+++ /dev/null
-Copyright (C) 2003, 2010 - Wolfire Games
-This file is part of Lugaru.
-Lugaru is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-Lugaru is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with Lugaru. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-AL_FUNC(AL, void, alGenSources, (ALsizei n, ALuint* sources), (n, sources),)
-AL_FUNC(AL, void, alDeleteSources, (ALsizei n, ALuint* sources), (n, sources),)
-AL_FUNC(AL, void, alSourcei, (ALuint sid, ALenum param, ALint value), (sid, param, value),)
-AL_FUNC(AL, void, alSourcef, (ALuint sid, ALenum param, ALfloat value), (sid, param, value),)
-AL_FUNC(AL, void, alSource3f, (ALuint sid, ALenum param, ALfloat f1, ALfloat f2, ALfloat f3), (sid, param, f1, f2, f3),)
-AL_FUNC(AL, void, alGetSourceiv, (ALuint sid, ALenum pname, ALint* values), (sid, pname, values),)
-AL_FUNC(AL, void, alSourcePlay, (ALuint sid), (sid),)
-AL_FUNC(AL, void, alSourcePause, (ALuint sid), (sid),)
-AL_FUNC(AL, void, alSourceStop, (ALuint sid), (sid),)
-AL_FUNC(AL, void, alGenBuffers, (ALsizei n, ALuint* buffers), (n, buffers),)
-AL_FUNC(AL, void, alDeleteBuffers, (ALsizei n, ALuint* buffers), (n, buffers),)
-AL_FUNC(AL, void, alBufferData, (ALuint buffer, ALenum format, ALvoid *data, ALsizei size, ALsizei freq), (buffer, format, data, size, freq),)
-AL_FUNC(AL, void, alListenerfv, (ALenum pname, ALfloat* param), (pname, param),)
-AL_FUNC(AL, void, alListener3f, (ALenum pname, ALfloat f1, ALfloat f2, ALfloat f3), (pname, f1, f2, f3),)
-AL_FUNC(AL, void, alListenerf, (ALenum pname, ALfloat param), (pname, param),)
-AL_FUNC(AL, ALenum, alGetError, (ALvoid), (), return)
-AL_FUNC(AL, const ALubyte*, alGetString, (ALenum param), (param), return)
-AL_FUNC(AL, ALboolean, alIsExtensionPresent, (const ALubyte* fname), (fname), return)
-AL_FUNC(AL, ALenum, alGetEnumValue, (const ALubyte* ename), (ename), return)
-AL_FUNC(ALC, ALCcontext *, alcCreateContext, (ALCdevice *dev, ALint* attrlist), (dev, attrlist), return)
-AL_FUNC(ALC, ALCenum, alcMakeContextCurrent, (ALCcontext *alcHandle), (alcHandle), return)
-AL_FUNC(ALC, ALCcontext *, alcProcessContext, (ALCcontext *alcHandle), (alcHandle), return)
-AL_FUNC(ALC, void, alcSuspendContext, (ALCcontext *alcHandle), (alcHandle),)
-AL_FUNC(ALC, ALCenum, alcDestroyContext, (ALCcontext *alcHandle), (alcHandle), return)
-AL_FUNC(ALC, ALCenum, alcGetError, (ALCdevice *dev), (dev), return)
-AL_FUNC(ALC, ALCcontext *, alcGetCurrentContext, (ALvoid), (), return)
-AL_FUNC(ALC, ALCdevice *, alcOpenDevice, (const ALubyte *tokstr), (tokstr), return)
-AL_FUNC(ALC, void, alcCloseDevice, (ALCdevice *dev), (dev),)
-AL_FUNC(ALC, ALCdevice*, alcGetContextsDevice, (ALCcontext *context), (context), return)
// FMOD uses a Left Handed Coordinate system, OpenAL uses a Right Handed
// one...so we just need to flip the sign on the Z axis when appropriate.
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-#define AL_FUNC(t,ret,fn,params,call,rt) \
- extern "C" { \
- static ret ALAPIENTRY (*p##fn) params = NULL; \
- ret ALAPIENTRY fn params { rt p##fn call; } \
- }
-#include "alstubs.h"
-#undef AL_FUNC
-static void *aldlhandle = NULL;
-static bool lookup_alsym(const char *funcname, void **func, const char *libname)
- if (!aldlhandle)
- return false;
- *func = dlsym(aldlhandle, funcname);
- if (*func == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find OpenAL symbol \"%s\" in \"%s\"\n",
- funcname, libname);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-static void unload_alsyms(void)
-#define AL_FUNC(t,ret,fn,params,call,rt) p##fn = NULL;
-#include "alstubs.h"
-#undef AL_FUNC
- if (aldlhandle) {
- dlclose(aldlhandle);
- aldlhandle = NULL;
- }
-static bool lookup_all_alsyms(const char *libname)
- if (!aldlhandle) {
- if ( (aldlhandle = dlopen(libname, RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_NOW)) == NULL )
- return false;
- }
- bool retval = true;
-#define AL_FUNC(t,ret,fn,params,call,rt) \
- if (!lookup_alsym(#fn, (void **) &p##fn, libname)) retval = false;
-#include "alstubs.h"
-#undef AL_FUNC
- if (!retval)
- unload_alsyms();
- return retval;
-#define lookup_all_alsyms(x) (true)
-#define unload_alsyms()
typedef struct {
ALuint sid;
if (flags != 0) // unsupported.
return false;
- if (!lookup_all_alsyms("./openal.so")) { // !!! FIXME: linux specific lib name
- if (!lookup_all_alsyms("openal.so.1")) { // !!! FIXME: linux specific lib name
- if (!lookup_all_alsyms("openal.so")) // !!! FIXME: linux specific lib name
- return false;
- }
- }
ALCdevice *dev = alcOpenDevice(NULL);
if (!dev)
return false;
delete[] impl_channels;
impl_channels = NULL;
- unload_alsyms();
initialized = false;