(defconstant SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY 500)
+;;; The two types of endianness
+(defconstant SDL_LIL_ENDIAN 1234)
+(defconstant SDL_BIG_ENDIAN 4321)
;;; SDL Functions
(defcfun "int gacela_SDL_Init (int flags)" 0
(defcfun "int gacela_zoomSurface (int src, float zoomx, float zoomy, int smooth)" 0
"return zoomSurface (src, zoomx, zoomy, smooth);")
+(defcfun "int gacela_SDL_ByteOrder (void)" 0
+ "return SDL_BYTEORDER;")
(defentry SDL_Init (int) (int "gacela_SDL_Init"))
(defentry SDL_Quit () (void "gacela_SDL_Quit"))
(defentry SDL_SetVideoMode (int int int int) (int "gacela_SDL_SetVideoMode"))
(defentry SDL_GL_SwapBuffers () (void "gacela_SDL_GL_SwapBuffers"))
(defentry SDL_EnableKeyRepeat (int int) (int "gacela_SDL_EnableKeyRepeat"))
(defentry zoomSurface (int float float int) (int "gacela_zoomSurface"))
+(defentry SDL_ByteOrder () (int "gacela_SDL_ByteOrder"))
;;; C-Gacela Functions
(defcfun "int gacela_surface_format (int surface)" 0
"const SDL_Surface *s = surface;"
"return s->pixels;")
+(defcfun "int gacela_surface_format_BytesPerPixel (int surface)" 0
+ "const SDL_Surface *s = surface;"
+ "return s->format->BytesPerPixel;")
;(defentry apply-surface2 (int int int int int int int int int) (void "apply_surface"))
;(defentry render-text2 (int string int int int) (int "render_text"))
;(defentry fill-surface (int int int int) (void "fill_surface"))
(defentry surface-w (int) (int "gacela_surface_w"))
(defentry surface-h (int) (int "gacela_surface_h"))
(defentry surface-pixels (int) (int "gacela_surface_pixels"))
+(defentry surface-format-BytesPerPixel (int) (int "gacela_surface_format_BytesPerPixel"))