extern bool visibleloading;
-void dealloc2(void* param){
- free(param);
- param=0;
+void dealloc2(void* param)
+ free(param);
+ param = 0;
enum {boneconnect, constraint, muscle};
void Muscle::DoConstraint(bool spinny)
- static XYZ vel;
- static XYZ midp;
- static XYZ newpoint1,newpoint2;
- static float oldlength;
- static float relaxlength;
- oldlength=length;
- if(type!=boneconnect)relaxlength=findDistance(&parent1->position,&parent2->position);
- if(type==boneconnect)strength=1;
- if(type==constraint)strength=0;
- if(strength<0)strength=0;
- if(strength>1)strength=1;
- length-=(length-relaxlength)*(1-strength)*multiplier*10000;
- length-=(length-targetlength)*(strength)*multiplier*10000;
- if(strength==0)length=relaxlength;
- if((relaxlength-length>0&&relaxlength-oldlength<0)||(relaxlength-length<0&&relaxlength-oldlength>0))length=relaxlength;
- //if(!broken){
- if(length<minlength)length=minlength;
- if(length>maxlength)length=maxlength;
- //}
- /*
- if(broken){
- if(length<minlength*.6)length=minlength*.6;
- if(length>maxlength*1.4)length=maxlength*1.4;
- }
- */
- if(length==relaxlength)return;
- //Find midpoint
- midp=(parent1->position*parent1->mass+parent2->position*parent2->mass)/(parent1->mass+parent2->mass);
- //Find vector from midpoint to second vector
- vel=parent2->position-midp;
- //Change to unit vector
- Normalise(&vel);
- //Apply velocity change
- newpoint1=midp-vel*length*(parent2->mass/(parent1->mass+parent2->mass));
- newpoint2=midp+vel*length*(parent1->mass/(parent1->mass+parent2->mass));
- if(!freeze&&spinny){
- parent1->velocity=parent1->velocity+(newpoint1-parent1->position)/multiplier/4;
- parent2->velocity=parent2->velocity+(newpoint2-parent2->position)/multiplier/4;
- }
- else
- {
- parent1->velocity=parent1->velocity+(newpoint1-parent1->position);
- parent2->velocity=parent2->velocity+(newpoint2-parent2->position);
- }
- //Move child point to within certain distance of parent point
- parent1->position=newpoint1;
- parent2->position=newpoint2;
+ static XYZ vel;
+ static XYZ midp;
+ static XYZ newpoint1, newpoint2;
+ static float oldlength;
+ static float relaxlength;
+ oldlength = length;
+ if (type != boneconnect)
+ relaxlength = findDistance(&parent1->position, &parent2->position);
+ if (type == boneconnect)
+ strength = 1;
+ if (type == constraint)
+ strength = 0;
+ if (strength < 0)
+ strength = 0;
+ if (strength > 1)
+ strength = 1;
+ length -= (length - relaxlength) * (1 - strength) * multiplier * 10000;
+ length -= (length - targetlength) * (strength) * multiplier * 10000;
+ if (strength == 0)
+ length = relaxlength;
+ if ((relaxlength - length > 0 && relaxlength - oldlength < 0) || (relaxlength - length < 0 && relaxlength - oldlength > 0))
+ length = relaxlength;
+ //if(!broken){
+ if (length < minlength)
+ length = minlength;
+ if (length > maxlength)
+ length = maxlength;
+ //}
+ /*
+ if(broken){
+ if(length<minlength*.6)length=minlength*.6;
+ if(length>maxlength*1.4)length=maxlength*1.4;
+ }
+ */
+ if (length == relaxlength)
+ return;
+ //Find midpoint
+ midp = (parent1->position * parent1->mass + parent2->position * parent2->mass) / (parent1->mass + parent2->mass);
+ //Find vector from midpoint to second vector
+ vel = parent2->position - midp;
+ //Change to unit vector
+ Normalise(&vel);
+ //Apply velocity change
+ newpoint1 = midp - vel * length * (parent2->mass / (parent1->mass + parent2->mass));
+ newpoint2 = midp + vel * length * (parent1->mass / (parent1->mass + parent2->mass));
+ if (!freeze && spinny) {
+ parent1->velocity = parent1->velocity + (newpoint1 - parent1->position) / multiplier / 4;
+ parent2->velocity = parent2->velocity + (newpoint2 - parent2->position) / multiplier / 4;
+ } else {
+ parent1->velocity = parent1->velocity + (newpoint1 - parent1->position);
+ parent2->velocity = parent2->velocity + (newpoint2 - parent2->position);
+ }
+ //Move child point to within certain distance of parent point
+ parent1->position = newpoint1;
+ parent2->position = newpoint2;
void Skeleton::FindForwardsfirst()
- //Find forward vectors
- CrossProduct(joints[forwardjoints[1]].position-joints[forwardjoints[0]].position,joints[forwardjoints[2]].position-joints[forwardjoints[0]].position,&forward);
- Normalise(&forward);
+ //Find forward vectors
+ CrossProduct(joints[forwardjoints[1]].position - joints[forwardjoints[0]].position, joints[forwardjoints[2]].position - joints[forwardjoints[0]].position, &forward);
+ Normalise(&forward);
- CrossProduct(joints[lowforwardjoints[1]].position-joints[lowforwardjoints[0]].position,joints[lowforwardjoints[2]].position-joints[lowforwardjoints[0]].position,&lowforward);
- Normalise(&lowforward);
+ CrossProduct(joints[lowforwardjoints[1]].position - joints[lowforwardjoints[0]].position, joints[lowforwardjoints[2]].position - joints[lowforwardjoints[0]].position, &lowforward);
+ Normalise(&lowforward);
- //Special forwards
- specialforward[0]=forward;
- specialforward[1]=forward;
- specialforward[2]=forward;
- specialforward[3]=forward;
- specialforward[4]=forward;
+ //Special forwards
+ specialforward[0] = forward;
+ specialforward[1] = forward;
+ specialforward[2] = forward;
+ specialforward[3] = forward;
+ specialforward[4] = forward;
void Skeleton::FindForwards()
- //Find forward vectors
- CrossProduct(joints[forwardjoints[1]].position-joints[forwardjoints[0]].position,joints[forwardjoints[2]].position-joints[forwardjoints[0]].position,&forward);
- Normalise(&forward);
- CrossProduct(joints[lowforwardjoints[1]].position-joints[lowforwardjoints[0]].position,joints[lowforwardjoints[2]].position-joints[lowforwardjoints[0]].position,&lowforward);
- Normalise(&lowforward);
- //Special forwards
- specialforward[0]=forward;
- specialforward[1]=joints[jointlabels[rightshoulder]].position+joints[jointlabels[rightwrist]].position;
- specialforward[1]=joints[jointlabels[rightelbow]].position-specialforward[1]/2;
- specialforward[1]+=forward*.4;
- Normalise(&specialforward[1]);
- specialforward[2]=joints[jointlabels[leftshoulder]].position+joints[jointlabels[leftwrist]].position;
- specialforward[2]=joints[jointlabels[leftelbow]].position-specialforward[2]/2;
- specialforward[2]+=forward*.4;
- Normalise(&specialforward[2]);
- specialforward[3]=joints[jointlabels[righthip]].position+joints[jointlabels[rightankle]].position;
- specialforward[3]=specialforward[3]/2-joints[jointlabels[rightknee]].position;
- specialforward[3]+=lowforward*.4;
- Normalise(&specialforward[3]);
- specialforward[4]=joints[jointlabels[lefthip]].position+joints[jointlabels[leftankle]].position;
- specialforward[4]=specialforward[4]/2-joints[jointlabels[leftknee]].position;
- specialforward[4]+=lowforward*.4;
- Normalise(&specialforward[4]);
+ //Find forward vectors
+ CrossProduct(joints[forwardjoints[1]].position - joints[forwardjoints[0]].position, joints[forwardjoints[2]].position - joints[forwardjoints[0]].position, &forward);
+ Normalise(&forward);
+ CrossProduct(joints[lowforwardjoints[1]].position - joints[lowforwardjoints[0]].position, joints[lowforwardjoints[2]].position - joints[lowforwardjoints[0]].position, &lowforward);
+ Normalise(&lowforward);
+ //Special forwards
+ specialforward[0] = forward;
+ specialforward[1] = joints[jointlabels[rightshoulder]].position + joints[jointlabels[rightwrist]].position;
+ specialforward[1] = joints[jointlabels[rightelbow]].position - specialforward[1] / 2;
+ specialforward[1] += forward * .4;
+ Normalise(&specialforward[1]);
+ specialforward[2] = joints[jointlabels[leftshoulder]].position + joints[jointlabels[leftwrist]].position;
+ specialforward[2] = joints[jointlabels[leftelbow]].position - specialforward[2] / 2;
+ specialforward[2] += forward * .4;
+ Normalise(&specialforward[2]);
+ specialforward[3] = joints[jointlabels[righthip]].position + joints[jointlabels[rightankle]].position;
+ specialforward[3] = specialforward[3] / 2 - joints[jointlabels[rightknee]].position;
+ specialforward[3] += lowforward * .4;
+ Normalise(&specialforward[3]);
+ specialforward[4] = joints[jointlabels[lefthip]].position + joints[jointlabels[leftankle]].position;
+ specialforward[4] = specialforward[4] / 2 - joints[jointlabels[leftknee]].position;
+ specialforward[4] += lowforward * .4;
+ Normalise(&specialforward[4]);
-float Skeleton::DoConstraints(XYZ *coords,float *scale)
+float Skeleton::DoConstraints(XYZ *coords, float *scale)
- static float friction=1.5;
- static float elasticity=.3;
- static XYZ bounceness;
- static XYZ oldpos[100];
- static int numrepeats=3;
- static float groundlevel=.15;
- static float soundvolume;
- static int i,j,k,l,m;
- static XYZ temp,start,end;
- static XYZ terrainnormal;
- static float r=.05;
- static float r2=.08;
- static int whichhit;
- //static int whichjointstart,whichjointend;
- static float distance;
- static float frictionness;
- static XYZ terrainlight;
- static int whichpatchx;
- static int whichpatchz;
- static float damage;
- static bool freely;
- static float tempmult;
- static bool breaking;
- breaking=0;
- damage=0;
- if(free){
- freetime+=multiplier;
- whichpatchx=coords->x/(terrain.size/subdivision*terrain.scale);
- whichpatchz=coords->z/(terrain.size/subdivision*terrain.scale);
- terrainlight=*coords;
- objects.SphereCheckPossible(&terrainlight, 1);
- /*
- for(i=0; i<num_joints; i++){
- oldpos[i]=joints[i].position;
- }*/
- //Add velocity
- for(i=0; i<num_joints; i++){
- //if(!isnormal(joints[i].velocity.x)||!isnormal(joints[i].velocity.y)||!isnormal(joints[i].velocity.z))joints[i].velocity=0;
- joints[i].position=joints[i].position+joints[i].velocity*multiplier;
- groundlevel=.15;
- if(joints[i].label==head)groundlevel=.8;
- if(joints[i].label==righthand||joints[i].label==rightwrist||joints[i].label==rightelbow)groundlevel=.2;
- if(joints[i].label==lefthand||joints[i].label==leftwrist||joints[i].label==leftelbow)groundlevel=.2;
- joints[i].position.y-=groundlevel;
- //if(!joints[i].locked&&!broken)joints[i].velocity+=joints[i].velchange*multiplier*10*(500-longdead)/500;
- joints[i].oldvelocity=joints[i].velocity;
- }
- tempmult=multiplier;
- //multiplier/=numrepeats;
- for(j=0; j<numrepeats; j++){
- if(!joints[jointlabels[rightknee]].locked&&!joints[jointlabels[righthip]].locked){
- temp=joints[jointlabels[rightknee]].position-(joints[jointlabels[righthip]].position+joints[jointlabels[rightankle]].position)/2;
- while(normaldotproduct(temp,lowforward)>-.1&&!sphere_line_intersection(&joints[jointlabels[righthip]].position,&joints[jointlabels[rightankle]].position,&joints[jointlabels[rightknee]].position,&r)){
- joints[jointlabels[rightknee]].position-=lowforward*.05;
- if(spinny)joints[jointlabels[rightknee]].velocity-=lowforward*.05/multiplier/4;
- else joints[jointlabels[rightknee]].velocity-=lowforward*.05;
- joints[jointlabels[rightankle]].position+=lowforward*.025;
- if(spinny)joints[jointlabels[rightankle]].velocity+=lowforward*.025/multiplier/4;
- else joints[jointlabels[rightankle]].velocity+=lowforward*.25;
- joints[jointlabels[righthip]].position+=lowforward*.025;
- if(spinny)joints[jointlabels[righthip]].velocity+=lowforward*.025/multiplier/4;
- else joints[jointlabels[righthip]].velocity+=lowforward*.025;
- temp=joints[jointlabels[rightknee]].position-(joints[jointlabels[righthip]].position+joints[jointlabels[rightankle]].position)/2;
- }
- }
- if(!joints[jointlabels[leftknee]].locked&&!joints[jointlabels[righthip]].locked){
- temp=joints[jointlabels[leftknee]].position-(joints[jointlabels[lefthip]].position+joints[jointlabels[leftankle]].position)/2;
- while(normaldotproduct(temp,lowforward)>-.1&&!sphere_line_intersection(&joints[jointlabels[lefthip]].position,&joints[jointlabels[leftankle]].position,&joints[jointlabels[leftknee]].position,&r)){
- joints[jointlabels[leftknee]].position-=lowforward*.05;
- if(spinny)joints[jointlabels[leftknee]].velocity-=lowforward*.05/multiplier/4;
- else joints[jointlabels[leftknee]].velocity-=lowforward*.05;
- joints[jointlabels[leftankle]].position+=lowforward*.025;
- if(spinny)joints[jointlabels[leftankle]].velocity+=lowforward*.025/multiplier/4;
- else joints[jointlabels[leftankle]].velocity+=lowforward*.25;
- joints[jointlabels[lefthip]].position+=lowforward*.025;
- if(spinny)joints[jointlabels[lefthip]].velocity+=lowforward*.025/multiplier/4;
- else joints[jointlabels[lefthip]].velocity+=lowforward*.025;
- temp=joints[jointlabels[leftknee]].position-(joints[jointlabels[lefthip]].position+joints[jointlabels[leftankle]].position)/2;
- }
- }
- for(i=0; i<num_joints; i++){
- //joints[i].delay-=multiplier/1.5;
- if(joints[i].locked)
- if(!spinny)if(findLengthfast(&joints[i].velocity)>320)joints[i].locked=0;
- if(spinny)if(findLengthfast(&joints[i].velocity)>600)joints[i].locked=0;
- if(joints[i].delay>0){
- freely=1;
- for(j=0;j<num_joints;j++){
- if(joints[j].locked)freely=0;
- }
- if(freely)joints[i].delay-=multiplier*3;
- }
- //if(joints[i].delay>0)
- //if(findLengthfast(&joints[i].velocity)>700&&joints[i].label!=head)joints[i].delay-=multiplier;
- }
- if(num_muscles)
- for(i=0; i<num_muscles; i++){
- //Length constraints
- //muscles[i].DoConstraint(broken);
- muscles[i].DoConstraint(spinny);
- }
- for(i=0; i<num_joints; i++){
- //joints[i].delay-=multiplier/1.5;
- //Length constraints
- //Ground constraint
- groundlevel=0;
- if(joints[i].position.y*(*scale)+coords->y<terrain.getHeight(joints[i].position.x*(*scale)+coords->x,joints[i].position.z*(*scale)+coords->z)+groundlevel){
- freefall=0;
- friction=1.5;
- if(joints[i].label==groin&&!joints[i].locked&&joints[i].delay<=0){
- joints[i].locked=1;
- joints[i].delay=1;
- if(tutoriallevel!=1||id==0){
- emit_sound_at(landsound1, joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords, 128.);
- }
- breaking=1;
- }
