+import dbutils
import connection
import MySQLdb
'float': 'DOUBLE',
+class Query(dbutils.Query):
+ def sql(self):
+ res = "SELECT "
+ res += ",".join(["(%s)" % f.sql() for f in self.fields])
+ res += " FROM "
+ res += ",".join([t.sql() for t in self.tables])
+ if self.constraints:
+ res += " WHERE "
+ res += " AND ".join(["(%s)" % c.sql() for c in self.constraints])
+ return res
+class Field(dbutils.Field):
+ def sql(self):
+ return "%s.`%s`" % (self.table.sql(), self.field_name)
+class Table(dbutils.Table):
+ def sql(self):
+ return "`%s`.`%s`" % (self.db_name, self.table_name)
+class Constraint(dbutils.Constraint):
+ def sql(self):
+ operator = self.operator.strip().lower()
+ if operator == "starts":
+ return "(%s) LIKE (%s)" % (self.args[0].sql(), self.args[1].sql()[:-1] + "%'")
+ elif operator == "in":
+ return "(%s) IN (%s)" % (self.args[0].sql(), ",".join(["(%s)" % a.sql() for a in self.args[1:]]))
+ elif operator == "=":
+ return "(%s) = (%s)" % (self.args[0].sql(), self.args[1].sql())
+ else:
+ token = " %s " % operator.upper()
+ return token.join(["(%s)" % a.sql() for a in self.args])
+class Literal(dbutils.Literal):
+ def sql(self):
+ if type(self.value) in (int, float):
+ return "%s" % self.value
+ else:
+ return "'%s'" % str(self.value).replace("'", "''")
class Connection(connection.Connection):
+ Query = Query
+ Field = Field
+ Table = Table
+ Constraint = Constraint
+ Literal = Literal
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._db_con = MySQLdb.connect(*args, **kwargs)
self._db_con_autocommit = MySQLdb.connect(*args, **kwargs)
return SQL_FIELD_TYPES.get(field_type, "UNKNOW")
def _create_table(self, db_name, table_name, fields):
+ primary = []
sql = "CREATE TABLE `%s`.`%s` (" % (db_name, table_name)
sql_fields = []
if f.get('size'):
sql_field += "(%s)" % f['size']
if f.get('primary'):
- sql_field += " PRIMARY KEY"
+ primary.append(f['name'])
if 'null' in f and not f['null']:
sql_field += " NOT NULL"
sql += ",".join(sql_fields)
+ if primary:
+ sql += ", PRIMARY KEY(%s)" % ",".join(primary)
sql += ")"
return (self.execute(sql, db=self._db_con_autocommit) or False) and True
- def _get_sql_field(self, db_name, field):
- if type(field) is tuple:
- return "`%s`.`%s`.`%s`" % (db_name, field[0], field[1])
- elif type(field) is dict:
- return "(%s)" % self._get_sql_query(db_name, field)
- else:
- return "'%s'" % str(field).replace("'", "''")
- def _get_sql_query(self, db_name, query):
- sql = "SELECT "
- sql += ",".join([self._get_sql_field(db_name, x) for x in query['select']])
- sql += " FROM "
- sql += ",".join(query['from'])
- if query.get('where'):
- sql += " WHERE "
- where = []
- for cond in query['where']:
- where.append("%s %s %s" % (self._get_sql_field(db_name, cond[0]), cond[1], self._get_sql_field(db_name, cond[2])))
- sql += " AND ".join(where)
- return sql
- def _get_cursor(self, db_name, query):
+ def _get_cursor(self, query):
cur = self._db_con.cursor()
- cur.execute("USE `%s`" % db_name)
- cur.execute(self._get_sql_query(db_name, query))
+ cur.execute(query.sql())
return cur
def _next(self, cur):
def _create_field(self, field_name):
fields = [
{'name': 'id', 'type': 'char', 'size': 512, 'primary': True},
+ {'name': 'name', 'type': 'char', 'size': 64, 'primary': True},
{'name': 'value', 'type': 'text', 'null': False},
{'name': 'number', 'type': 'float'},
for f in doc:
if not f in fields:
- values = {
- 'id': doc_id,
- 'value': msgpack.dumps(doc[f]),
- }
- if type(doc[f]) in (int, float):
- values['number'] = doc[f]
table_f = '%s$%s' % (self.table_name, f)
- self.database.connection._insert(self.database.db_name, table_f, values)
+ self._insert_field(doc_id, table_f, f, doc[f])
+ def _insert_field(self, doc_id, field_table, field_name, field_value):
+ values = {
+ 'id': doc_id,
+ 'name': field_name,
+ 'value': msgpack.dumps(field_value),
+ }
+ if type(field_value) in (int, float):
+ values['number'] = field_value
+ self.database.connection._insert(self.database.db_name, field_table, values)
+ if type(field_value) in (list, tuple) and not '.' in field_name:
+ for i in xrange(len(field_value)):
+ self._insert_field(doc_id, field_table, "%s..%s" % (field_name, i), field_value[i])
+ elif type(field_value) is dict:
+ for k, v in field_value.iteritems():
+ self._insert_field(doc_id, field_table, "%s.%s" % (field_name, k), v)
from database import Database
+import dbutils
class Connection(object):
+ Query = dbutils.Query
+ Field = dbutils.Field
+ Table = dbutils.Table
+ Constraint = dbutils.Constraint
+ Literal = dbutils.Literal
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._db_con = None
# [{'name': 'id', 'type': 'char', 'size': 20, 'primary': True}]
return None
- def _get_cursor(self, db_name, query):
