-from .connectors import Connector, OperationalError
+from .connectors import Connector
+from .cursor import OperationalError
--- /dev/null
+from .cursor import Cursor
+class Connection:
+ def __init__(self, path, connector):
+ self.path = path
+ self.connector = connector
+ def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ cursor = Cursor(self)
+ cursor.execute(*args, **kwargs)
+ return cursor
+ def cursor(self):
+ return Cursor(self)
+ def set_progress_handler(self, handler, n):
+ pass
-import pkg_resources
-import functools
-import re
-import sqlite3
-from .row import Row
+from .connection import Connection
db_connectors = {}
-def for_each_connector(func):
- @functools.wraps(func)
- def wrapper_for_each_connector(*args, **kwargs):
- for connector in db_connectors.values():
- try:
- return func(connector, *args, **kwargs)
- except:
- pass
- else:
- raise Exception("No database connector found!!")
- return wrapper_for_each_connector
class ConnectorList:
raise ConnectorList.DatabaseNotSupported
-class Connection:
- def __init__(self, path, connector):
- self.path = path
- self.connector = connector
- def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
- cursor = Cursor(self)
- cursor.execute(*args, **kwargs)
- return cursor
- def cursor(self):
- return Cursor(self)
- def set_progress_handler(self, handler, n):
- pass
-class OperationalError(Exception):
- pass
-class Cursor:
- class QueryNotSupported(Exception):
- pass
- def __init__(self, conn):
- self.conn = conn
- self.connector = conn.connector
- self.rows = []
- self.description = ()
- def execute(
- self,
- sql,
- params=None,
- truncate=False,
- custom_time_limit=None,
- page_size=None,
- log_sql_errors=True,
- ):
- if params is None:
- params = {}
- results = []
- truncated = False
- description = ()
- # Normalize sql
- sql = sql.strip()
- sql = ' '.join(sql.split())
- if sql == "select name from sqlite_master where type='table'" or \
- sql == "select name from sqlite_master where type=\"table\"":
- results = [{'name': name} for name in self.connector.table_names()]
- elif sql == "select name from sqlite_master where rootpage = 0 and sql like '%VIRTUAL TABLE%USING FTS%'":
- results = [{'name': name} for name in self.connector.hidden_table_names()]
- elif sql == 'select 1 from sqlite_master where tbl_name = "geometry_columns"':
- if self.connector.detect_spatialite():
- results = [{'1': '1'}]
- elif sql == "select name from sqlite_master where type='view'":
- results = [{'name': name} for name in self.connector.view_names()]
- elif sql.startswith("select count(*) from ["):
- match = re.search(r'select count\(\*\) from \[(.*)\]', sql)
- results = [{'count(*)': self.connector.table_count(match.group(1))}]
- elif sql.startswith("select count(*) from "):
- match = re.search(r'select count\(\*\) from (.*)', sql)
- results = [{'count(*)': self.connector.table_count(match.group(1))}]
- elif sql.startswith("PRAGMA table_info("):
- match = re.search(r'PRAGMA table_info\((.*)\)', sql)
- results = self.connector.table_info(match.group(1))
- elif sql.startswith("select name from sqlite_master where rootpage = 0 and ( sql like \'%VIRTUAL TABLE%USING FTS%content="):
- match = re.search(r'select name from sqlite_master where rootpage = 0 and \( sql like \'%VIRTUAL TABLE%USING FTS%content="(.*)"', sql)
- if self.connector.detect_fts(match.group(1)):
- results = [{'name': match.group(1)}]
- elif sql.startswith("PRAGMA foreign_key_list(["):
- match = re.search(r'PRAGMA foreign_key_list\(\[(.*)\]\)', sql)
- results = self.connector.foreign_keys(match.group(1))
- elif sql == "select 1 from sqlite_master where type='table' and name=?":
- if self.connector.table_exists(params[0]):
- results = [{'1': '1'}]
- elif sql == "select sql from sqlite_master where name = :n and type=:t":
- results = [{'sql': self.connector.table_definition(params['t'], params['n'])}]
- elif sql == "select sql from sqlite_master where tbl_name = :n and type='index' and sql is not null":
- results = [{'sql': sql} for sql in self.connector.indices_definition(params['n'])]
- else:
- try:
- results, truncated, description = \
- self.connector.execute(
- sql,
- params=params,
- truncate=truncate,
- custom_time_limit=custom_time_limit,
- page_size=page_size,
- log_sql_errors=log_sql_errors,
- )
- except OperationalError as ex:
- raise sqlite3.OperationalError(*ex.args)
- self.rows = [Row(result) for result in results]
- self.description = description
- def fetchall(self):