- if(joints[i].label==head&&!joints[i].locked&&joints[i].delay<=0){
- joints[i].locked=1;
- joints[i].delay=1;
- if(tutoriallevel!=1||id==0){
- emit_sound_at(landsound2, joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords, 128.);
- }
- }
- terrainnormal=terrain.getNormal(joints[i].position.x*(*scale)+coords->x,joints[i].position.z*(*scale)+coords->z);
- ReflectVector(&joints[i].velocity,&terrainnormal);
- bounceness=terrainnormal*findLength(&joints[i].velocity)*(abs(normaldotproduct(joints[i].velocity,terrainnormal)));
- if(!joints[i].locked)damage+=findLengthfast(&bounceness)/4000;
- if(findLengthfast(&joints[i].velocity)<findLengthfast(&bounceness))bounceness=0;
- frictionness=abs(normaldotproduct(joints[i].velocity,terrainnormal));//findLength(&bounceness)/findLength(&joints[i].velocity);
- joints[i].velocity-=bounceness;
- if(1-friction*frictionness>0)joints[i].velocity*=1-friction*frictionness;
- else joints[i].velocity=0;
- if(tutoriallevel!=1||id==0)
- if(findLengthfast(&bounceness)>8000&&breaking){
- objects.model[k].MakeDecal(breakdecal,DoRotation(temp-objects.position[k],0,-objects.yaw[k],0),.4,.5,Random()%360);
- Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords,joints[i].velocity*.06, 1,1,1, 4, .2);
- //Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords,joints[i].velocity*.06, 1,1,1, 1, .2);
- breaking=0;
- camerashake+=.6;
- emit_sound_at(breaksound2, joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords);
- envsound[numenvsounds]=*coords;
- envsoundvol[numenvsounds]=64;
- envsoundlife[numenvsounds]=.4;
- numenvsounds++;
- }
- if(findLengthfast(&bounceness)>2500){
- Normalise(&bounceness);
- bounceness=bounceness*50;
- }
- joints[i].velocity+=bounceness*elasticity;
- if(findLengthfast(&joints[i].velocity)>findLengthfast(&joints[i].oldvelocity)){
- bounceness=0;
- joints[i].velocity=joints[i].oldvelocity;
- }
- if(joints[i].locked==0)
- if(findLengthfast(&joints[i].velocity)<1)joints[i].locked=1;
- if(environment==snowyenvironment&&findLengthfast(&bounceness)>500&&terrain.getOpacity(joints[i].position.x*(*scale)+coords->x,joints[i].position.z*(*scale)+coords->z)<.2){
- terrainlight=terrain.getLighting(joints[i].position.x*(*scale)+coords->x,joints[i].position.z*(*scale)+coords->z);
- Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords,joints[i].velocity*.06, terrainlight.x,terrainlight.y,terrainlight.z, .5, .7);
- if(detail==2)terrain.MakeDecal(bodyprintdecal, joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords,.4,.4,0);
- }
- else if(environment==desertenvironment&&findLengthfast(&bounceness)>500&&terrain.getOpacity(joints[i].position.x*(*scale)+coords->x,joints[i].position.z*(*scale)+coords->z)<.2){
- terrainlight=terrain.getLighting(joints[i].position.x*(*scale)+coords->x,joints[i].position.z*(*scale)+coords->z);
- Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords,joints[i].velocity*.06, terrainlight.x*190/255,terrainlight.y*170/255,terrainlight.z*108/255, .5, .7);
- }
- else if(environment==grassyenvironment&&findLengthfast(&bounceness)>500&&terrain.getOpacity(joints[i].position.x*(*scale)+coords->x,joints[i].position.z*(*scale)+coords->z)<.2){
- terrainlight=terrain.getLighting(joints[i].position.x*(*scale)+coords->x,joints[i].position.z*(*scale)+coords->z);
- Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords,joints[i].velocity*.06, terrainlight.x*90/255,terrainlight.y*70/255,terrainlight.z*8/255, .5, .5);
- }
- else if(findLengthfast(&bounceness)>500)Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords,joints[i].velocity*.06, terrainlight.x,terrainlight.y,terrainlight.z, .5, .2);
- joints[i].position.y=(terrain.getHeight(joints[i].position.x*(*scale)+coords->x,joints[i].position.z*(*scale)+coords->z)+groundlevel-coords->y)/(*scale);
- if(longdead>100)broken=1;
- }
- if(terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz])
- for(m=0;m<terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz];m++){
- k=terrain.patchobjects[whichpatchx][whichpatchz][m];
- if(k<objects.numobjects&&k>=0)
- if(objects.possible[k]){
- friction=objects.friction[k];
- start=joints[i].realoldposition;
- end=joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords;
- whichhit=objects.model[k].LineCheckPossible(&start,&end,&temp,&objects.position[k],&objects.yaw[k]);
- if(whichhit!=-1){
- if(joints[i].label==groin&&!joints[i].locked&&joints[i].delay<=0){
- joints[i].locked=1;
- joints[i].delay=1;
- if(tutoriallevel!=1||id==0){
- emit_sound_at(landsound1, joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords, 128.);
- }
- breaking=1;
- }
- if(joints[i].label==head&&!joints[i].locked&&joints[i].delay<=0){
- joints[i].locked=1;
- joints[i].delay=1;
- if(tutoriallevel!=1||id==0){
- emit_sound_at(landsound2, joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords, 128.);
- }
- }
- terrainnormal=DoRotation(objects.model[k].facenormals[whichhit],0,objects.yaw[k],0)*-1;
- if(terrainnormal.y>.8)freefall=0;
- bounceness=terrainnormal*findLength(&joints[i].velocity)*(abs(normaldotproduct(joints[i].velocity,terrainnormal)));
- if(findLengthfast(&joints[i].velocity)>findLengthfast(&joints[i].oldvelocity)){
- bounceness=0;
- joints[i].velocity=joints[i].oldvelocity;
- }
- if(tutoriallevel!=1||id==0)
- if(findLengthfast(&bounceness)>4000&&breaking){
- objects.model[k].MakeDecal(breakdecal,DoRotation(temp-objects.position[k],0,-objects.yaw[k],0),.4,.5,Random()%360);
- Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords,joints[i].velocity*.06, 1,1,1, 4, .2);
- breaking=0;
- camerashake+=.6;
- emit_sound_at(breaksound2, joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords);
- envsound[numenvsounds]=*coords;
- envsoundvol[numenvsounds]=64;
- envsoundlife[numenvsounds]=.4;
- numenvsounds++;
- }
- if(objects.type[k]==treetrunktype){
- //if(objects.rotx[k]==0||objects.roty[k]==0){
- /*int howmany;
- XYZ tempvel;
- XYZ pos;
- if(environment==grassyenvironment)howmany=findLength(&joints[i].velocity)*4/10;
- if(environment==snowyenvironment)howmany=findLength(&joints[i].velocity)*1/10;
- if(environment!=desertenvironment)
- for(j=0;j<howmany;j++){
- tempvel.x=float(abs(Random()%100)-50)/20;
- tempvel.y=float(abs(Random()%100)-50)/20;
- tempvel.z=float(abs(Random()%100)-50)/20;
- pos=objects.position[k];
- pos.y+=objects.scale[k]*15;
- pos.x+=float(abs(Random()%100)-50)/100*objects.scale[k]*5;
- pos.y+=float(abs(Random()%100)-50)/100*objects.scale[k]*15;
- pos.z+=float(abs(Random()%100)-50)/100*objects.scale[k]*5;
- Sprite::MakeSprite(splintersprite, pos,tempvel*.5, 165/255+float(abs(Random()%100)-50)/400,0,0, .2+float(abs(Random()%100)-50)/1300, 1);
- Sprite::special[Sprite::numsprites-1]=1;
- }*/
- objects.rotx[k]+=joints[i].velocity.x*multiplier*.4;
- objects.roty[k]+=joints[i].velocity.z*multiplier*.4;
- objects.rotx[k+1]+=joints[i].velocity.x*multiplier*.4;
- objects.roty[k+1]+=joints[i].velocity.z*multiplier*.4;
- }
- if(!joints[i].locked)damage+=findLengthfast(&bounceness)/2500;
- ReflectVector(&joints[i].velocity,&terrainnormal);
- frictionness=abs(normaldotproduct(joints[i].velocity,terrainnormal));//findLength(&bounceness)/findLength(&joints[i].velocity);
- joints[i].velocity-=bounceness;
- if(1-friction*frictionness>0)joints[i].velocity*=1-friction*frictionness;
- else joints[i].velocity=0;
- if(findLengthfast(&bounceness)>2500){
- Normalise(&bounceness);
- bounceness=bounceness*50;
- }
- joints[i].velocity+=bounceness*elasticity;
- if(!joints[i].locked)
- if(findLengthfast(&joints[i].velocity)<1){
- joints[i].locked=1;
- //joints[i].velocity*=3;
- }
- if(findLengthfast(&bounceness)>500)Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords,joints[i].velocity*.06, 1,1,1, .5, .2);
- joints[i].position=(temp-*coords)/(*scale)+terrainnormal*.005;
- if(longdead>100)broken=1;
- }
- }
- }
- joints[i].realoldposition=joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords;
- }
- }
- multiplier=tempmult;
- if(terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz])
- for(m=0;m<terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz];m++){
- k=terrain.patchobjects[whichpatchx][whichpatchz][m];
- if(objects.possible[k]){
- for(i=0;i<26;i++){
- //Make this less stupid
- start=joints[jointlabels[whichjointstartarray[i]]].position*(*scale)+*coords;
- end=joints[jointlabels[whichjointendarray[i]]].position*(*scale)+*coords;
- whichhit=objects.model[k].LineCheckSlidePossible(&start,&end,&temp,&objects.position[k],&objects.yaw[k]);
- if(whichhit!=-1){
- joints[jointlabels[whichjointendarray[i]]].position=(end-*coords)/(*scale);
- for(j=0; j<num_muscles; j++){
- if((muscles[j].parent1->label==whichjointstartarray[i]&&muscles[j].parent2->label==whichjointendarray[i])||(muscles[j].parent2->label==whichjointstartarray[i]&&muscles[j].parent1->label==whichjointendarray[i]))
- muscles[j].DoConstraint(spinny);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for(i=0; i<num_joints; i++){
- groundlevel=.15;
- if(joints[i].label==head)groundlevel=.8;
- if(joints[i].label==righthand||joints[i].label==rightwrist||joints[i].label==rightelbow)groundlevel=.2;
- if(joints[i].label==lefthand||joints[i].label==leftwrist||joints[i].label==leftelbow)groundlevel=.2;
- joints[i].position.y+=groundlevel;
- joints[i].mass=1;
- if(joints[i].label==lefthip||joints[i].label==leftknee||joints[i].label==leftankle||joints[i].label==righthip||joints[i].label==rightknee||joints[i].label==rightankle)joints[i].mass=2;
- if(joints[i].locked){
- joints[i].mass=4;
- }
- }
- return damage;
- }
- if(!free){
- for(i=0; i<num_muscles; i++){
- if(muscles[i].type==boneconnect)
- muscles[i].DoConstraint(0);
- }
- }
- return 0;
+ static float friction = 1.5;
+ static float elasticity = .3;
+ static XYZ bounceness;
+ static XYZ oldpos[100];
+ static int numrepeats = 3;
+ static float groundlevel = .15;
+ static float soundvolume;
+ static int i, j, k, l, m;
+ static XYZ temp, start, end;
+ static XYZ terrainnormal;
+ static float r = .05;
+ static float r2 = .08;
+ static int whichhit;
+ //static int whichjointstart,whichjointend;
+ static float distance;
+ static float frictionness;
+ static XYZ terrainlight;
+ static int whichpatchx;
+ static int whichpatchz;
+ static float damage;
+ static bool freely;
+ static float tempmult;
+ static bool breaking;
+ breaking = 0;
+ damage = 0;
+ if (free) {
+ freetime += multiplier;
+ whichpatchx = coords->x / (terrain.size / subdivision * terrain.scale);
+ whichpatchz = coords->z / (terrain.size / subdivision * terrain.scale);
+ terrainlight = *coords;
+ objects.SphereCheckPossible(&terrainlight, 1);
+ /*
+ for(i=0; i<num_joints; i++){
+ oldpos[i]=joints[i].position;
+ }*/
+ //Add velocity
+ for (i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) {
+ //if(!isnormal(joints[i].velocity.x)||!isnormal(joints[i].velocity.y)||!isnormal(joints[i].velocity.z))joints[i].velocity=0;
+ joints[i].position = joints[i].position + joints[i].velocity * multiplier;
+ groundlevel = .15;
+ if (joints[i].label == head)
+ groundlevel = .8;
+ if (joints[i].label == righthand || joints[i].label == rightwrist || joints[i].label == rightelbow)
+ groundlevel = .2;
+ if (joints[i].label == lefthand || joints[i].label == leftwrist || joints[i].label == leftelbow)
+ groundlevel = .2;
+ joints[i].position.y -= groundlevel;
+ //if(!joints[i].locked&&!broken)joints[i].velocity+=joints[i].velchange*multiplier*10*(500-longdead)/500;
+ joints[i].oldvelocity = joints[i].velocity;
+ }
+ tempmult = multiplier;
+ //multiplier/=numrepeats;
+ for (j = 0; j < numrepeats; j++) {
+ if (!joints[jointlabels[rightknee]].locked && !joints[jointlabels[righthip]].locked) {
+ temp = joints[jointlabels[rightknee]].position - (joints[jointlabels[righthip]].position + joints[jointlabels[rightankle]].position) / 2;
+ while (normaldotproduct(temp, lowforward) > -.1 && !sphere_line_intersection(&joints[jointlabels[righthip]].position, &joints[jointlabels[rightankle]].position, &joints[jointlabels[rightknee]].position, &r)) {
+ joints[jointlabels[rightknee]].position -= lowforward * .05;
+ if (spinny)
+ joints[jointlabels[rightknee]].velocity -= lowforward * .05 / multiplier / 4;
+ else
+ joints[jointlabels[rightknee]].velocity -= lowforward * .05;
+ joints[jointlabels[rightankle]].position += lowforward * .025;
+ if (spinny)
+ joints[jointlabels[rightankle]].velocity += lowforward * .025 / multiplier / 4;
+ else
+ joints[jointlabels[rightankle]].velocity += lowforward * .25;
+ joints[jointlabels[righthip]].position += lowforward * .025;
+ if (spinny)
+ joints[jointlabels[righthip]].velocity += lowforward * .025 / multiplier / 4;
+ else
+ joints[jointlabels[righthip]].velocity += lowforward * .025;
+ temp = joints[jointlabels[rightknee]].position - (joints[jointlabels[righthip]].position + joints[jointlabels[rightankle]].position) / 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!joints[jointlabels[leftknee]].locked && !joints[jointlabels[righthip]].locked) {
+ temp = joints[jointlabels[leftknee]].position - (joints[jointlabels[lefthip]].position + joints[jointlabels[leftankle]].position) / 2;
+ while (normaldotproduct(temp, lowforward) > -.1 && !sphere_line_intersection(&joints[jointlabels[lefthip]].position, &joints[jointlabels[leftankle]].position, &joints[jointlabels[leftknee]].position, &r)) {
+ joints[jointlabels[leftknee]].position -= lowforward * .05;
+ if (spinny)
+ joints[jointlabels[leftknee]].velocity -= lowforward * .05 / multiplier / 4;
+ else
+ joints[jointlabels[leftknee]].velocity -= lowforward * .05;
+ joints[jointlabels[leftankle]].position += lowforward * .025;
+ if (spinny)
+ joints[jointlabels[leftankle]].velocity += lowforward * .025 / multiplier / 4;
+ else
+ joints[jointlabels[leftankle]].velocity += lowforward * .25;
