libogg documentation

libogg release 1.0 - 20000615


declared in "ogg/ogg.h";

This function forms packets into pages. If

In a typical encoding situation, this would be called after using ogg_stream_packetin to submit data packets to the bitstream.

Internally, this function breaks the page into packet segments in preparation for outputting a valid packet to the codec decoding layer.

int ogg_stream_pageout(ogg_stream_state *os, ogg_page *og);


Pointer to a previously declared ogg_stream struct, which represents the current logical bitstream.
Pointer to a page of data. The data inside this page is being submitted to the streaming layer in order to be allocated into packets.

Return Values

  • 0 means that there is not enough data yet to form a page.
  • 0 means that the page was successfully submitted to the bitstream.

  • copyright © 2000

    Ogg Vorbis

    libogg documentation

    libogg release 1.0 - 20000615