;;; Gacela, a GNU Common Lisp extension for fast games development ;;; Copyright (C) 2009 by Javier Sancho Fernandez ;;; ;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see . (eval-when (compile load eval) (when (not (find-package 'gacela)) (make-package 'gacela :nicknames '(gg) :use '(lisp))) (in-package 'gacela :nicknames '(gg) :use '(lisp))) (defmacro with-color (color &body code) (cond (color `(let ((original-color (get-current-color)) result) (apply #'set-current-color ,color) (setq result ,@code) (apply #'set-current-color original-color) result)) (t `(progn ,@code)))) (defmacro progn-textures (&body code) `(let (values) (init-video-mode) (glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D) (setq values (multiple-value-list (progn ,@code))) (glDisable GL_TEXTURE_2D) (apply #'values values))) (defun draw (&rest vertexes) (begin-draw (length vertexes)) (draw-vertexes vertexes) (glEnd)) (defun begin-draw (number-of-points) (cond ((= number-of-points 3) (glBegin GL_TRIANGLES)) ((= number-of-points 4) (glBegin GL_QUADS)))) (defun draw-vertexes (vertexes) (cond ((null vertexes) nil) (t (draw-vertex (car vertexes)) (draw-vertexes (cdr vertexes))))) (defun draw-vertex (vertex &key texture-coord) (cond ((consp (car vertex)) (with-color (car vertex) (apply #'simple-draw-vertex (cadr vertex)))) (t (cond (texture-coord (apply #'glTexCoord2f texture-coord))) (apply #'simple-draw-vertex vertex)))) (defun simple-draw-vertex (x y &optional (z 0)) (cond ((3d-mode?) (glVertex3f x y z)) (t (glVertex2f x y)))) (defun load-image-for-texture (filename) (init-video-mode) (let ((image (IMG_Load filename))) (cond ((/= image 0) (let* ((width (surface-w image)) (height (surface-h image)) (power-2 (nearest-power-of-two (min width height))) resized-image) (cond ((and (= width power-2) (= height power-2)) (values image width height)) (t (setq resized-image (resize-surface image power-2 power-2)) (SDL_FreeSurface image) (cond ((/= resized-image 0) (values resized-image width height)))))))))) (defun resize-surface (surface width height) (let ((old-width (surface-w surface)) (old-height (surface-h surface))) (cond ((and (= width old-width) (= height old-height)) surface) (t (let ((zoomx (/ (+ width 0.5) old-width)) (zoomy (/ (+ height 0.5) old-height))) (zoomSurface surface zoomx zoomy 0)))))) (defun load-texture (filename &key (min-filter GL_LINEAR) (mag-filter GL_LINEAR) static) (let ((key (make-resource-texture :filename filename :min-filter min-filter :mag-filter mag-filter))) (cond ((get-resource key) key) (t (true-load-texture filename min-filter mag-filter static))))) (defun true-load-texture (filename min-filter mag-filter static) (let ((key (make-resource-texture :filename filename :min-filter min-filter :mag-filter mag-filter))) (progn-textures (multiple-value-bind (image real-w real-h) (load-image-for-texture filename) (cond (image (let ((width (surface-w image)) (height (surface-h image)) (byteorder (if (= (SDL_ByteOrder) SDL_LIL_ENDIAN) (if (= (surface-format-BytesPerPixel image) 3) GL_BGR GL_BGRA) (if (= (surface-format-BytesPerPixel image) 3) GL_RGB GL_RGBA))) (texture (car (glGenTextures 1)))) (glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D texture) (glTexImage2D GL_TEXTURE_2D 0 3 width height 0 byteorder GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE (surface-pixels image)) (glTexParameteri GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER min-filter) (glTexParameteri GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER mag-filter) (SDL_FreeSurface image) (set-resource key `(:id-texture ,texture :width ,real-w :height ,real-h) (lambda () (true-load-texture filename min-filter mag-filter static)) (lambda () (glDeleteTextures 1 `(,texture))) :static static) key))))))) (defun draw-image (filename &ptional (zoom 1)) (let ((texture (load-texture filename))) (cond (texture (draw-texture texture zoom))))) (defun draw-texture (texture &optional (zoom 1)) (cond (texture (let ((width (getf (get-resource texture) :width)) (height (getf (get-resource texture) :height))) (draw-rectangle (* zoom width) (* zoom height) :texture texture))))) (defun draw-quad (v1 v2 v3 v4 &key texture) (let ((id-texture (getf (get-resource texture) :id-texture))) (cond (id-texture (progn-textures (glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D id-texture) (begin-draw 4) (draw-vertex v1 :texture-coord '(0 0)) (draw-vertex v2 :texture-coord '(1 0)) (draw-vertex v3 :texture-coord '(1 1)) (draw-vertex v4 :texture-coord '(0 1)) (glEnd))) ((consp texture) (with-color texture (draw v1 v2 v3 v4))) (t (draw v1 v2 v3 v4))))) (defun draw-rectangle (width height &key texture) (let* ((w (/ width 2)) (-w (neg w)) (h (/ height 2)) (-h (neg h))) (draw-quad (list -w h 0) (list w h 0) (list w -h 0) (list -w -h 0) :texture texture))) (defun draw-square (&key (size 1) texture) (draw-rectangle size size :texture texture)) (defun draw-cube (&key (size 1) texture texture-1 texture-2 texture-3 texture-4 texture-5 texture-6) (let ((-size (neg size))) (progn-textures (glNormal3f 0 0 1) (draw-quad (list -size size size) (list size size size) (list size -size size) (list -size -size size) :texture (or texture-1 texture)) (glNormal3f 0 0 -1) (draw-quad (list -size -size -size) (list size -size -size) (list size size -size) (list -size size -size) :texture (or texture-2 texture)) (glNormal3f 0 1 0) (draw-quad (list size size size) (list -size size size) (list -size size -size) (list size size -size) :texture (or texture-3 texture)) (glNormal3f 0 -1 0) (draw-quad (list -size -size size) (list size -size size) (list size -size -size) (list -size -size -size) :texture (or texture-4 texture)) (glNormal3f 1 0 0) (draw-quad (list size -size -size) (list size -size size) (list size size size) (list size size -size) :texture (or texture-5 texture)) (glNormal3f -1 0 0) (draw-quad (list -size -size size) (list -size -size -size) (list -size size -size) (list -size size size) :texture (or texture-6 texture))))) (defun add-light (&key light position ambient (id GL_LIGHT1) (turn-on t)) (init-lighting) (and light (glLightfv id GL_DIFFUSE (first light) (second light) (third light) (fourth light))) (and light position (glLightfv GL_POSITION (first position) (second position) (third position) (fourth position))) (and ambient (glLightfv id GL_AMBIENT (first ambient) (second ambient) (third ambient) (fourth ambient))) (and turn-on (glEnable id)) id) (defun translate (x y &optional (z 0)) (glTranslatef x y z)) (defun rotate (&rest rot) (cond ((3d-mode?) (apply #'3d-rotate rot)) (t (apply #'2d-rotate rot)))) (defun 3d-rotate (xrot yrot zrot) (glRotatef xrot 1 0 0) (glRotatef yrot 0 1 0) (glRotatef zrot 0 0 1)) (defun 2d-rotate (rot) (glRotatef rot 0 0 1)) (defun to-origin () (glLoadIdentity) (cond ((3d-mode?) (camera-look)))) (let ((camera-eye '(0 0 0)) (camera-center '(0 0 -100)) (camera-up '(0 1 0))) (defun set-camera (&key eye center up) (cond (eye (setq camera-eye eye))) (cond (center (setq camera-center center))) (cond (up (setq camera-up up)))) (defun camera-look () (apply #'gluLookAt (concatenate 'list camera-eye camera-center camera-up))))