- return self.rows
- def fetchmany(self, max):
- return self.rows[:max]
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- return self.rows[index]
class Connector:
connector_type = None
connection_class = Connection
--- /dev/null
+import re
+import sqlite3
+from .row import Row
+class OperationalError(Exception):
+ pass
+class Cursor:
+ class QueryNotSupported(Exception):
+ pass
+ def __init__(self, conn):
+ self.conn = conn
+ self.connector = conn.connector
+ self.rows = []
+ self.description = ()
+ def execute(
+ self,
+ sql,
+ params=None,
+ truncate=False,
+ custom_time_limit=None,
+ page_size=None,
+ log_sql_errors=True,
+ ):
+ if params is None:
+ params = {}
+ results = []
+ truncated = False
+ description = ()
+ # Normalize sql
+ sql = sql.strip()
+ sql = ' '.join(sql.split())
+ if sql == "select name from sqlite_master where type='table'" or \
+ sql == "select name from sqlite_master where type=\"table\"":
+ results = [{'name': name} for name in self.connector.table_names()]
+ elif sql == "select name from sqlite_master where rootpage = 0 and sql like '%VIRTUAL TABLE%USING FTS%'":
+ results = [{'name': name} for name in self.connector.hidden_table_names()]
+ elif sql == 'select 1 from sqlite_master where tbl_name = "geometry_columns"':
+ if self.connector.detect_spatialite():
+ results = [{'1': '1'}]
+ elif sql == "select name from sqlite_master where type='view'":
+ results = [{'name': name} for name in self.connector.view_names()]
+ elif sql.startswith("select count(*) from ["):
+ match = re.search(r'select count\(\*\) from \[(.*)\]', sql)
+ results = [{'count(*)': self.connector.table_count(match.group(1))}]
+ elif sql.startswith("select count(*) from "):
+ match = re.search(r'select count\(\*\) from (.*)', sql)
+ results = [{'count(*)': self.connector.table_count(match.group(1))}]
+ elif sql.startswith("PRAGMA table_info("):
+ match = re.search(r'PRAGMA table_info\((.*)\)', sql)
+ results = self.connector.table_info(match.group(1))
+ elif sql.startswith("select name from sqlite_master where rootpage = 0 and ( sql like \'%VIRTUAL TABLE%USING FTS%content="):
+ match = re.search(r'select name from sqlite_master where rootpage = 0 and \( sql like \'%VIRTUAL TABLE%USING FTS%content="(.*)"', sql)
+ if self.connector.detect_fts(match.group(1)):
+ results = [{'name': match.group(1)}]
+ elif sql.startswith("PRAGMA foreign_key_list(["):
+ match = re.search(r'PRAGMA foreign_key_list\(\[(.*)\]\)', sql)
+ results = self.connector.foreign_keys(match.group(1))
+ elif sql == "select 1 from sqlite_master where type='table' and name=?":
+ if self.connector.table_exists(params[0]):
+ results = [{'1': '1'}]
+ elif sql == "select sql from sqlite_master where name = :n and type=:t":
+ results = [{'sql': self.connector.table_definition(params['t'], params['n'])}]
+ elif sql == "select sql from sqlite_master where tbl_name = :n and type='index' and sql is not null":
+ results = [{'sql': sql} for sql in self.connector.indices_definition(params['n'])]
+ else:
+ try:
+ results, truncated, description = \
+ self.connector.execute(
+ sql,
+ params=params,
+ truncate=truncate,
+ custom_time_limit=custom_time_limit,
+ page_size=page_size,
+ log_sql_errors=log_sql_errors,
+ )
+ except OperationalError as ex:
+ raise sqlite3.OperationalError(*ex.args)
+ self.rows = [Row(result) for result in results]
+ self.description = description
+ def fetchall(self):
+ return self.rows
+ def fetchmany(self, max):
+ return self.rows[:max]
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ return self.rows[index]
Monkey patching for original Datasette
- async def table_columns(self, table):
- try:
- return await self.original_table_columns(table)
- except sqlite3.DatabaseError:
- return ConnectorList.table_columns(self.path, table)
- Database.original_table_columns = Database.table_columns
- Database.table_columns = table_columns
- async def primary_keys(self, table):
- try:
- return await self.original_primary_keys(table)
- except sqlite3.DatabaseError:
- return ConnectorList.primary_keys(self.path, table)
- Database.original_primary_keys = Database.primary_keys
- Database.primary_keys = primary_keys
- async def fts_table(self, table):
- try:
- return await self.original_fts_table(table)
- except sqlite3.DatabaseError:
- return ConnectorList.fts_table(self.path, table)
- Database.original_fts_table = Database.fts_table
- Database.fts_table = fts_table
def connect(self, write=False):
# Check if it's a sqlite database