+ joints[jointlabels[lefthip]].position += lowforward * .025;
+ if (spinny)
+ joints[jointlabels[lefthip]].velocity += lowforward * .025 / multiplier / 4;
+ else
+ joints[jointlabels[lefthip]].velocity += lowforward * .025;
+ temp = joints[jointlabels[leftknee]].position - (joints[jointlabels[lefthip]].position + joints[jointlabels[leftankle]].position) / 2;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) {
+ //joints[i].delay-=multiplier/1.5;
+ if (joints[i].locked)
+ if (!spinny)
+ if (findLengthfast(&joints[i].velocity) > 320)
+ joints[i].locked = 0;
+ if (spinny)
+ if (findLengthfast(&joints[i].velocity) > 600)
+ joints[i].locked = 0;
+ if (joints[i].delay > 0) {
+ freely = 1;
+ for (j = 0; j < num_joints; j++) {
+ if (joints[j].locked)
+ freely = 0;
+ }
+ if (freely)
+ joints[i].delay -= multiplier * 3;
+ }
+ //if(joints[i].delay>0)
+ //if(findLengthfast(&joints[i].velocity)>700&&joints[i].label!=head)joints[i].delay-=multiplier;
+ }
+ if (num_muscles)
+ for (i = 0; i < num_muscles; i++) {
+ //Length constraints
+ //muscles[i].DoConstraint(broken);
+ muscles[i].DoConstraint(spinny);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) {
+ //joints[i].delay-=multiplier/1.5;
+ //Length constraints
+ //Ground constraint
+ groundlevel = 0;
+ if (joints[i].position.y * (*scale) + coords->y < terrain.getHeight(joints[i].position.x * (*scale) + coords->x, joints[i].position.z * (*scale) + coords->z) + groundlevel) {
+ freefall = 0;
+ friction = 1.5;
+ if (joints[i].label == groin && !joints[i].locked && joints[i].delay <= 0) {
+ joints[i].locked = 1;
+ joints[i].delay = 1;
+ if (tutoriallevel != 1 || id == 0) {
+ emit_sound_at(landsound1, joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords, 128.);
+ }
+ breaking = 1;
+ }
+ if (joints[i].label == head && !joints[i].locked && joints[i].delay <= 0) {
+ joints[i].locked = 1;
+ joints[i].delay = 1;
+ if (tutoriallevel != 1 || id == 0) {
+ emit_sound_at(landsound2, joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords, 128.);
+ }
+ }
+ terrainnormal = terrain.getNormal(joints[i].position.x * (*scale) + coords->x, joints[i].position.z * (*scale) + coords->z);
+ ReflectVector(&joints[i].velocity, &terrainnormal);
+ bounceness = terrainnormal * findLength(&joints[i].velocity) * (abs(normaldotproduct(joints[i].velocity, terrainnormal)));
+ if (!joints[i].locked)
+ damage += findLengthfast(&bounceness) / 4000;
+ if (findLengthfast(&joints[i].velocity) < findLengthfast(&bounceness))
+ bounceness = 0;
+ frictionness = abs(normaldotproduct(joints[i].velocity, terrainnormal)); //findLength(&bounceness)/findLength(&joints[i].velocity);
+ joints[i].velocity -= bounceness;
+ if (1 - friction * frictionness > 0)
+ joints[i].velocity *= 1 - friction * frictionness;
+ else
+ joints[i].velocity = 0;
+ if (tutoriallevel != 1 || id == 0)
+ if (findLengthfast(&bounceness) > 8000 && breaking) {
+ objects.model[k].MakeDecal(breakdecal, DoRotation(temp - objects.position[k], 0, -objects.yaw[k], 0), .4, .5, Random() % 360);
+ Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords, joints[i].velocity * .06, 1, 1, 1, 4, .2);
+ //Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position*(*scale)+*coords,joints[i].velocity*.06, 1,1,1, 1, .2);
+ breaking = 0;
+ camerashake += .6;
+ emit_sound_at(breaksound2, joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords);
+ envsound[numenvsounds] = *coords;
+ envsoundvol[numenvsounds] = 64;
+ envsoundlife[numenvsounds] = .4;
+ numenvsounds++;
+ }
+ if (findLengthfast(&bounceness) > 2500) {
+ Normalise(&bounceness);
+ bounceness = bounceness * 50;
+ }
+ joints[i].velocity += bounceness * elasticity;
+ if (findLengthfast(&joints[i].velocity) > findLengthfast(&joints[i].oldvelocity)) {
+ bounceness = 0;
+ joints[i].velocity = joints[i].oldvelocity;
+ }
+ if (joints[i].locked == 0)
+ if (findLengthfast(&joints[i].velocity) < 1)
+ joints[i].locked = 1;
+ if (environment == snowyenvironment && findLengthfast(&bounceness) > 500 && terrain.getOpacity(joints[i].position.x * (*scale) + coords->x, joints[i].position.z * (*scale) + coords->z) < .2) {
+ terrainlight = terrain.getLighting(joints[i].position.x * (*scale) + coords->x, joints[i].position.z * (*scale) + coords->z);
+ Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords, joints[i].velocity * .06, terrainlight.x, terrainlight.y, terrainlight.z, .5, .7);
+ if (detail == 2)
+ terrain.MakeDecal(bodyprintdecal, joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords, .4, .4, 0);
+ } else if (environment == desertenvironment && findLengthfast(&bounceness) > 500 && terrain.getOpacity(joints[i].position.x * (*scale) + coords->x, joints[i].position.z * (*scale) + coords->z) < .2) {
+ terrainlight = terrain.getLighting(joints[i].position.x * (*scale) + coords->x, joints[i].position.z * (*scale) + coords->z);
+ Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords, joints[i].velocity * .06, terrainlight.x * 190 / 255, terrainlight.y * 170 / 255, terrainlight.z * 108 / 255, .5, .7);
+ }
+ else if (environment == grassyenvironment && findLengthfast(&bounceness) > 500 && terrain.getOpacity(joints[i].position.x * (*scale) + coords->x, joints[i].position.z * (*scale) + coords->z) < .2) {
+ terrainlight = terrain.getLighting(joints[i].position.x * (*scale) + coords->x, joints[i].position.z * (*scale) + coords->z);
+ Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords, joints[i].velocity * .06, terrainlight.x * 90 / 255, terrainlight.y * 70 / 255, terrainlight.z * 8 / 255, .5, .5);
+ } else if (findLengthfast(&bounceness) > 500)
+ Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords, joints[i].velocity * .06, terrainlight.x, terrainlight.y, terrainlight.z, .5, .2);
+ joints[i].position.y = (terrain.getHeight(joints[i].position.x * (*scale) + coords->x, joints[i].position.z * (*scale) + coords->z) + groundlevel - coords->y) / (*scale);
+ if (longdead > 100)
+ broken = 1;
+ }
+ if (terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz])
+ for (m = 0; m < terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz]; m++) {
+ k = terrain.patchobjects[whichpatchx][whichpatchz][m];
+ if (k < objects.numobjects && k >= 0)
+ if (objects.possible[k]) {
+ friction = objects.friction[k];
+ start = joints[i].realoldposition;
+ end = joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords;
+ whichhit = objects.model[k].LineCheckPossible(&start, &end, &temp, &objects.position[k], &objects.yaw[k]);
+ if (whichhit != -1) {
+ if (joints[i].label == groin && !joints[i].locked && joints[i].delay <= 0) {
+ joints[i].locked = 1;
+ joints[i].delay = 1;
+ if (tutoriallevel != 1 || id == 0) {
+ emit_sound_at(landsound1, joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords, 128.);
+ }
+ breaking = 1;
+ }
+ if (joints[i].label == head && !joints[i].locked && joints[i].delay <= 0) {
+ joints[i].locked = 1;
+ joints[i].delay = 1;
+ if (tutoriallevel != 1 || id == 0) {
+ emit_sound_at(landsound2, joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords, 128.);
+ }
+ }
+ terrainnormal = DoRotation(objects.model[k].facenormals[whichhit], 0, objects.yaw[k], 0) * -1;
+ if (terrainnormal.y > .8)
+ freefall = 0;
+ bounceness = terrainnormal * findLength(&joints[i].velocity) * (abs(normaldotproduct(joints[i].velocity, terrainnormal)));
+ if (findLengthfast(&joints[i].velocity) > findLengthfast(&joints[i].oldvelocity)) {
+ bounceness = 0;
+ joints[i].velocity = joints[i].oldvelocity;
+ }
+ if (tutoriallevel != 1 || id == 0)
+ if (findLengthfast(&bounceness) > 4000 && breaking) {
+ objects.model[k].MakeDecal(breakdecal, DoRotation(temp - objects.position[k], 0, -objects.yaw[k], 0), .4, .5, Random() % 360);
+ Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords, joints[i].velocity * .06, 1, 1, 1, 4, .2);
+ breaking = 0;
+ camerashake += .6;
+ emit_sound_at(breaksound2, joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords);
+ envsound[numenvsounds] = *coords;
+ envsoundvol[numenvsounds] = 64;
+ envsoundlife[numenvsounds] = .4;
+ numenvsounds++;
+ }
+ if (objects.type[k] == treetrunktype) {
+ //if(objects.rotx[k]==0||objects.roty[k]==0){
+ /*int howmany;
+ XYZ tempvel;
+ XYZ pos;
+ if(environment==grassyenvironment)howmany=findLength(&joints[i].velocity)*4/10;
+ if(environment==snowyenvironment)howmany=findLength(&joints[i].velocity)*1/10;
+ if(environment!=desertenvironment)
+ for(j=0;j<howmany;j++){
+ tempvel.x=float(abs(Random()%100)-50)/20;
+ tempvel.y=float(abs(Random()%100)-50)/20;
+ tempvel.z=float(abs(Random()%100)-50)/20;
+ pos=objects.position[k];
+ pos.y+=objects.scale[k]*15;
+ pos.x+=float(abs(Random()%100)-50)/100*objects.scale[k]*5;
+ pos.y+=float(abs(Random()%100)-50)/100*objects.scale[k]*15;
+ pos.z+=float(abs(Random()%100)-50)/100*objects.scale[k]*5;
+ Sprite::MakeSprite(splintersprite, pos,tempvel*.5, 165/255+float(abs(Random()%100)-50)/400,0,0, .2+float(abs(Random()%100)-50)/1300, 1);
+ Sprite::special[Sprite::numsprites-1]=1;
+ }*/
+ objects.rotx[k] += joints[i].velocity.x * multiplier * .4;
+ objects.roty[k] += joints[i].velocity.z * multiplier * .4;
+ objects.rotx[k + 1] += joints[i].velocity.x * multiplier * .4;
+ objects.roty[k + 1] += joints[i].velocity.z * multiplier * .4;
+ }
+ if (!joints[i].locked)
+ damage += findLengthfast(&bounceness) / 2500;
+ ReflectVector(&joints[i].velocity, &terrainnormal);
+ frictionness = abs(normaldotproduct(joints[i].velocity, terrainnormal)); //findLength(&bounceness)/findLength(&joints[i].velocity);
+ joints[i].velocity -= bounceness;
+ if (1 - friction * frictionness > 0)
+ joints[i].velocity *= 1 - friction * frictionness;
+ else
+ joints[i].velocity = 0;
+ if (findLengthfast(&bounceness) > 2500) {
+ Normalise(&bounceness);
+ bounceness = bounceness * 50;
+ }
+ joints[i].velocity += bounceness * elasticity;
+ if (!joints[i].locked)
+ if (findLengthfast(&joints[i].velocity) < 1) {
+ joints[i].locked = 1;
+ //joints[i].velocity*=3;
+ }
+ if (findLengthfast(&bounceness) > 500)
+ Sprite::MakeSprite(cloudsprite, joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords, joints[i].velocity * .06, 1, 1, 1, .5, .2);
+ joints[i].position = (temp - *coords) / (*scale) + terrainnormal * .005;
+ if (longdead > 100)
+ broken = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ joints[i].realoldposition = joints[i].position * (*scale) + *coords;
+ }
+ }
+ multiplier = tempmult;
+ if (terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz])
+ for (m = 0; m < terrain.patchobjectnum[whichpatchx][whichpatchz]; m++) {
+ k = terrain.patchobjects[whichpatchx][whichpatchz][m];
+ if (objects.possible[k]) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
+ //Make this less stupid
+ start = joints[jointlabels[whichjointstartarray[i]]].position * (*scale) + *coords;
+ end = joints[jointlabels[whichjointendarray[i]]].position * (*scale) + *coords;
+ whichhit = objects.model[k].LineCheckSlidePossible(&start, &end, &temp, &objects.position[k], &objects.yaw[k]);
+ if (whichhit != -1) {
+ joints[jointlabels[whichjointendarray[i]]].position = (end - *coords) / (*scale);
+ for (j = 0; j < num_muscles; j++) {
+ if ((muscles[j].parent1->label == whichjointstartarray[i] && muscles[j].parent2->label == whichjointendarray[i]) || (muscles[j].parent2->label == whichjointstartarray[i] && muscles[j].parent1->label == whichjointendarray[i]))
+ muscles[j].DoConstraint(spinny);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) {
+ groundlevel = .15;
+ if (joints[i].label == head)
+ groundlevel = .8;
+ if (joints[i].label == righthand || joints[i].label == rightwrist || joints[i].label == rightelbow)
+ groundlevel = .2;
+ if (joints[i].label == lefthand || joints[i].label == leftwrist || joints[i].label == leftelbow)
+ groundlevel = .2;
+ joints[i].position.y += groundlevel;
+ joints[i].mass = 1;
+ if (joints[i].label == lefthip || joints[i].label == leftknee || joints[i].label == leftankle || joints[i].label == righthip || joints[i].label == rightknee || joints[i].label == rightankle)
+ joints[i].mass = 2;
+ if (joints[i].locked) {
+ joints[i].mass = 4;
+ }
+ }
+ return damage;
+ }
+ if (!free) {
+ for (i = 0; i < num_muscles; i++) {
+ if (muscles[i].type == boneconnect)
+ muscles[i].DoConstraint(0);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
void Skeleton::DoGravity(float *scale)
- static int i;
- for(i=0; i<num_joints; i++){
- if(((joints[i].label!=leftknee&&joints[i].label!=rightknee)||lowforward.y>-.1||joints[i].mass<5)&&((joints[i].label!=rightelbow&&joints[i].label!=rightelbow)||forward.y<.3))joints[i].velocity.y+=gravity*multiplier/(*scale);
- }
+ static int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) {
+ if (((joints[i].label != leftknee && joints[i].label != rightknee) || lowforward.y > -.1 || joints[i].mass < 5) && ((joints[i].label != rightelbow && joints[i].label != rightelbow) || forward.y < .3))
+ joints[i].velocity.y += gravity * multiplier / (*scale);
+ }
void Skeleton::Draw(int muscleview)
- static float jointcolor[4];
- if(muscleview!=2){
- jointcolor[0]=0;
- jointcolor[1]=0;
- jointcolor[2]=.5;
- jointcolor[3]=1;
- }
- if(muscleview==2){
- jointcolor[0]=0;
- jointcolor[1]=0;
- jointcolor[2]=0;
- jointcolor[3]=.5;
- }
- //Calc motionblur-ness
- for(int i=0; i<num_joints; i++){
- joints[i].oldposition=joints[i].position;
- joints[i].blurred=findDistance(&joints[i].position,&joints[i].oldposition)*100;
- if(joints[i].blurred<1)joints[i].blurred=1;
- }
- //Do Motionblur
- glDepthMask(0);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- for(int i=0; i<num_joints; i++){
- if(joints[i].hasparent){
- glColor4f(jointcolor[0],jointcolor[1],jointcolor[2],jointcolor[3]/joints[i].blurred);
- glVertex3f(joints[i].position.x,joints[i].position.y,joints[i].position.z);