- # {'select': [('t1$_id', 'id'), {'select': [('t1$c1', 'value')], 'from': ['t1$c1'], 'where': [(('t1$c1', 'id'), '=', ('t1$_id', 'id'))]}], 'from': ['t1$_id']}
+ def _get_cursor(self, query):
return None
- def _next(self, cursor):
+ def _next(self, db_name, cursor):
return None
def _insert(self, db_name, table_name, values):
if spec and not type(spec) is dict:
raise Exception("spec must be an instance of dict")
+ self.Query = collection.database.connection.Query
+ self.Field = collection.database.connection.Field
+ self.Table = collection.database.connection.Table
+ self.Constraint = collection.database.connection.Constraint
+ self.Literal = collection.database.connection.Literal
self.collection = collection
self.spec = spec
if self.collection.exists():
return res_fields
def _get_cursor(self):
- query = {}
- table_id = '%s$_id' % self.collection.table_name
+ table_id = self.Table(self.collection.database.db_name, '%s$_id' % self.collection.table_name)
- query['select'] = [(table_id, 'value')]
+ fields = [self.Field(table_id, 'value')]
for f in filter(lambda x: x != '_id', self.fields):
- table_f = '%s$%s' % (self.collection.table_name, f)
- q = self._get_cursor_field(table_id, table_f)
- query['select'].append(q)
+ fields.append(self._get_cursor_field(f))
- query['from'] = [table_id]
+ tables = [table_id]
+ constraints = [self.Constraint('=', self.Field(table_id, 'name'), self.Literal('_id'))]
if self.spec:
- query['where'] = []
for k, v in self.spec.iteritems():
- table_f = '%s$%s' % (self.collection.table_name, k)
- if type(v) in (int, float):
- field_name = 'number'
- field_v = v
- else:
- field_name = 'value'
- field_v = msgpack.dumps(v)
- if k == '_id':
- field_q = (table_id, field_name)
- else:
- field_q = self._get_cursor_field(table_id, table_f, field_name=field_name)
- query['where'].append((field_q, '=', field_v))
- return self.collection.database.connection._get_cursor(self.collection.database.db_name, query)
- def _get_cursor_field(self, table_id, table_field, field_name='value'):
- return {
- 'select': [(table_field, field_name)],
- 'from': [table_field],
- 'where': [((table_field, 'id'), '=', (table_id, 'id'))],
- }
+ constraints.append(self._get_cursor_constraint(k, v))
+ query = self.Query(fields, tables, constraints)
+ return self.collection.database.connection._get_cursor(query)
+ def _get_cursor_field(self, field_name):
+ table_id = self.Table(self.collection.database.db_name, '%s$_id' % self.collection.table_name)
+ table_field = self.Table(self.collection.database.db_name, '%s$%s' % (self.collection.table_name, field_name.split(".")[0]))
+ fields = [self.Field(table_field, 'value')]
+ tables = [table_field]
+ constraints = [
+ self.Constraint('=', self.Field(table_field, 'id'), self.Field(table_id, 'id')),
+ self.Constraint('=', self.Field(table_field, 'name'), self.Literal(field_name)),
+ ]
+ return self.Query(fields, tables, constraints)
+ def _get_cursor_constraint(self, field_name, field_value):
+ table_id = self.Table(self.collection.database.db_name, '%s$_id' % self.collection.table_name)
+ table_field = self.Table(self.collection.database.db_name, '%s$%s' % (self.collection.table_name, field_name.split(".")[0]))
+ if type(field_value) in (int, float):
+ field_type = 'number'
+ else:
+ field_type = 'value'
+ field_value = msgpack.dumps(field_value)
+ fields = [self.Field(table_field, 'id')]
+ tables = [table_field]
+ constraints = [
+ self.Constraint('or', self.Constraint('=', self.Field(table_field, 'name'), self.Literal(field_name)),
+ self.Constraint('starts', self.Field(table_field, 'name'), self.Literal('%s..' % field_name))),
+ self.Constraint('=', self.Field(table_field, field_type), self.Literal(field_value)),
+ ]
+ return self.Constraint('in', self.Field(table_id, 'id'), self.Query(fields, tables, constraints))
def next(self):
if self.cursor is None:
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# mojo, a Python library for implementing document based databases
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 by Javier Sancho Fernandez <jsf at jsancho dot org>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+class SQLGeneric(object):
+ def sql(self):
+ return ""
+class Query(SQLGeneric):
+ def __init__(self, fields, tables, constraints):
+ self.fields = fields
+ self.tables = tables
+ self.constraints = constraints
+class Field(SQLGeneric):
+ def __init__(self, table, field_name):
+ self.table = table
+ self.field_name = field_name
+class Table(SQLGeneric):
+ def __init__(self, db_name, table_name):
+ self.db_name = db_name
+ self.table_name = table_name
+class Constraint(SQLGeneric):
+ def __init__(self, operator, *args):
+ self.operator = operator
+ self.args = args
+class Literal(SQLGeneric):
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = value