypoints shift+comma = delete pathfind waypoint Console commands ---------------- f is floating point, i is integer, b is boolean, str is string. Map mapname where mapname is the name of a map in the maps folder Save mapname where mapname is an unused filename Cellar door, rambo, kungfu, white, brown, black = change skins Tintr f = red clothes color from 0 to 1 Tintg f = green clothes color from 0 to 1 Tintb f = blue clothes color from 0 to 1 Tint f f f = r,g,b clothes colors from 0 to 1 Noclothes = remove all clothes Clothes str = add clothes str.png Included clothes include: Shirt LongSleeve EarWrap FootWrap Pants FancyPants Scar Headband LeatherWristLeft LeatherWristRight LeatherArmor LeatherPants Skybox = toggle skybox (i.e. turn off to get fog) Sky Tint f f f = r,g,b colors from 0 to 1 for the sky Sky Light f f f = r,g,b colors from 0 to 1 for the lighting Speed f = set player speed Strength f = set player power Power f = set player power Protection f f f = set high,medium,low resistance to blunt attacks Armor f f f = set high,medium,low resistance to sharp attacks slomo f = set the slomo speed slofreq i = set the slomo sound frequency tutorial b = toggle tutorial mode on/off hostile b = toggle hostility type active/sitting/sitting wall/sleeping/dead1/dead2/dead3/dead4 = set initial state path keepwalking/pause = determine whether enemies walk through the next pathpoint or pause briefly mapkilleveryone = set the map objective to kill everyone mapgosomewhere = set the map objective to go somewhere mapkillsomeone = set the map objective to kill a specific enemy mapkillmost = set the map objective to kill everyone but one hs f i str = set the size, type, and text for a hotspot (type 0 = static, display text type 1-10 = attached to player 1-10, display text type 11-20 = attached to player 1-10, must kill to win type -1 = win if approached) dhs = delete last hotspot dialogue str = load the dialogue str.txt and enter directing mode (fly around, press numpad 1-10 to change their head target, press 1-10 for who is saying each line and to go to next line) ddialogue = delete last dialogue play i = play dialogue #i immobile = make immobile; this can increase fps mobile = make mobile proportion f f f f = set head, body, arm and leg proportion (1 is default) viewdistance x= set the far clipping plane (1 is default) fadestart x= set what fraction of the viewdistance an object must pass to begin fading (1 is default) funnybunny = set player to rabbit wolfieisgod = set player to wolf quit = quit