;;; Gacela, a GNU Common Lisp extension for fast games development ;;; Copyright (C) 2009 by Javier Sancho Fernandez ;;; ;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see . (in-package :gacela) (defmacro mapcconst (type c-type name) (let ((c-header (concatenate 'string c-type " gacela_" name " (void)")) (c-body (concatenate 'string "return " name ";")) (c-name (concatenate 'string "gacela_" name)) (lisp-name (intern (string-upcase name)))) `(progn (defcfun ,c-header 0 ,c-body) (defentry ,lisp-name () (,type ,c-name)) (eval-when (load) (defconstant ,lisp-name (,lisp-name)))))) (clines "#include ") (clines "#include ") ;;; Data types (mapcconst int "int" "GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE") ;;; Primitives (mapcconst int "int" "GL_POINTS") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_LINES") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_LINE_LOOP") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_LINE_STRIP") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_TRIANGLES") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_TRIANGLE_FAN") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_QUADS") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_QUAD_STRIP") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_POLYGON") ;;; Matrix Mode (mapcconst int "int" "GL_MODELVIEW") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_PROJECTION") ;;; Depth buffer (mapcconst int "int" "GL_LEQUAL") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_DEPTH_TEST") ;;; Lighting (mapcconst int "int" "GL_LIGHTING") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_LIGHT1") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_AMBIENT") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_DIFFUSE") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_POSITION") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_SMOOTH") ;;; Blending (mapcconst int "int" "GL_BLEND") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_ONE") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_SRC_ALPHA") ;;; Fog (mapcconst int "int" "GL_LINEAR") ;;; Buffers, Pixel Drawing/Reading (mapcconst int "int" "GL_RGB") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_RGBA") ;;; Hints (mapcconst int "int" "GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_NICEST") ;;; Texture mapping (mapcconst int "int" "GL_TEXTURE_2D") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_NEAREST") ;;; glPush/PopAttrib bits (mapcconst int "int" "GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT") ;;; OpenGL 1.2 (mapcconst int "int" "GL_BGR") (mapcconst int "int" "GL_BGRA") ;;; OpenGL Functions (defcfun "void gacela_glBegin (int mode)" 0 "glBegin (mode);") (defcfun "void gacela_glClear (int mask)" 0 "glClear (mask);") (defcfun "void gacela_glClearColor (float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)" 0 "glClearColor (red, green, blue, alpha);") (defcfun "void gacela_glClearDepth (double depth)" 0 "glClearDepth (depth);") (defcfun "void gacela_glColor3f (float red, float green, float blue)" 0 "glColor3f (red, green, blue);") (defcfun "void gacela_glColor4f (float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)" 0 "glColor4f (red, green, blue, alpha);") (defcfun "void gacela_glDepthFunc (int func)" 0 "glDepthFunc (func);") (defcfun "void gacela_glEnable (int cap)" 0 "glEnable (cap);") (defcfun "void gacela_glDisable (int cap)" 0 "glDisable (cap);") (defcfun "void gacela_glEnd (void)" 0 "glEnd ();") (defcfun "void gacela_glHint (int target, int mode)" 0 "glHint (target, mode);") (defcfun "void gacela_glLoadIdentity (void)" 0 "glLoadIdentity ();") (defcfun "void gacela_glMatrixMode (int mode)" 0 "glMatrixMode (mode);") (defcfun "void gacela_glRotatef (float angle, float x, float y, float z)" 0 "glRotatef (angle, x, y, z);") (defcfun "void gacela_glShadeModel (int mode)" 0 "glShadeModel (mode);") (defcfun "void gacela_glTranslatef (float x, float y, float z)" 0 "glTranslatef (x, y, z);") (defcfun "void gacela_glVertex2f (float x, float y)" 0 "glVertex2f (x, y);") (defcfun "void gacela_glVertex3f (float x, float y, float z)" 0 "glVertex3f (x, y, z);") (defcfun "void gacela_glViewport (int x, int y, int width, int height)" 0 "glViewport (x, y, width, height);") (defcfun "static object gacela_glGenTextures (int n)" 0 "object textures;" "GLuint