-(defun filled-circle (radius &optional (color '(:red 255 :green 255 :blue 255)))
- (init-video-mode)
- (let ((new-surface (create-surface (1+ (* radius 2)) (1+ (* radius 2)))))
- (sge_FilledCircle (surface-address new-surface)
- radius radius radius
- (getf color :red)
- (getf color :green)
- (getf color :blue))
- (setf (surface-shape new-surface)
- `((,radius ,radius) ,radius))
- new-surface))
-(defun filled-rect (width height &optional (color '(:red 255 :green 255 :blue 255)))
- (init-video-mode)
- (let ((new-surface (create-surface width height)))
- (sge_FilledRect (surface-address new-surface)
- 0 0 width height
- (getf color :red)
- (getf color :green)
- (getf color :blue))
- (setf (surface-shape new-surface)
- (make-rectangle 0 0 width height))
- new-surface))
;;; TTF Subsystem
(defstruct font address)
(clines "#include <SDL/SDL_image.h>")
(clines "#include <SDL/SDL_ttf.h>")
(clines "#include <SDL/SDL_mixer.h>")
-(clines "#include <SDL/sge.h>")
;;; These are the flags which may be passed to SDL_Init()
(defconstant SDL_INIT_TIMER #x00000001)
;(defentry Mix_FreeMusic (int) (void "gacela_Mix_FreeMusic"))
;(defentry Mix_FreeChunk (int) (void "gacela_Mix_FreeChunk"))
;(defentry Mix_CloseAudio () (void "gacela_Mix_CloseAudio"))
-;(defentry sge_FilledCircle (int int int int int int int) (void "gacela_sge_FilledCircle"))
-;(defentry sge_FilledRect (int int int int int int int int) (void "gacela_sge_FilledRect"))
;(defentry free (int) (void "gacela_free"))
(defentry SDL_GL_SwapBuffers () (void "gacela_SDL_GL_SwapBuffers"))
(defentry SDL_EnableKeyRepeat (int int) (int "gacela_SDL_EnableKeyRepeat"))