- glColor4f(jointcolor[0],jointcolor[1],jointcolor[2],jointcolor[3]/joints[i].parent->blurred);
- glVertex3f(joints[i].parent->position.x,joints[i].parent->position.y,joints[i].parent->position.z);
- glColor4f(jointcolor[0],jointcolor[1],jointcolor[2],jointcolor[3]/joints[i].parent->blurred);
- glVertex3f(joints[i].parent->oldposition.x,joints[i].parent->oldposition.y,joints[i].parent->oldposition.z);
- glColor4f(jointcolor[0],jointcolor[1],jointcolor[2],jointcolor[3]/joints[i].blurred);
- glVertex3f(joints[i].oldposition.x,joints[i].oldposition.y,joints[i].oldposition.z);
- }
- }
- for(int i=0; i<num_muscles; i++){
- if(muscles[i].type==boneconnect){
- glColor4f(jointcolor[0],jointcolor[1],jointcolor[2],jointcolor[3]/muscles[i].parent2->blurred);
- glVertex3f(muscles[i].parent1->position.x,muscles[i].parent1->position.y,muscles[i].parent1->position.z);
- glColor4f(jointcolor[0],jointcolor[1],jointcolor[2],jointcolor[3]/muscles[i].parent2->blurred);
- glVertex3f(muscles[i].parent2->position.x,muscles[i].parent2->position.y,muscles[i].parent2->position.z);
- glColor4f(jointcolor[0],jointcolor[1],jointcolor[2],jointcolor[3]/muscles[i].parent2->blurred);
- glVertex3f(muscles[i].parent2->oldposition.x,muscles[i].parent2->oldposition.y,muscles[i].parent2->oldposition.z);
- glColor4f(jointcolor[0],jointcolor[1],jointcolor[2],jointcolor[3]/muscles[i].parent1->blurred);
- glVertex3f(muscles[i].parent1->oldposition.x,muscles[i].parent1->oldposition.y,muscles[i].parent1->oldposition.z);
- }
- }
- glEnd();
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- for(int i=0; i<num_joints; i++){
- if(joints[i].hasparent){
- glColor4f(jointcolor[0],jointcolor[1],jointcolor[2],jointcolor[3]/joints[i].blurred);
- glVertex3f(joints[i].position.x,joints[i].position.y,joints[i].position.z);
- glColor4f(jointcolor[0],jointcolor[1],jointcolor[2],jointcolor[3]/joints[i].parent->blurred);
- glVertex3f(joints[i].parent->position.x,joints[i].parent->position.y,joints[i].parent->position.z);
- }
- }
- /*for(int i=0; i<num_joints; i++){
- if(joints[i].hasparent){
- glColor4f(jointcolor[0],jointcolor[1],jointcolor[2],1);
- glVertex3f(joints[i].position.x,joints[i].position.y,joints[i].position.z);
- glColor4f(jointcolor[0],jointcolor[1],jointcolor[2],1);
- glVertex3f(joints[i].position.x+forward.x,joints[i].position.y+forward.y,joints[i].position.z+forward.z);
- }
- }*/
- for(int i=0; i<num_muscles; i++){
- if(muscles[i].type==boneconnect){
- glColor4f(jointcolor[0],jointcolor[1],jointcolor[2],jointcolor[3]/muscles[i].parent1->blurred);
- glVertex3f(muscles[i].parent1->position.x,muscles[i].parent1->position.y,muscles[i].parent1->position.z);
- glColor4f(jointcolor[0],jointcolor[1],jointcolor[2],jointcolor[3]/muscles[i].parent2->blurred);
- glVertex3f(muscles[i].parent2->position.x,muscles[i].parent2->position.y,muscles[i].parent2->position.z);
- }
- }
- glColor3f(.6,.6,0);
- if(muscleview==1)
- for(int i=0; i<num_muscles; i++){
- if(muscles[i].type!=boneconnect){
- glVertex3f(muscles[i].parent1->position.x,muscles[i].parent1->position.y,muscles[i].parent1->position.z);
- glVertex3f(muscles[i].parent2->position.x,muscles[i].parent2->position.y,muscles[i].parent2->position.z);
- }
- }
- glEnd();
- if(muscleview!=2){
- glPointSize(3);
- glBegin(GL_POINTS);
- for(int i=0; i<num_joints; i++){
- if(i!=selected)glColor4f(0,0,.5,1);
- if(i==selected)glColor4f(1,1,0,1);
- if(joints[i].locked&&i!=selected)glColor4f(1,0,0,1);
- glVertex3f(joints[i].position.x,joints[i].position.y,joints[i].position.z);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- //Set old position to current position
- if(muscleview==2)
- for(int i=0; i<num_joints; i++){
- joints[i].oldposition=joints[i].position;
- }
- glDepthMask(1);
+ static float jointcolor[4];
+ if (muscleview != 2) {
+ jointcolor[0] = 0;
+ jointcolor[1] = 0;
+ jointcolor[2] = .5;
+ jointcolor[3] = 1;
+ }
+ if (muscleview == 2) {
+ jointcolor[0] = 0;
+ jointcolor[1] = 0;
+ jointcolor[2] = 0;
+ jointcolor[3] = .5;
+ }
+ //Calc motionblur-ness
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) {
+ joints[i].oldposition = joints[i].position;
+ joints[i].blurred = findDistance(&joints[i].position, &joints[i].oldposition) * 100;
+ if (joints[i].blurred < 1)
+ joints[i].blurred = 1;
+ }
+ //Do Motionblur
+ glDepthMask(0);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) {
+ if (joints[i].hasparent) {
+ glColor4f(jointcolor[0], jointcolor[1], jointcolor[2], jointcolor[3] / joints[i].blurred);
+ glVertex3f(joints[i].position.x, joints[i].position.y, joints[i].position.z);
+ glColor4f(jointcolor[0], jointcolor[1], jointcolor[2], jointcolor[3] / joints[i].parent->blurred);
+ glVertex3f(joints[i].parent->position.x, joints[i].parent->position.y, joints[i].parent->position.z);
+ glColor4f(jointcolor[0], jointcolor[1], jointcolor[2], jointcolor[3] / joints[i].parent->blurred);
+ glVertex3f(joints[i].parent->oldposition.x, joints[i].parent->oldposition.y, joints[i].parent->oldposition.z);
+ glColor4f(jointcolor[0], jointcolor[1], jointcolor[2], jointcolor[3] / joints[i].blurred);
+ glVertex3f(joints[i].oldposition.x, joints[i].oldposition.y, joints[i].oldposition.z);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_muscles; i++) {
+ if (muscles[i].type == boneconnect) {
+ glColor4f(jointcolor[0], jointcolor[1], jointcolor[2], jointcolor[3] / muscles[i].parent2->blurred);
+ glVertex3f(muscles[i].parent1->position.x, muscles[i].parent1->position.y, muscles[i].parent1->position.z);
+ glColor4f(jointcolor[0], jointcolor[1], jointcolor[2], jointcolor[3] / muscles[i].parent2->blurred);
+ glVertex3f(muscles[i].parent2->position.x, muscles[i].parent2->position.y, muscles[i].parent2->position.z);
+ glColor4f(jointcolor[0], jointcolor[1], jointcolor[2], jointcolor[3] / muscles[i].parent2->blurred);
+ glVertex3f(muscles[i].parent2->oldposition.x, muscles[i].parent2->oldposition.y, muscles[i].parent2->oldposition.z);
+ glColor4f(jointcolor[0], jointcolor[1], jointcolor[2], jointcolor[3] / muscles[i].parent1->blurred);
+ glVertex3f(muscles[i].parent1->oldposition.x, muscles[i].parent1->oldposition.y, muscles[i].parent1->oldposition.z);
+ }
+ }
+ glEnd();
+ glBegin(GL_LINES);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) {
+ if (joints[i].hasparent) {
+ glColor4f(jointcolor[0], jointcolor[1], jointcolor[2], jointcolor[3] / joints[i].blurred);
+ glVertex3f(joints[i].position.x, joints[i].position.y, joints[i].position.z);
+ glColor4f(jointcolor[0], jointcolor[1], jointcolor[2], jointcolor[3] / joints[i].parent->blurred);
+ glVertex3f(joints[i].parent->position.x, joints[i].parent->position.y, joints[i].parent->position.z);
+ }
+ }
+ /*for(int i=0; i<num_joints; i++){
+ if(joints[i].hasparent){
+ glColor4f(jointcolor[0],jointcolor[1],jointcolor[2],1);
+ glVertex3f(joints[i].position.x,joints[i].position.y,joints[i].position.z);
+ glColor4f(jointcolor[0],jointcolor[1],jointcolor[2],1);
+ glVertex3f(joints[i].position.x+forward.x,joints[i].position.y+forward.y,joints[i].position.z+forward.z);
+ }
+ }*/
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_muscles; i++) {
+ if (muscles[i].type == boneconnect) {
+ glColor4f(jointcolor[0], jointcolor[1], jointcolor[2], jointcolor[3] / muscles[i].parent1->blurred);
+ glVertex3f(muscles[i].parent1->position.x, muscles[i].parent1->position.y, muscles[i].parent1->position.z);
+ glColor4f(jointcolor[0], jointcolor[1], jointcolor[2], jointcolor[3] / muscles[i].parent2->blurred);
+ glVertex3f(muscles[i].parent2->position.x, muscles[i].parent2->position.y, muscles[i].parent2->position.z);
+ }
+ }
+ glColor3f(.6, .6, 0);
+ if (muscleview == 1)
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_muscles; i++) {
+ if (muscles[i].type != boneconnect) {
+ glVertex3f(muscles[i].parent1->position.x, muscles[i].parent1->position.y, muscles[i].parent1->position.z);
+ glVertex3f(muscles[i].parent2->position.x, muscles[i].parent2->position.y, muscles[i].parent2->position.z);
+ }
+ }
+ glEnd();
+ if (muscleview != 2) {
+ glPointSize(3);
+ glBegin(GL_POINTS);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) {
+ if (i != selected)
+ glColor4f(0, 0, .5, 1);
+ if (i == selected)
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 0, 1);
+ if (joints[i].locked && i != selected)
+ glColor4f(1, 0, 0, 1);
+ glVertex3f(joints[i].position.x, joints[i].position.y, joints[i].position.z);
+ }
+ glEnd();
+ }
+ //Set old position to current position
+ if (muscleview == 2)
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) {
+ joints[i].oldposition = joints[i].position;
+ }
+ glDepthMask(1);
void Skeleton::AddJoint(float x, float y, float z, int which)
- if(num_joints<max_joints-1){
- joints[num_joints].velocity=0;
- joints[num_joints].position.x=x;
- joints[num_joints].position.y=y;
- joints[num_joints].position.z=z;
- joints[num_joints].mass=1;
- joints[num_joints].locked=0;
- /*if(which>=num_joints||which<0)*/joints[num_joints].hasparent=0;
- /*if(which<num_joints&&which>=0){
- joints[num_joints].parent=&joints[which];
- joints[num_joints].hasparent=1;
- joints[num_joints].length=findDistance(joints[num_joints].position,joints[num_joints].parent->position);
- }*/
- num_joints++;
- if(which<num_joints&&which>=0)AddMuscle(num_joints-1,which,0,10,boneconnect);
- }
+ if (num_joints < max_joints - 1) {
+ joints[num_joints].velocity = 0;
+ joints[num_joints].position.x = x;
+ joints[num_joints].position.y = y;
+ joints[num_joints].position.z = z;
+ joints[num_joints].mass = 1;
+ joints[num_joints].locked = 0;
+ /*if(which>=num_joints||which<0)*/
+ joints[num_joints].hasparent = 0;
+ /*if(which<num_joints&&which>=0){
+ joints[num_joints].parent=&joints[which];
+ joints[num_joints].hasparent=1;
+ joints[num_joints].length=findDistance(joints[num_joints].position,joints[num_joints].parent->position);
+ }*/
+ num_joints++;
+ if (which < num_joints && which >= 0)
+ AddMuscle(num_joints - 1, which, 0, 10, boneconnect);
+ }
void Skeleton::DeleteJoint(int whichjoint)
- if(whichjoint<num_joints&&whichjoint>=0){
- joints[whichjoint].velocity=joints[num_joints-1].velocity;
- joints[whichjoint].position=joints[num_joints-1].position;
- joints[whichjoint].oldposition=joints[num_joints-1].oldposition;
- joints[whichjoint].hasparent=joints[num_joints-1].hasparent;
- joints[whichjoint].parent=joints[num_joints-1].parent;
- joints[whichjoint].length=joints[num_joints-1].length;
- joints[whichjoint].locked=joints[num_joints-1].locked;
- joints[whichjoint].modelnum=joints[num_joints-1].modelnum;
- joints[whichjoint].visible=joints[num_joints-1].visible;
- for(int i=0;i<num_muscles;i++){
- while(muscles[i].parent1==&joints[whichjoint]&&i<num_muscles)DeleteMuscle(i);
- while(muscles[i].parent2==&joints[whichjoint]&&i<num_muscles)DeleteMuscle(i);
- }
- for(int i=0;i<num_muscles;i++){
- while(muscles[i].parent1==&joints[num_joints-1]&&i<num_muscles)muscles[i].parent1=&joints[whichjoint];
- while(muscles[i].parent2==&joints[num_joints-1]&&i<num_muscles)muscles[i].parent2=&joints[whichjoint];
- }
- for(int i=0;i<num_joints;i++){
- if(joints[i].parent==&joints[whichjoint])joints[i].hasparent=0;
- }
- for(int i=0;i<num_joints;i++){
- if(joints[i].parent==&joints[num_joints-1])joints[i].parent=&joints[whichjoint];
- }
- num_joints--;
- }
+ if (whichjoint < num_joints && whichjoint >= 0) {
+ joints[whichjoint].velocity = joints[num_joints - 1].velocity;
+ joints[whichjoint].position = joints[num_joints - 1].position;
+ joints[whichjoint].oldposition = joints[num_joints - 1].oldposition;
+ joints[whichjoint].hasparent = joints[num_joints - 1].hasparent;
+ joints[whichjoint].parent = joints[num_joints - 1].parent;
+ joints[whichjoint].length = joints[num_joints - 1].length;
+ joints[whichjoint].locked = joints[num_joints - 1].locked;
+ joints[whichjoint].modelnum = joints[num_joints - 1].modelnum;
+ joints[whichjoint].visible = joints[num_joints - 1].visible;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_muscles; i++) {
+ while (muscles[i].parent1 == &joints[whichjoint] && i < num_muscles)DeleteMuscle(i);
+ while (muscles[i].parent2 == &joints[whichjoint] && i < num_muscles)DeleteMuscle(i);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_muscles; i++) {
+ while (muscles[i].parent1 == &joints[num_joints - 1] && i < num_muscles)muscles[i].parent1 = &joints[whichjoint];
+ while (muscles[i].parent2 == &joints[num_joints - 1] && i < num_muscles)muscles[i].parent2 = &joints[whichjoint];
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) {
+ if (joints[i].parent == &joints[whichjoint])
+ joints[i].hasparent = 0;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) {
+ if (joints[i].parent == &joints[num_joints - 1])
+ joints[i].parent = &joints[whichjoint];
+ }
+ num_joints--;
+ }
void Skeleton::DeleteMuscle(int whichmuscle)
- if(whichmuscle<num_muscles){
- muscles[whichmuscle].minlength=muscles[num_muscles-1].minlength;
- muscles[whichmuscle].maxlength=muscles[num_muscles-1].maxlength;
- muscles[whichmuscle].strength=muscles[num_muscles-1].strength;
- muscles[whichmuscle].parent1=muscles[num_muscles-1].parent1;
- muscles[whichmuscle].parent2=muscles[num_muscles-1].parent2;
- muscles[whichmuscle].length=muscles[num_muscles-1].length;
- muscles[whichmuscle].visible=muscles[num_muscles-1].visible;
- muscles[whichmuscle].type=muscles[num_muscles-1].type;
- muscles[whichmuscle].targetlength=muscles[num_muscles-1].targetlength;
- num_muscles--;
- }
+ if (whichmuscle < num_muscles) {
+ muscles[whichmuscle].minlength = muscles[num_muscles - 1].minlength;
+ muscles[whichmuscle].maxlength = muscles[num_muscles - 1].maxlength;
+ muscles[whichmuscle].strength = muscles[num_muscles - 1].strength;
+ muscles[whichmuscle].parent1 = muscles[num_muscles - 1].parent1;
+ muscles[whichmuscle].parent2 = muscles[num_muscles - 1].parent2;
+ muscles[whichmuscle].length = muscles[num_muscles - 1].length;
+ muscles[whichmuscle].visible = muscles[num_muscles - 1].visible;
+ muscles[whichmuscle].type = muscles[num_muscles - 1].type;
+ muscles[whichmuscle].targetlength = muscles[num_muscles - 1].targetlength;
+ num_muscles--;
+ }
void Skeleton::SetJoint(float x, float y, float z, int which, int whichjoint)
- if(whichjoint<num_joints){
- joints[whichjoint].velocity=0;
- joints[whichjoint].position.x=x;
- joints[whichjoint].position.y=y;
- joints[whichjoint].position.z=z;
- if(which>=num_joints||which<0)joints[whichjoint].hasparent=0;
- if(which<num_joints&&which>=0){
- joints[whichjoint].parent=&joints[which];
- joints[whichjoint].hasparent=1;
- joints[whichjoint].length=findDistance(&joints[whichjoint].position,&joints[whichjoint].parent->position);
- }
- }
+ if (whichjoint < num_joints) {
+ joints[whichjoint].velocity = 0;
+ joints[whichjoint].position.x = x;
+ joints[whichjoint].position.y = y;
+ joints[whichjoint].position.z = z;
+ if (which >= num_joints || which < 0)
+ joints[whichjoint].hasparent = 0;
+ if (which < num_joints && which >= 0) {
+ joints[whichjoint].parent = &joints[which];
+ joints[whichjoint].hasparent = 1;
+ joints[whichjoint].length = findDistance(&joints[whichjoint].position, &joints[whichjoint].parent->position);
+ }
+ }
-void Skeleton::AddMuscle(int attach1,int attach2,float minlength,float maxlength,int type)
+void Skeleton::AddMuscle(int attach1, int attach2, float minlength, float maxlength, int type)
- const int max_muscles = 100; // FIXME: Probably can be dropped
- if(num_muscles<max_muscles-1&&attach1<num_joints&&attach1>=0&&attach2<num_joints&&attach2>=0&&attach1!=attach2){
- muscles[num_muscles].parent1=&joints[attach1];
- muscles[num_muscles].parent2=&joints[attach2];
- muscles[num_muscles].length=findDistance(&muscles[num_muscles].parent1->position,&muscles[num_muscles].parent2->position);
- muscles[num_muscles].targetlength=findDistance(&muscles[num_muscles].parent1->position,&muscles[num_muscles].parent2->position);
- muscles[num_muscles].strength=.7;
- muscles[num_muscles].type=type;
- muscles[num_muscles].minlength=minlength;
- muscles[num_muscles].maxlength=maxlength;
- num_muscles++;
- }
+ const int max_muscles = 100; // FIXME: Probably can be dropped
+ if (num_muscles < max_muscles - 1 && attach1 < num_joints && attach1 >= 0 && attach2 < num_joints && attach2 >= 0 && attach1 != attach2) {
+ muscles[num_muscles].parent1 = &joints[attach1];
+ muscles[num_muscles].parent2 = &joints[attach2];
+ muscles[num_muscles].length = findDistance(&muscles[num_muscles].parent1->position, &muscles[num_muscles].parent2->position);
+ muscles[num_muscles].targetlength = findDistance(&muscles[num_muscles].parent1->position, &muscles[num_muscles].parent2->position);
+ muscles[num_muscles].strength = .7;
+ muscles[num_muscles].type = type;
+ muscles[num_muscles].minlength = minlength;
+ muscles[num_muscles].maxlength = maxlength;
+ num_muscles++;
+ }
void Skeleton::MusclesSet()
- for(int i=0;i<num_muscles;i++){
- muscles[i].length=findDistance(&muscles[i].parent1->position,&muscles[i].parent2->position);
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_muscles; i++) {
+ muscles[i].length = findDistance(&muscles[i].parent1->position, &muscles[i].parent2->position);
+ }
void Skeleton::DoBalance()
- /*XYZ newpoint;
- newpoint=joints[0].position;
- newpoint.x=(joints[2].position.x+joints[4].position.x)/2;
- newpoint.z=(joints[2].position.z+joints[4].position.z)/2;
- joints[0].velocity=joints[0].velocity+(newpoint-joints[0].position);
- //Move child point to within certain distance of parent point
- joints[0].position=newpoint;
- MusclesSet();*/
+ /*XYZ newpoint;
+ newpoint=joints[0].position;
+ newpoint.x=(joints[2].position.x+joints[4].position.x)/2;
+ newpoint.z=(joints[2].position.z+joints[4].position.z)/2;
+ joints[0].velocity=joints[0].velocity+(newpoint-joints[0].position);
+ //Move child point to within certain distance of parent point
+ joints[0].position=newpoint;
+ MusclesSet();*/
void Skeleton::FindRotationMuscle(int which, int animation)
- static XYZ temppoint1,temppoint2,tempforward;
- static float distance;
- temppoint1=muscles[which].parent1->position;
- temppoint2=muscles[which].parent2->position;
- distance=sqrt((temppoint1.x-temppoint2.x)*(temppoint1.x-temppoint2.x)+(temppoint1.y-temppoint2.y)*(temppoint1.y-temppoint2.y)+(temppoint1.z-temppoint2.z)*(temppoint1.z-temppoint2.z));
- if((temppoint1.y-temppoint2.y)<=distance)muscles[which].rotate2=asin((temppoint1.y-temppoint2.y)/distance);
- if((temppoint1.y-temppoint2.y)>distance)muscles[which].rotate2=asin(1.f);
- muscles[which].rotate2*=360/6.28;
- temppoint1.y=0;
- temppoint2.y=0;
- distance=sqrt((temppoint1.x-temppoint2.x)*(temppoint1.x-temppoint2.x)+(temppoint1.y-temppoint2.y)*(temppoint1.y-temppoint2.y)+(temppoint1.z-temppoint2.z)*(temppoint1.z-temppoint2.z));
- if((temppoint1.z-temppoint2.z)<=distance)muscles[which].rotate1=acos((temppoint1.z-temppoint2.z)/distance);
- if((temppoint1.z-temppoint2.z)>distance)muscles[which].rotate1=acos(1.f);
- muscles[which].rotate1*=360/6.28;
- if(temppoint1.x>temppoint2.x)muscles[which].rotate1=360-muscles[which].rotate1;
- if(!isnormal(muscles[which].rotate1))muscles[which].rotate1=0;
- if(!isnormal(muscles[which].rotate2))muscles[which].rotate2=0;
- if(muscles[which].parent1->label==head)tempforward=specialforward[0];
- else if(muscles[which].parent1->label==rightshoulder||muscles[which].parent1->label==rightelbow||muscles[which].parent1->label==rightwrist||muscles[which].parent1->label==righthand)tempforward=specialforward[1];
- else if(muscles[which].parent1->label==leftshoulder||muscles[which].parent1->label==leftelbow||muscles[which].parent1->label==leftwrist||muscles[which].parent1->label==lefthand)tempforward=specialforward[2];
- else if(muscles[which].parent1->label==righthip||muscles[which].parent1->label==rightknee||muscles[which].parent1->label==rightankle||muscles[which].parent1->label==rightfoot)tempforward=specialforward[3];
- else if(muscles[which].parent1->label==lefthip||muscles[which].parent1->label==leftknee||muscles[which].parent1->label==leftankle||muscles[which].parent1->label==leftfoot)tempforward=specialforward[4];
- else if(!muscles[which].parent1->lower)tempforward=forward;
- else if(muscles[which].parent1->lower)tempforward=lowforward;
- if(animation==hanganim){
- if(muscles[which].parent1->label==righthand||muscles[which].parent2->label==righthand){
- tempforward=0;
- tempforward.x=-1;
- }
- if(muscles[which].parent1->label==lefthand||muscles[which].parent2->label==lefthand){
- tempforward=0;
- tempforward.x=1;
- }
- }
- if(free==0){
- if(muscles[which].parent1->label==rightfoot||muscles[which].parent2->label==rightfoot){
- tempforward.y-=.3;
- }
- if(muscles[which].parent1->label==leftfoot||muscles[which].parent2->label==leftfoot){
- tempforward.y-=.3;
- }
- }
- tempforward=DoRotation(tempforward,0,muscles[which].rotate1-90,0);
- tempforward=DoRotation(tempforward,0,0,muscles[which].rotate2-90);
- tempforward.y=0;
- tempforward/=sqrt(tempforward.x*tempforward.x+tempforward.y*tempforward.y+tempforward.z*tempforward.z);
- if(tempforward.z<=1&&tempforward.z>=-1)muscles[which].rotate3=acos(0-tempforward.z);
- else muscles[which].rotate3=acos(-1.f);
- muscles[which].rotate3*=360/6.28;
- if(0>tempforward.x)muscles[which].rotate3=360-muscles[which].rotate3;
- if(!isnormal(muscles[which].rotate3))muscles[which].rotate3=0;
+ static XYZ temppoint1, temppoint2, tempforward;
+ static float distance;
+ temppoint1 = muscles[which].parent1->position;
+ temppoint2 = muscles[which].parent2->position;
+ distance = sqrt((temppoint1.x - temppoint2.x) * (temppoint1.x - temppoint2.x) + (temppoint1.y - temppoint2.y) * (temppoint1.y - temppoint2.y) + (temppoint1.z - temppoint2.z) * (temppoint1.z - temppoint2.z));
+ if ((temppoint1.y - temppoint2.y) <= distance)
+ muscles[which].rotate2 = asin((temppoint1.y - temppoint2.y) / distance);
+ if ((temppoint1.y - temppoint2.y) > distance)
+ muscles[which].rotate2 = asin(1.f);
+ muscles[which].rotate2 *= 360 / 6.28;
+ temppoint1.y = 0;
+ temppoint2.y = 0;
+ distance = sqrt((temppoint1.x - temppoint2.x) * (temppoint1.x - temppoint2.x) + (temppoint1.y - temppoint2.y) * (temppoint1.y - temppoint2.y) + (temppoint1.z - temppoint2.z) * (temppoint1.z - temppoint2.z));
+ if ((temppoint1.z - temppoint2.z) <= distance)
+ muscles[which].rotate1 = acos((temppoint1.z - temppoint2.z) / distance);
+ if ((temppoint1.z - temppoint2.z) > distance)
+ muscles[which].rotate1 = acos(1.f);
+ muscles[which].rotate1 *= 360 / 6.28;
+ if (temppoint1.x > temppoint2.x)
+ muscles[which].rotate1 = 360 - muscles[which].rotate1;
+ if (!isnormal(muscles[which].rotate1))
+ muscles[which].rotate1 = 0;
+ if (!isnormal(muscles[which].rotate2))
+ muscles[which].rotate2 = 0;
+ if (muscles[which].parent1->label == head)
+ tempforward = specialforward[0];
+ else if (muscles[which].parent1->label == rightshoulder || muscles[which].parent1->label == rightelbow || muscles[which].parent1->label == rightwrist || muscles[which].parent1->label == righthand)
+ tempforward = specialforward[1];
+ else if (muscles[which].parent1->label == leftshoulder || muscles[which].parent1->label == leftelbow || muscles[which].parent1->label == leftwrist || muscles[which].parent1->label == lefthand)
+ tempforward = specialforward[2];
+ else if (muscles[which].parent1->label == righthip || muscles[which].parent1->label == rightknee || muscles[which].parent1->label == rightankle || muscles[which].parent1->label == rightfoot)
+ tempforward = specialforward[3];
+ else if (muscles[which].parent1->label == lefthip || muscles[which].parent1->label == leftknee || muscles[which].parent1->label == leftankle || muscles[which].parent1->label == leftfoot)
+ tempforward = specialforward[4];
+ else if (!muscles[which].parent1->lower)
+ tempforward = forward;
+ else if (muscles[which].parent1->lower)
+ tempforward = lowforward;
+ if (animation == hanganim) {
+ if (muscles[which].parent1->label == righthand || muscles[which].parent2->label == righthand) {
+ tempforward = 0;
+ tempforward.x = -1;
+ }
+ if (muscles[which].parent1->label == lefthand || muscles[which].parent2->label == lefthand) {
+ tempforward = 0;
+ tempforward.x = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (free == 0) {
+ if (muscles[which].parent1->label == rightfoot || muscles[which].parent2->label == rightfoot) {
+ tempforward.y -= .3;
+ }
+ if (muscles[which].parent1->label == leftfoot || muscles[which].parent2->label == leftfoot) {
+ tempforward.y -= .3;
+ }
+ }
+ tempforward = DoRotation(tempforward, 0, muscles[which].rotate1 - 90, 0);
+ tempforward = DoRotation(tempforward, 0, 0, muscles[which].rotate2 - 90);
+ tempforward.y = 0;
+ tempforward /= sqrt(tempforward.x * tempforward.x + tempforward.y * tempforward.y + tempforward.z * tempforward.z);
+ if (tempforward.z <= 1 && tempforward.z >= -1)
+ muscles[which].rotate3 = acos(0 - tempforward.z);
+ else
+ muscles[which].rotate3 = acos(-1.f);
+ muscles[which].rotate3 *= 360 / 6.28;
+ if (0 > tempforward.x)
+ muscles[which].rotate3 = 360 - muscles[which].rotate3;
+ if (!isnormal(muscles[which].rotate3))
+ muscles[which].rotate3 = 0;
void Animation::Load(const char *filename, int aheight, int aattack)
- static FILE *tfile;
- static int i,j;
- static XYZ startoffset,endoffset;
- static int howmany;
- static const char *anim_prefix = ":Data:Animations:";
- int len = strlen(anim_prefix) + strlen(filename);
- char *buf = new char[len + 1];
- snprintf(buf, len + 1, "%s%s", anim_prefix, filename);
- // Changing the filename into something the OS can understand
- char *fixedFN = ConvertFileName(buf);
- delete[] buf;
- LOG(std::string("Loading animation...") + fixedFN);
- deallocate();
- height=aheight;
- attack=aattack;
- if(visibleloading) Game::LoadingScreen();
- tfile=fopen( fixedFN, "rb" );
- if(tfile){
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi Bi", &numframes, &joints);
- /*
- for(i = 0; i < joints; i++){
- if(position[i])dealloc2(position[i]);
- if(twist[i])dealloc2(twist[i]);
- if(twist2[i])dealloc2(twist2[i]);
- if(onground[i])dealloc2(onground[i]);
- }*/
- /*
- if(position)dealloc2(position);
- if(twist)dealloc2(twist);
- if(twist2)dealloc2(twist2);
- if(speed)dealloc2(speed);
- if(onground)dealloc2(onground);
- if(forward)dealloc2(forward);
- if(weapontarget)dealloc2(weapontarget);
- if(label)dealloc2(label);*/
- position=(XYZ**)malloc(sizeof(XYZ*)*joints);
- for(i = 0; i < joints; i++)
- position[i] = (XYZ*)malloc(sizeof(XYZ)*numframes);
- twist=(float**)malloc(sizeof(float*)*joints);
- for(i = 0; i < joints; i++)
- twist[i] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*numframes);
- twist2=(float**)malloc(sizeof(float*)*joints);
- for(i = 0; i < joints; i++)
- twist2[i] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*numframes);
- speed = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*numframes);
- onground=(bool**)malloc(sizeof(bool*)*joints);
- for(i = 0; i < joints; i++)
- onground[i] =(bool*)malloc(sizeof(bool)*numframes);
- forward = (XYZ*)malloc(sizeof(XYZ)*numframes);
- weapontarget = (XYZ*)malloc(sizeof(XYZ)*numframes);
- label = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*numframes);
- /*position = new XYZ[joints][numframes];
- twist = new float[joints][numframes];
- twist2 = new float[joints][numframes];
- speed = new float[numframes];
- onground = new bool[joints][numframes];
- forward = new XYZ[numframes];
- label = new int[numframes];*/
- for(i=0;i<numframes;i++){
- for(j=0;j<joints;j++){
- funpackf(tfile, "Bf Bf Bf", &position[j][i].x,&position[j][i].y,&position[j][i].z);
- }
- for(j=0;j<joints;j++){
- funpackf(tfile, "Bf", &twist[j][i]);
- }
- for(j=0;j<joints;j++){
- unsigned char uch;
- funpackf(tfile, "Bb", &uch);
- onground[j][i] = (uch != 0);
- }
- funpackf(tfile, "Bf", &speed[i]);
- }
- for(i=0;i<numframes;i++){
- for(j=0;j<joints;j++){
- funpackf(tfile, "Bf", &twist2[j][i]);
- }
- }
- for(i=0;i<numframes;i++){
- funpackf(tfile, "Bf", &label[i]);
- }
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &weapontargetnum);
- for(i=0;i<numframes;i++){
- funpackf(tfile, "Bf Bf Bf", &weapontarget[i].x,&weapontarget[i].y,&weapontarget[i].z);
- }
- fclose(tfile);
- }
- startoffset=0;
- endoffset=0;
- howmany=0;
- for(j=0;j<joints;j++){
- if(position[j][0].y<1)
- startoffset+=position[j][0];
- if(position[j][numframes-1].y<1)
- endoffset+=position[j][numframes-1];
- howmany++;
- }
- startoffset/=howmany;
- endoffset/=howmany;
- offset=endoffset;
- offset.y=0;
+ static FILE *tfile;
+ static int i, j;
+ static XYZ startoffset, endoffset;
+ static int howmany;
+ static const char *anim_prefix = ":Data:Animations:";
+ int len = strlen(anim_prefix) + strlen(filename);
+ char *buf = new char[len + 1];
+ snprintf(buf, len + 1, "%s%s", anim_prefix, filename);
+ // Changing the filename into something the OS can understand
+ char *fixedFN = ConvertFileName(buf);
+ delete[] buf;
+ LOG(std::string("Loading animation...") + fixedFN);
+ deallocate();
+ height = aheight;
+ attack = aattack;
+ if (visibleloading)
+ Game::LoadingScreen();
+ tfile = fopen( fixedFN, "rb" );
+ if (tfile) {
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi Bi", &numframes, &joints);
+ /*
+ for(i = 0; i < joints; i++){
+ if(position[i])dealloc2(position[i]);
+ if(twist[i])dealloc2(twist[i]);
+ if(twist2[i])dealloc2(twist2[i]);
+ if(onground[i])dealloc2(onground[i]);
+ }*/
+ /*
+ if(position)dealloc2(position);
+ if(twist)dealloc2(twist);
+ if(twist2)dealloc2(twist2);
+ if(speed)dealloc2(speed);
+ if(onground)dealloc2(onground);
+ if(forward)dealloc2(forward);
+ if(weapontarget)dealloc2(weapontarget);
+ if(label)dealloc2(label);*/
+ position = (XYZ**)malloc(sizeof(XYZ*)*joints);
+ for (i = 0; i < joints; i++)
+ position[i] = (XYZ*)malloc(sizeof(XYZ) * numframes);
+ twist = (float**)malloc(sizeof(float*)*joints);
+ for (i = 0; i < joints; i++)
+ twist[i] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * numframes);
+ twist2 = (float**)malloc(sizeof(float*)*joints);
+ for (i = 0; i < joints; i++)
+ twist2[i] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * numframes);
+ speed = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * numframes);
+ onground = (bool**)malloc(sizeof(bool*)*joints);
+ for (i = 0; i < joints; i++)
+ onground[i] = (bool*)malloc(sizeof(bool) * numframes);
+ forward = (XYZ*)malloc(sizeof(XYZ) * numframes);
+ weapontarget = (XYZ*)malloc(sizeof(XYZ) * numframes);
+ label = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * numframes);
+ /*position = new XYZ[joints][numframes];
+ twist = new float[joints][numframes];
+ twist2 = new float[joints][numframes];
+ speed = new float[numframes];
+ onground = new bool[joints][numframes];
+ forward = new XYZ[numframes];
+ label = new int[numframes];*/
+ for (i = 0; i < numframes; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < joints; j++) {
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bf Bf Bf", &position[j][i].x, &position[j][i].y, &position[j][i].z);
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < joints; j++) {
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bf", &twist[j][i]);
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < joints; j++) {
+ unsigned char uch;
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bb", &uch);
+ onground[j][i] = (uch != 0);
+ }
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bf", &speed[i]);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < numframes; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < joints; j++) {
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bf", &twist2[j][i]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < numframes; i++) {
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bf", &label[i]);
+ }
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &weapontargetnum);
+ for (i = 0; i < numframes; i++) {
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bf Bf Bf", &weapontarget[i].x, &weapontarget[i].y, &weapontarget[i].z);
+ }
+ fclose(tfile);
+ }
+ startoffset = 0;
+ endoffset = 0;
+ howmany = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < joints; j++) {
+ if (position[j][0].y < 1)
+ startoffset += position[j][0];
+ if (position[j][numframes - 1].y < 1)
+ endoffset += position[j][numframes - 1];
+ howmany++;
+ }
+ startoffset /= howmany;
+ endoffset /= howmany;
+ offset = endoffset;
+ offset.y = 0;
void Animation::Move(XYZ how)
- static int i,j,joints;
- for(i=0;i<numframes;i++){
- for(j=0;j<joints;j++){
- position[j][i]=0;
- }
- }
+ static int i, j, joints;
+ for (i = 0; i < numframes; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < joints; j++) {
+ position[j][i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
-void Skeleton::Load(const char *filename, const char *lowfilename, const char *clothesfilename,
- const char *modelfilename, const char *model2filename,
- const char *model3filename, const char *model4filename,
- const char *model5filename, const char *model6filename,
- const char *model7filename, const char *modellowfilename,
+void Skeleton::Load(const char *filename, const char *lowfilename, const char *clothesfilename,
+ const char *modelfilename, const char *model2filename,
+ const char *model3filename, const char *model4filename,
+ const char *model5filename, const char *model6filename,
+ const char *model7filename, const char *modellowfilename,
const char *modelclothesfilename, bool aclothes)
- static GLfloat M[16];
- static int parentID;
- static FILE *tfile;
- static float lSize;
- static int i,j,tempmuscle;
- int newload;
- int edit;
- newload=0;
- num_models=7;
- clothes=aclothes;
- for(i=0;i<num_models;i++){
- if(i==0)model[i].loadnotex(modelfilename);
- if(i==1)model[i].loadnotex(model2filename);
- if(i==2)model[i].loadnotex(model3filename);
- if(i==3)model[i].loadnotex(model4filename);
- if(i==4)model[i].loadnotex(model5filename);
- if(i==5)model[i].loadnotex(model6filename);
- if(i==6)model[i].loadnotex(model7filename);
- model[i].Rotate(180,0,0);
- model[i].Scale(.04,.04,.04);
- model[i].CalculateNormals(0);
- }
- drawmodel.load(modelfilename,0);
- drawmodel.Rotate(180,0,0);
- drawmodel.Scale(.04,.04,.04);
- drawmodel.FlipTexCoords();
- if(tutoriallevel==1&&id!=0)drawmodel.UniformTexCoords();
- if(tutoriallevel==1&&id!=0)drawmodel.ScaleTexCoords(0.1);
- drawmodel.CalculateNormals(0);
- modellow.loadnotex(modellowfilename);
- modellow.Rotate(180,0,0);
- modellow.Scale(.04,.04,.04);
- modellow.CalculateNormals(0);
- drawmodellow.load(modellowfilename,0);
- drawmodellow.Rotate(180,0,0);
- drawmodellow.Scale(.04,.04,.04);
- drawmodellow.FlipTexCoords();
- if(tutoriallevel==1&&id!=0)drawmodellow.UniformTexCoords();
- if(tutoriallevel==1&&id!=0)drawmodellow.ScaleTexCoords(0.1);
- drawmodellow.CalculateNormals(0);
- if(clothes){
- modelclothes.loadnotex(modelclothesfilename);
- modelclothes.Rotate(180,0,0);
- modelclothes.Scale(.041,.04,.041);
- modelclothes.CalculateNormals(0);
- drawmodelclothes.load(modelclothesfilename,0);
- drawmodelclothes.Rotate(180,0,0);
- drawmodelclothes.Scale(.04,.04,.04);
- drawmodelclothes.FlipTexCoords();
- drawmodelclothes.CalculateNormals(0);
- }
- tfile=fopen( ConvertFileName(filename), "rb" );
- if(1){
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &num_joints);
- //joints.resize(num_joints);
- if(joints) delete [] joints; //dealloc2(joints);
- joints=(Joint*)new Joint[num_joints]; //malloc(sizeof(Joint)*num_joints);
- for(i=0;i<num_joints;i++){
- funpackf(tfile, "Bf Bf Bf Bf Bf", &joints[i].position.x, &joints[i].position.y, &joints[i].position.z, &joints[i].length,&joints[i].mass);
- funpackf(tfile, "Bb Bb", &joints[i].hasparent,&joints[i].locked);
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &joints[i].modelnum);
- funpackf(tfile, "Bb Bb", &joints[i].visible,&joints[i].sametwist);
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi Bi", &joints[i].label,&joints[i].hasgun);
- funpackf(tfile, "Bb", &joints[i].lower);
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &parentID);
- if(joints[i].hasparent)joints[i].parent=&joints[parentID];
- joints[i].velocity=0;
- joints[i].oldposition=joints[i].position;
- }
- tempmuscle=num_muscles;
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &num_muscles);
- //muscles.clear();
- if(muscles) delete [] muscles; //dealloc2(muscles);
- muscles=(Muscle*)new Muscle[num_muscles]; //malloc(sizeof(Muscle)*num_muscles);
- newload=1;
- for(i=0;i<num_muscles;i++){
- tempmuscle=muscles[i].numvertices;
- funpackf(tfile, "Bf Bf Bf Bf Bf Bi Bi", &muscles[i].length, &muscles[i].targetlength,&muscles[i].minlength, &muscles[i].maxlength,&muscles[i].strength,&muscles[i].type,&muscles[i].numvertices);
- //muscles[i].vertices.clear();
- //muscles[i].vertices.resize(muscles[i].numvertices);
- //if(muscles[i].vertices)dealloc2(muscles[i].vertices);
- muscles[i].vertices=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*muscles[i].numvertices);
- edit=0;
- for(j=0;j<muscles[i].numvertices-edit;j++){
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &muscles[i].vertices[j+edit]);
- if(muscles[i].vertices[j+edit]>=model[0].vertexNum){
- muscles[i].numvertices--;
- edit--;
- }
- }
- funpackf(tfile, "Bb Bi", &muscles[i].visible, &parentID);
- muscles[i].parent1=&joints[parentID];
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &parentID);
- muscles[i].parent2=&joints[parentID];
- }
- for(j=0;j<3;j++){
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &forwardjoints[j]);
- }
- for(j=0;j<3;j++){
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &lowforwardjoints[j]);
- }
- for(j=0;j<num_muscles;j++){
- for(i=0;i<muscles[j].numvertices;i++){
- for(int k=0;k<num_models;k++){
- if(muscles[j].numvertices&&muscles[j].vertices[i]<model[k].vertexNum)model[k].owner[muscles[j].vertices[i]]=j;
- }
- }
- }
- FindForwards();
- for(i=0;i<num_joints;i++){
- joints[i].startpos=joints[i].position;
- }
- for(i=0;i<num_muscles;i++){
- FindRotationMuscle(i,-1);
- }
- for(int k=0;k<num_models;k++){
- for(i=0;i<model[k].vertexNum;i++){
- model[k].vertex[i]=model[k].vertex[i]-(muscles[model[k].owner[i]].parent1->position+muscles[model[k].owner[i]].parent2->position)/2;
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Select The Modelview Matrix
- glPushMatrix();
- glLoadIdentity();
- glRotatef(muscles[model[k].owner[i]].rotate3,0,1,0);
- glRotatef(muscles[model[k].owner[i]].rotate2-90,0,0,1);
- glRotatef(muscles[model[k].owner[i]].rotate1-90,0,1,0);
- glTranslatef(model[k].vertex[i].x,model[k].vertex[i].y,model[k].vertex[i].z);
- model[k].vertex[i].x=M[12]*1;
- model[k].vertex[i].y=M[13]*1;
- model[k].vertex[i].z=M[14]*1;
- glPopMatrix();
- }
- model[k].CalculateNormals(0);
- }
- }
- fclose(tfile);
- tfile=fopen( ConvertFileName(lowfilename), "rb" );
- if(1){
- lSize=sizeof(num_joints);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- //joints = new Joint[num_joints];
- //jointlabels = new int[num_joints];
- for(i=0;i<num_joints;i++){
- lSize=sizeof(XYZ);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(float);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(float);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=1;//sizeof(bool);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=1;//sizeof(bool);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(int);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=1;//sizeof(bool);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=1;//sizeof(bool);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(int);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(int);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=1;//sizeof(bool);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(int);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- if(joints[i].hasparent)joints[i].parent=&joints[parentID];
- joints[i].velocity=0;
- joints[i].oldposition=joints[i].position;
- }
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &num_muscles);
- //muscles = new Muscle[num_muscles];
- for(i=0;i<num_muscles;i++){
- lSize=sizeof(float);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(float);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(float);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(float);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(float);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(int);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- tempmuscle=muscles[i].numverticeslow;
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &muscles[i].numverticeslow);
- if(muscles[i].numverticeslow){
- //muscles[i].verticeslow.clear();
- //muscles[i].verticeslow.resize(muscles[i].numverticeslow);
- //if(muscles[i].verticeslow)dealloc2(muscles[i].verticeslow);
- muscles[i].verticeslow=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*muscles[i].numverticeslow);
- edit=0;
- for(j=0;j<muscles[i].numverticeslow-edit;j++){
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &muscles[i].verticeslow[j+edit]);
- if(muscles[i].verticeslow[j+edit]>=modellow.vertexNum){
- muscles[i].numverticeslow--;
- edit--;
- }
- }
- }
- lSize=1;//sizeof(bool);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(int);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- }
- lSize=sizeof(int);
- for(j=0;j<num_muscles;j++){
- for(i=0;i<muscles[j].numverticeslow;i++){
- if(muscles[j].numverticeslow&&muscles[j].verticeslow[i]<modellow.vertexNum)modellow.owner[muscles[j].verticeslow[i]]=j;
- }
- }
- /*FindForwards();
- for(i=0;i<num_joints;i++){
- joints[i].startpos=joints[i].position;
- }
- for(i=0;i<num_muscles;i++){
- FindRotationMuscle(i,-1);
- }*/
- for(i=0;i<modellow.vertexNum;i++){
- modellow.vertex[i]=modellow.vertex[i]-(muscles[modellow.owner[i]].parent1->position+muscles[modellow.owner[i]].parent2->position)/2;
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Select The Modelview Matrix
- glPushMatrix();
- glLoadIdentity();
- glRotatef(muscles[modellow.owner[i]].rotate3,0,1,0);
- glRotatef(muscles[modellow.owner[i]].rotate2-90,0,0,1);
- glRotatef(muscles[modellow.owner[i]].rotate1-90,0,1,0);
- glTranslatef(modellow.vertex[i].x,modellow.vertex[i].y,modellow.vertex[i].z);
- modellow.vertex[i].x=M[12];
- modellow.vertex[i].y=M[13];
- modellow.vertex[i].z=M[14];
- glPopMatrix();
- }
- modellow.CalculateNormals(0);
- }
- if(clothes){
- tfile=fopen( ConvertFileName(clothesfilename), "rb" );
- lSize=sizeof(num_joints);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- //joints = new Joint[num_joints];
- //jointlabels = new int[num_joints];
- for(i=0;i<num_joints;i++){
- lSize=sizeof(XYZ);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(float);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(float);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=1;//sizeof(bool);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=1;//sizeof(bool);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(int);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=1;//sizeof(bool);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=1;//sizeof(bool);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(int);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(int);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=1;//sizeof(bool);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(int);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- if(joints[i].hasparent)joints[i].parent=&joints[parentID];
- joints[i].velocity=0;
- joints[i].oldposition=joints[i].position;
- }
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &num_muscles);
- //muscles = new Muscle[num_muscles];
- for(i=0;i<num_muscles;i++){
- lSize=sizeof(float);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(float);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(float);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(float);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(float);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(int);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- tempmuscle=muscles[i].numverticesclothes;
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &muscles[i].numverticesclothes);
- if(muscles[i].numverticesclothes){
- //muscles[i].verticesclothes.clear();
- //muscles[i].verticesclothes.resize(muscles[i].numverticesclothes);
- //if(muscles[i].verticesclothes)dealloc2(muscles[i].verticesclothes);
- muscles[i].verticesclothes=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*muscles[i].numverticesclothes);
- edit=0;
- for(j=0;j<muscles[i].numverticesclothes-edit;j++){
- funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &muscles[i].verticesclothes[j+edit]);
- if(muscles[i].verticesclothes[j+edit]>=modelclothes.vertexNum){
- muscles[i].numverticesclothes--;
- edit--;
- }
- }
- }
- lSize=1;//sizeof(bool);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- lSize=sizeof(int);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
- }
- lSize=sizeof(int);
- for(j=0;j<num_muscles;j++){
- for(i=0;i<muscles[j].numverticesclothes;i++){
- if(muscles[j].numverticesclothes&&muscles[j].verticesclothes[i]<modelclothes.vertexNum)modelclothes.owner[muscles[j].verticesclothes[i]]=j;
- }
- }
- /*FindForwards();
- for(i=0;i<num_joints;i++){
- joints[i].startpos=joints[i].position;
- }
- for(i=0;i<num_muscles;i++){
- FindRotationMuscle(i,-1);
- }*/
- for(i=0;i<modelclothes.vertexNum;i++){
- modelclothes.vertex[i]=modelclothes.vertex[i]-(muscles[modelclothes.owner[i]].parent1->position+muscles[modelclothes.owner[i]].parent2->position)/2;
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Select The Modelview Matrix
- glPushMatrix();
- glLoadIdentity();
- glRotatef(muscles[modelclothes.owner[i]].rotate3,0,1,0);
- glRotatef(muscles[modelclothes.owner[i]].rotate2-90,0,0,1);
- glRotatef(muscles[modelclothes.owner[i]].rotate1-90,0,1,0);
- glTranslatef(modelclothes.vertex[i].x,modelclothes.vertex[i].y,modelclothes.vertex[i].z);
- modelclothes.vertex[i].x=M[12];
- modelclothes.vertex[i].y=M[13];
- modelclothes.vertex[i].z=M[14];
- glPopMatrix();
- }
- modelclothes.CalculateNormals(0);
- }
- fclose(tfile);
- for(i=0;i<num_joints;i++){
- for(j=0;j<num_joints;j++){
- if(joints[i].label==j)jointlabels[j]=i;
- }
- }
- free=0;
+ static GLfloat M[16];
+ static int parentID;
+ static FILE *tfile;
+ static float lSize;
+ static int i, j, tempmuscle;
+ int newload;
+ int edit;
+ newload = 0;
+ num_models = 7;
+ clothes = aclothes;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_models; i++) {
+ if (i == 0) model[i].loadnotex(modelfilename);
+ if (i == 1) model[i].loadnotex(model2filename);
+ if (i == 2) model[i].loadnotex(model3filename);
+ if (i == 3) model[i].loadnotex(model4filename);
+ if (i == 4) model[i].loadnotex(model5filename);
+ if (i == 5) model[i].loadnotex(model6filename);
+ if (i == 6) model[i].loadnotex(model7filename);
+ model[i].Rotate(180, 0, 0);
+ model[i].Scale(.04, .04, .04);
+ model[i].CalculateNormals(0);
+ }
+ drawmodel.load(modelfilename, 0);
+ drawmodel.Rotate(180, 0, 0);
+ drawmodel.Scale(.04, .04, .04);
+ drawmodel.FlipTexCoords();
+ if (tutoriallevel == 1 && id != 0)
+ drawmodel.UniformTexCoords();
+ if (tutoriallevel == 1 && id != 0)
+ drawmodel.ScaleTexCoords(0.1);
+ drawmodel.CalculateNormals(0);
+ modellow.loadnotex(modellowfilename);
+ modellow.Rotate(180, 0, 0);
+ modellow.Scale(.04, .04, .04);
+ modellow.CalculateNormals(0);
+ drawmodellow.load(modellowfilename, 0);
+ drawmodellow.Rotate(180, 0, 0);
+ drawmodellow.Scale(.04, .04, .04);
+ drawmodellow.FlipTexCoords();
+ if (tutoriallevel == 1 && id != 0)
+ drawmodellow.UniformTexCoords();
+ if (tutoriallevel == 1 && id != 0)
+ drawmodellow.ScaleTexCoords(0.1);
+ drawmodellow.CalculateNormals(0);
+ if (clothes) {
+ modelclothes.loadnotex(modelclothesfilename);
+ modelclothes.Rotate(180, 0, 0);
+ modelclothes.Scale(.041, .04, .041);
+ modelclothes.CalculateNormals(0);
+ drawmodelclothes.load(modelclothesfilename, 0);
+ drawmodelclothes.Rotate(180, 0, 0);
+ drawmodelclothes.Scale(.04, .04, .04);
+ drawmodelclothes.FlipTexCoords();
+ drawmodelclothes.CalculateNormals(0);
+ }
+ tfile = fopen( ConvertFileName(filename), "rb" );
+ if (1) {
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &num_joints);
+ //joints.resize(num_joints);
+ if (joints)
+ delete [] joints; //dealloc2(joints);
+ joints = (Joint*)new Joint[num_joints]; //malloc(sizeof(Joint)*num_joints);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) {
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bf Bf Bf Bf Bf", &joints[i].position.x, &joints[i].position.y, &joints[i].position.z, &joints[i].length, &joints[i].mass);
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bb Bb", &joints[i].hasparent, &joints[i].locked);
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &joints[i].modelnum);
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bb Bb", &joints[i].visible, &joints[i].sametwist);
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi Bi", &joints[i].label, &joints[i].hasgun);
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bb", &joints[i].lower);
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &parentID);
+ if (joints[i].hasparent)
+ joints[i].parent = &joints[parentID];
+ joints[i].velocity = 0;
+ joints[i].oldposition = joints[i].position;
+ }
+ tempmuscle = num_muscles;
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &num_muscles);
+ //muscles.clear();
+ if (muscles)
+ delete [] muscles; //dealloc2(muscles);
+ muscles = (Muscle*)new Muscle[num_muscles]; //malloc(sizeof(Muscle)*num_muscles);
+ newload = 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_muscles; i++) {
+ tempmuscle = muscles[i].numvertices;
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bf Bf Bf Bf Bf Bi Bi", &muscles[i].length, &muscles[i].targetlength, &muscles[i].minlength, &muscles[i].maxlength, &muscles[i].strength, &muscles[i].type, &muscles[i].numvertices);
+ //muscles[i].vertices.clear();
+ //muscles[i].vertices.resize(muscles[i].numvertices);
+ //if(muscles[i].vertices)dealloc2(muscles[i].vertices);
+ muscles[i].vertices = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * muscles[i].numvertices);
+ edit = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < muscles[i].numvertices - edit; j++) {
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &muscles[i].vertices[j + edit]);
+ if (muscles[i].vertices[j + edit] >= model[0].vertexNum) {
+ muscles[i].numvertices--;
+ edit--;
+ }
+ }
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bb Bi", &muscles[i].visible, &parentID);
+ muscles[i].parent1 = &joints[parentID];
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &parentID);
+ muscles[i].parent2 = &joints[parentID];
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &forwardjoints[j]);
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &lowforwardjoints[j]);
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < num_muscles; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < muscles[j].numvertices; i++) {
+ for (int k = 0; k < num_models; k++) {
+ if (muscles[j].numvertices && muscles[j].vertices[i] < model[k].vertexNum)
+ model[k].owner[muscles[j].vertices[i]] = j;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FindForwards();
+ for (i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) {
+ joints[i].startpos = joints[i].position;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < num_muscles; i++) {
+ FindRotationMuscle(i, -1);
+ }
+ for (int k = 0; k < num_models; k++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < model[k].vertexNum; i++) {
+ model[k].vertex[i] = model[k].vertex[i] - (muscles[model[k].owner[i]].parent1->position + muscles[model[k].owner[i]].parent2->position) / 2;
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Select The Modelview Matrix
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glRotatef(muscles[model[k].owner[i]].rotate3, 0, 1, 0);
+ glRotatef(muscles[model[k].owner[i]].rotate2 - 90, 0, 0, 1);
+ glRotatef(muscles[model[k].owner[i]].rotate1 - 90, 0, 1, 0);
+ glTranslatef(model[k].vertex[i].x, model[k].vertex[i].y, model[k].vertex[i].z);
+ model[k].vertex[i].x = M[12] * 1;
+ model[k].vertex[i].y = M[13] * 1;
+ model[k].vertex[i].z = M[14] * 1;
+ glPopMatrix();
+ }
+ model[k].CalculateNormals(0);
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(tfile);
+ tfile = fopen( ConvertFileName(lowfilename), "rb" );
+ if (1) {
+ lSize = sizeof(num_joints);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ //joints = new Joint[num_joints];
+ //jointlabels = new int[num_joints];
+ for (i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) {
+ lSize = sizeof(XYZ);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(float);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(float);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = 1; //sizeof(bool);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = 1; //sizeof(bool);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(int);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = 1; //sizeof(bool);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = 1; //sizeof(bool);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(int);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(int);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = 1; //sizeof(bool);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(int);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ if (joints[i].hasparent)
+ joints[i].parent = &joints[parentID];
+ joints[i].velocity = 0;
+ joints[i].oldposition = joints[i].position;
+ }
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &num_muscles);
+ //muscles = new Muscle[num_muscles];
+ for (i = 0; i < num_muscles; i++) {
+ lSize = sizeof(float);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(float);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(float);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(float);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(float);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(int);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ tempmuscle = muscles[i].numverticeslow;
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &muscles[i].numverticeslow);
+ if (muscles[i].numverticeslow) {
+ //muscles[i].verticeslow.clear();
+ //muscles[i].verticeslow.resize(muscles[i].numverticeslow);
+ //if(muscles[i].verticeslow)dealloc2(muscles[i].verticeslow);
+ muscles[i].verticeslow = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * muscles[i].numverticeslow);
+ edit = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < muscles[i].numverticeslow - edit; j++) {
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &muscles[i].verticeslow[j + edit]);
+ if (muscles[i].verticeslow[j + edit] >= modellow.vertexNum) {
+ muscles[i].numverticeslow--;
+ edit--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lSize = 1; //sizeof(bool);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(int);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ }
+ lSize = sizeof(int);
+ for (j = 0; j < num_muscles; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < muscles[j].numverticeslow; i++) {
+ if (muscles[j].numverticeslow && muscles[j].verticeslow[i] < modellow.vertexNum)
+ modellow.owner[muscles[j].verticeslow[i]] = j;
+ }
+ }
+ /*FindForwards();
+ for(i=0;i<num_joints;i++){
+ joints[i].startpos=joints[i].position;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<num_muscles;i++){
+ FindRotationMuscle(i,-1);
+ }*/
+ for (i = 0; i < modellow.vertexNum; i++) {
+ modellow.vertex[i] = modellow.vertex[i] - (muscles[modellow.owner[i]].parent1->position + muscles[modellow.owner[i]].parent2->position) / 2;
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Select The Modelview Matrix
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glRotatef(muscles[modellow.owner[i]].rotate3, 0, 1, 0);
+ glRotatef(muscles[modellow.owner[i]].rotate2 - 90, 0, 0, 1);
+ glRotatef(muscles[modellow.owner[i]].rotate1 - 90, 0, 1, 0);
+ glTranslatef(modellow.vertex[i].x, modellow.vertex[i].y, modellow.vertex[i].z);
+ modellow.vertex[i].x = M[12];
+ modellow.vertex[i].y = M[13];
+ modellow.vertex[i].z = M[14];
+ glPopMatrix();
+ }
+ modellow.CalculateNormals(0);
+ }
+ if (clothes) {
+ tfile = fopen( ConvertFileName(clothesfilename), "rb" );
+ lSize = sizeof(num_joints);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ //joints = new Joint[num_joints];
+ //jointlabels = new int[num_joints];
+ for (i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) {
+ lSize = sizeof(XYZ);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(float);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(float);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = 1; //sizeof(bool);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = 1; //sizeof(bool);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(int);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = 1; //sizeof(bool);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = 1; //sizeof(bool);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(int);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(int);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = 1; //sizeof(bool);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(int);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ if (joints[i].hasparent)
+ joints[i].parent = &joints[parentID];
+ joints[i].velocity = 0;
+ joints[i].oldposition = joints[i].position;
+ }
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &num_muscles);
+ //muscles = new Muscle[num_muscles];
+ for (i = 0; i < num_muscles; i++) {
+ lSize = sizeof(float);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(float);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(float);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(float);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(float);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(int);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ tempmuscle = muscles[i].numverticesclothes;
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &muscles[i].numverticesclothes);
+ if (muscles[i].numverticesclothes) {
+ //muscles[i].verticesclothes.clear();
+ //muscles[i].verticesclothes.resize(muscles[i].numverticesclothes);
+ //if(muscles[i].verticesclothes)dealloc2(muscles[i].verticesclothes);
+ muscles[i].verticesclothes = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * muscles[i].numverticesclothes);
+ edit = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < muscles[i].numverticesclothes - edit; j++) {
+ funpackf(tfile, "Bi", &muscles[i].verticesclothes[j + edit]);
+ if (muscles[i].verticesclothes[j + edit] >= modelclothes.vertexNum) {
+ muscles[i].numverticesclothes--;
+ edit--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lSize = 1; //sizeof(bool);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ lSize = sizeof(int);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ fseek ( tfile, lSize, SEEK_CUR);
+ }
+ lSize = sizeof(int);
+ for (j = 0; j < num_muscles; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < muscles[j].numverticesclothes; i++) {
+ if (muscles[j].numverticesclothes && muscles[j].verticesclothes[i] < modelclothes.vertexNum)
+ modelclothes.owner[muscles[j].verticesclothes[i]] = j;
+ }
+ }
+ /*FindForwards();
+ for(i=0;i<num_joints;i++){
+ joints[i].startpos=joints[i].position;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<num_muscles;i++){
+ FindRotationMuscle(i,-1);
+ }*/
+ for (i = 0; i < modelclothes.vertexNum; i++) {
+ modelclothes.vertex[i] = modelclothes.vertex[i] - (muscles[modelclothes.owner[i]].parent1->position + muscles[modelclothes.owner[i]].parent2->position) / 2;
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Select The Modelview Matrix
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glRotatef(muscles[modelclothes.owner[i]].rotate3, 0, 1, 0);
+ glRotatef(muscles[modelclothes.owner[i]].rotate2 - 90, 0, 0, 1);
+ glRotatef(muscles[modelclothes.owner[i]].rotate1 - 90, 0, 1, 0);
+ glTranslatef(modelclothes.vertex[i].x, modelclothes.vertex[i].y, modelclothes.vertex[i].z);
+ modelclothes.vertex[i].x = M[12];
+ modelclothes.vertex[i].y = M[13];
+ modelclothes.vertex[i].z = M[14];
+ glPopMatrix();
+ }
+ modelclothes.CalculateNormals(0);
+ }
+ fclose(tfile);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < num_joints; j++) {
+ if (joints[i].label == j)
+ jointlabels[j] = i;
+ }
+ }
+ free = 0;
- numframes = 0;
- height = 0;
- attack = 0;
- joints = 0;
- weapontargetnum = 0;
- position=0;
- twist=0;
- twist2=0;
- speed=0;
- onground=0;
- forward=0;
- label=0;
- weapontarget=0;
+ numframes = 0;
+ height = 0;
+ attack = 0;
+ joints = 0;
+ weapontargetnum = 0;
+ position = 0;
+ twist = 0;
+ twist2 = 0;
+ speed = 0;
+ onground = 0;
+ forward = 0;
+ label = 0;
+ weapontarget = 0;
- deallocate();
+ deallocate();
void Animation::deallocate()
- int i = 0;
+ int i = 0;
- if(position)
- {
- for(i = 0; i < joints; i++)
- dealloc2(position[i]);
+ if (position) {
+ for (i = 0; i < joints; i++)
+ dealloc2(position[i]);
- dealloc2(position);
- }
- position = 0;
+ dealloc2(position);
+ }
+ position = 0;
- if(twist)
- {
- for(i = 0; i < joints; i++)
- dealloc2(twist[i]);
+ if (twist) {
+ for (i = 0; i < joints; i++)
+ dealloc2(twist[i]);
- dealloc2(twist);
- }
- twist = 0;
+ dealloc2(twist);
+ }
+ twist = 0;
- if(twist2)
- {
- for(i = 0; i < joints; i++)
- dealloc2(twist2[i]);
+ if (twist2) {
+ for (i = 0; i < joints; i++)
+ dealloc2(twist2[i]);
- dealloc2(twist2);
- }
- twist2 = 0;
+ dealloc2(twist2);
+ }
+ twist2 = 0;
- if(onground)
- {
- for(i = 0; i < joints; i++)
- dealloc2(onground[i]);
+ if (onground) {
+ for (i = 0; i < joints; i++)
+ dealloc2(onground[i]);
- dealloc2(onground);
- }
- onground = 0;
+ dealloc2(onground);
+ }
+ onground = 0;
- if(speed)dealloc2(speed);
- speed = 0;
+ if (speed)
+ dealloc2(speed);
+ speed = 0;
- if(forward)dealloc2(forward);
- forward = 0;
+ if (forward)
+ dealloc2(forward);
+ forward = 0;
- if(weapontarget)dealloc2(weapontarget);
- weapontarget = 0;
+ if (weapontarget)
+ dealloc2(weapontarget);
+ weapontarget = 0;
- if(label)dealloc2(label);
- label = 0;
+ if (label)
+ dealloc2(label);
+ label = 0;
- joints = 0;
+ joints = 0;
- num_joints = 0;
+ num_joints = 0;
- num_muscles = 0;
+ num_muscles = 0;
- selected = 0;
+ selected = 0;
- memset(forwardjoints, 0, sizeof(forwardjoints));
- // XYZ forward;
+ memset(forwardjoints, 0, sizeof(forwardjoints));
+ // XYZ forward;
- id = 0;
+ id = 0;
- memset(lowforwardjoints, 0, sizeof(lowforwardjoints));
- // XYZ lowforward;
+ memset(lowforwardjoints, 0, sizeof(lowforwardjoints));
+ // XYZ lowforward;
- // XYZ specialforward[5];
- memset(jointlabels, 0, sizeof(jointlabels));
+ // XYZ specialforward[5];
+ memset(jointlabels, 0, sizeof(jointlabels));
- // Model model[7];
- // Model modellow;
- // Model modelclothes;
- num_models = 0;
+ // Model model[7];
+ // Model modellow;
+ // Model modelclothes;
+ num_models = 0;
- // Model drawmodel;
- // Model drawmodellow;
- // Model drawmodelclothes;
+ // Model drawmodel;
+ // Model drawmodellow;
+ // Model drawmodelclothes;
- clothes = 0;
- spinny = 0;
+ clothes = 0;
+ spinny = 0;
- memset(skinText, 0, sizeof(skinText));
- skinsize = 0;
+ memset(skinText, 0, sizeof(skinText));
+ skinsize = 0;
- checkdelay = 0;
+ checkdelay = 0;
- longdead = 0;
- broken = 0;
+ longdead = 0;
+ broken = 0;
- free = 0;
- oldfree = 0;
- freetime = 0;
- freefall = 0;
+ free = 0;
+ oldfree = 0;
+ freetime = 0;
+ freefall = 0;
- joints=0;
- muscles=0;
+ joints = 0;
+ muscles = 0;
- if (muscles)
- {
- delete [] muscles;
- }
- muscles = 0;
- if (joints)
- {
- delete [] joints;
- }
- joints = 0;
+ if (muscles) {
+ delete [] muscles;
+ }
+ muscles = 0;
+ if (joints) {
+ delete [] joints;
+ }
+ joints = 0;
- vertices=0;
- verticeslow=0;
- verticesclothes=0;
- numvertices = 0;
- numverticeslow = 0;
- numverticesclothes = 0;
- length = 0;
- targetlength = 0;
- parent1 = 0;
- parent2 = 0;
- maxlength = 0;
- minlength = 0;
- type = 0;
- visible = 0;
- rotate1 = 0,rotate2 = 0,rotate3 = 0;
- lastrotate1 = 0,lastrotate2 = 0,lastrotate3 = 0;
- oldrotate1 = 0,oldrotate2 = 0,oldrotate3 = 0;
- newrotate1 = 0,newrotate2 = 0,newrotate3 = 0;
- strength = 0;
+ vertices = 0;
+ verticeslow = 0;
+ verticesclothes = 0;
+ numvertices = 0;
+ numverticeslow = 0;
+ numverticesclothes = 0;
+ length = 0;
+ targetlength = 0;
+ parent1 = 0;
+ parent2 = 0;
+ maxlength = 0;
+ minlength = 0;
+ type = 0;
+ visible = 0;
+ rotate1 = 0, rotate2 = 0, rotate3 = 0;
+ lastrotate1 = 0, lastrotate2 = 0, lastrotate3 = 0;
+ oldrotate1 = 0, oldrotate2 = 0, oldrotate3 = 0;
+ newrotate1 = 0, newrotate2 = 0, newrotate3 = 0;
+ strength = 0;
- dealloc2(vertices);
- dealloc2(verticeslow);
- dealloc2(verticesclothes);
+ dealloc2(vertices);
+ dealloc2(verticeslow);
+ dealloc2(verticesclothes);
Animation & Animation::operator = (const Animation & ani)
- int i = 0;
- bool allocate = true;
- allocate = ((ani.numframes != numframes) || (ani.joints != joints));
- if (allocate) deallocate();
- numframes = ani.numframes;
- height = ani.height;
- attack = ani.attack;
- joints = ani.joints;
- weapontargetnum = ani.weapontargetnum;
- if (allocate) position=(XYZ**)malloc(sizeof(XYZ*)*ani.joints);
- for(i = 0; i < ani.joints; i++)
- {
- if (allocate) position[i] = (XYZ*)malloc(sizeof(XYZ)*ani.numframes);
- memcpy(position[i], ani.position[i], sizeof(XYZ)*ani.numframes);
- }
- if (allocate) twist=(float**)malloc(sizeof(float*)*ani.joints);
- for(i = 0; i < ani.joints; i++)
- {
- if (allocate) twist[i] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*ani.numframes);
- memcpy(twist[i], ani.twist[i], sizeof(float)*ani.numframes);
- }
- if (allocate) twist2=(float**)malloc(sizeof(float*)*ani.joints);
- for(i = 0; i < ani.joints; i++)
- {
- if (allocate) twist2[i] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*ani.numframes);
- memcpy(twist2[i], ani.twist2[i], sizeof(float)*ani.numframes);
- }
- if (allocate) speed = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*ani.numframes);
- memcpy(speed, ani.speed, sizeof(float)*ani.numframes);
- if (allocate) onground=(bool**)malloc(sizeof(bool*)*ani.joints);
- for(i = 0; i < ani.joints; i++)
- {
- if (allocate) onground[i] =(bool*)malloc(sizeof(bool)*ani.numframes);
- memcpy(onground[i], ani.onground[i], sizeof(bool)*ani.numframes);
- }
- if (allocate) forward = (XYZ*)malloc(sizeof(XYZ)*ani.numframes);
- memcpy(forward, ani.forward, sizeof(XYZ)*ani.numframes);
- if (allocate) weapontarget = (XYZ*)malloc(sizeof(XYZ)*ani.numframes);
- memcpy(weapontarget, ani.weapontarget, sizeof(XYZ)*ani.numframes);
- if (allocate) label = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*ani.numframes);
- memcpy(label, ani.label, sizeof(int)*ani.numframes);
- return (*this);
+ int i = 0;
+ bool allocate = true;
+ allocate = ((ani.numframes != numframes) || (ani.joints != joints));
+ if (allocate)
+ deallocate();
+ numframes = ani.numframes;
+ height = ani.height;
+ attack = ani.attack;
+ joints = ani.joints;
+ weapontargetnum = ani.weapontargetnum;
+ if (allocate)
+ position = (XYZ**)malloc(sizeof(XYZ*)*ani.joints);
+ for (i = 0; i < ani.joints; i++) {
+ if (allocate)
+ position[i] = (XYZ*)malloc(sizeof(XYZ) * ani.numframes);
+ memcpy(position[i], ani.position[i], sizeof(XYZ)*ani.numframes);
+ }
+ if (allocate)
+ twist = (float**)malloc(sizeof(float*)*ani.joints);
+ for (i = 0; i < ani.joints; i++) {
+ if (allocate)
+ twist[i] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * ani.numframes);
+ memcpy(twist[i], ani.twist[i], sizeof(float)*ani.numframes);
+ }
+ if (allocate)
+ twist2 = (float**)malloc(sizeof(float*)*ani.joints);
+ for (i = 0; i < ani.joints; i++) {
+ if (allocate)
+ twist2[i] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * ani.numframes);
+ memcpy(twist2[i], ani.twist2[i], sizeof(float)*ani.numframes);
+ }
+ if (allocate)
+ speed = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * ani.numframes);
+ memcpy(speed, ani.speed, sizeof(float)*ani.numframes);
+ if (allocate)
+ onground = (bool**)malloc(sizeof(bool*)*ani.joints);
+ for (i = 0; i < ani.joints; i++) {
+ if (allocate)
+ onground[i] = (bool*)malloc(sizeof(bool) * ani.numframes);
+ memcpy(onground[i], ani.onground[i], sizeof(bool)*ani.numframes);
+ }
+ if (allocate)
+ forward = (XYZ*)malloc(sizeof(XYZ) * ani.numframes);
+ memcpy(forward, ani.forward, sizeof(XYZ)*ani.numframes);
+ if (allocate)
+ weapontarget = (XYZ*)malloc(sizeof(XYZ) * ani.numframes);
+ memcpy(weapontarget, ani.weapontarget, sizeof(XYZ)*ani.numframes);
+ if (allocate)
+ label = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * ani.numframes);
+ memcpy(label, ani.label, sizeof(int)*ani.numframes);
+ return (*this);