text[n];" "int i, t;" ('nil textures) "glGenTextures (n, &text[0]);" "for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {" "t = text[i];" ((cons (int t) textures) textures) "}" "return textures;") (defcfun "void gacela_glDeleteTextures (int n, object textures)" 0 "GLuint text[n];" "int i, t;" "for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {" ((nth (int i) textures) t) "text[i] = t;" "}" "glDeleteTextures (n, &text[0]);") (defcfun "void gacela_glBindTexture (int target, int texture)" 0 "glBindTexture (target, texture);") (defcfun "void gacela_glTexImage2D (int target, int level, int internalFormat, int width, int height, int border, int format, int type, int pixels)" 0 "glTexImage2D (target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels);") (defcfun "void gacela_glTexParameteri (int target, int pname, int param)" 0 "glTexParameteri (target, pname, param);") (defcfun "void gacela_glTexCoord2f (float s, float t)" 0 "glTexCoord2f (s, t);") (defcfun "void gacela_glLightfv (int light, int pname, float param1, float param2, float param3, float param4)" 0 "GLfloat params[4];" "params[0] = param1;" "params[1] = param2;" "params[2] = param3;" "params[3] = param4;" "glLightfv (light, pname, params);") (defcfun "void gacela_glNormal3f (float nx, float ny, float nz)" 0 "glNormal3f (nx, ny, nz);") (defcfun "void gacela_glBlendFunc (int sfactor, int dfactor)" 0 "glBlendFunc (sfactor, dfactor);") (defcfun "void gacela_glOrtho (float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near_val, float far_val)" 0 "glOrtho (left, right, bottom, top, near_val, far_val);") (defcfun "void gacela_gluPerspective (double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar)" 0 "gluPerspective (fovy, aspect, zNear, zFar);") (defcfun "int gacela_gluBuild2DMipmaps (int target, int internalFormat, int width, int height, int format, int type, int data)" 0 "return gluBuild2DMipmaps (target, internalFormat, width, height, format, type, data);") (defcfun "void gacela_gluLookAt (double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)" 0 "gluLookAt (eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ, centerX, centerY, centerZ, upX, upY, upZ);") (defentry glBegin (int) (void "gacela_glBegin")) (defentry glClear (int) (void "gacela_glClear")) (defentry glClearColor (float float float float) (void "gacela_glClearColor")) (defentry glClearDepth (double) (void "gacela_glClearDepth")) (defentry glColor3f (float float float) (void "gacela_glColor3f")) (defentry glColor4f (float float float float) (void "gacela_glColor4f")) (defentry glDepthFunc (int) (void "gacela_glDepthFunc")) (defentry glEnable (int) (void "gacela_glEnable")) (defentry glDisable (int) (void "gacela_glDisable")) (defentry glEnd () (void "gacela_glEnd")) (defentry glHint (int int) (void "gacela_glHint")) (defentry glLoadIdentity () (void "gacela_glLoadIdentity")) (defentry glMatrixMode (int) (void "gacela_glMatrixMode")) (defentry glRotatef (float float float float) (void "gacela_glRotatef")) (defentry glShadeModel (int) (void "gacela_glShadeModel")) (defentry glTranslatef (float float float) (void "gacela_glTranslatef")) (defentry glVertex2f (float float) (void "gacela_glVertex2f")) (defentry glVertex3f (float float float) (void "gacela_glVertex3f")) (defentry glViewport (int int int int) (void "gacela_glViewport")) (defentry glGenTextures (int) (object "gacela_glGenTextures")) (defentry glDeleteTextures (int object) (void "gacela_glDeleteTextures")) (defentry glBindTexture (int int) (void "gacela_glBindTexture")) (defentry glTexImage2D (int int int int int int int int int) (void "gacela_glTexImage2D")) (defentry glTexParameteri (int int int) (void "gacela_glTexParameteri")) (defentry glTexCoord2f (float float) (void "gacela_glTexCoord2f")) (defentry glLightfv (int int float float float float) (void "gacela_glLightfv")) (defentry glNormal3f (float float float) (void "gacela_glNormal3f")) (defentry glBlendFunc (int int) (void "gacela_glBlendFunc")) (defentry glOrtho (float float float float float float) (void "gacela_glOrtho")) (defentry gluPerspective (double double double double) (void "gacela_gluPerspective")) (defentry gluBuild2DMipmaps (int int int int int int int) (int "gacela_gluBuild2DMipmaps")) (defentry gluLookAt (double double double double double double double double double) (void "gacela_gluLookAt"))