;;; Gacela, a GNU Common Lisp extension for fast games development ;;; Copyright (C) 2009 by Javier Sancho Fernandez ;;; ;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see . (in-package :gacela) ;;; Default values for Gacela (defvar *width-screen* 640) (defvar *height-screen* 480) (defvar *bpp-screen* 32) (defvar *title-screen* "Happy Hacking!!") (defvar *frames-per-second* 20) (defvar *transparent-color* '(:red 0 :green 0 :blue 0)) (defvar *background-color* '(:red 0 :green 0 :blue 0)) ;;; SDL Initialization Subsystem (let (initialized) (defun init-sdl () (cond ((null initialized) (setq initialized (SDL_Init SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING))) (t initialized))) (defun quit-sdl () (setq initialized (SDL_Quit)))) ;;; Video Subsystem (defstruct surface address clip-w clip-h shape) (let (screen flags) (defun init-video-mode (&key (width *width-screen*) (height *height-screen*) (bpp *bpp-screen*)) (cond ((null screen) (init-sdl) (SDL_GL_SetAttribute SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER 1) (setq flags (+ SDL_OPENGL SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER SDL_HWPALETTE SDL_RESIZABLE (if (= (getf (SDL_GetVideoInfo) :hw_available) 0) SDL_SWSURFACE SDL_HWSURFACE) (if (= (getf (SDL_GetVideoInfo) :blit_hw) 0) 0 SDL_HWACCEL))) (setq screen (SDL_SetVideoMode width height bpp flags)) (init-GL) (resize-screen-GL width height)) (t t))) (defun resize-screen (width height bpp) (setq screen (SDL_SetVideoMode width height bpp flags)) (resize-screen-GL width height)) (defun fill-screen (color) (init-video-mode) (fill-surface screen (getf color :red) (getf color :green) (getf color :blue))) (defun flip () (cond ((null screen) nil) (t (SDL_Flip screen)))) (defun quit-video-mode () (setq screen nil))) (defun init-GL () (2d-mode) (glShadeModel GL_SMOOTH) (glClearColor 0 0 0 0) (glClearDepth 1) (glDepthFunc GL_LEQUAL) ; (glEnable GL_BLEND) ; (glBlendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE) (glHint GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT GL_NICEST) t) (defmacro progn-textures (&body code) `(let (values) (init-video-mode) (glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D) (setq values (multiple-value-list (progn ,@code))) (glDisable GL_TEXTURE_2D) (apply #'values values))) (defun init-lighting () (init-video-mode) (glEnable GL_LIGHTING)) (defun resize-screen-GL (width height) (let ((ratio (if (= height 0) width (/ width height)))) ; (glViewPort 0 0 width height) (glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION) (glLoadIdentity) (let* ((w (/ width 2)) (-w (neg w)) (h (/ height 2)) (-h (neg h))) (glOrtho -w w -h h 0 1)) ; (gluPerspective 45 ratio 0.1 100) (glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW) (glLoadIdentity) t)) (let ((current-color '(1 1 1 1))) (defun get-current-color () current-color) (defun set-current-color (red green blue &optional (alpha 1)) (setq current-color (list red green blue alpha)) (glColor4f red green blue alpha))) (defun load-image (image-file &key (transparent-color nil)) (init-video-mode) (let ((loaded-image (IMG_Load image-file))) (cond ((= loaded-image 0) nil) (t (let ((optimized-image (SDL_DisplayFormat loaded-image))) (SDL_FreeSurface loaded-image) (cond ((= optimized-image 0) nil) ((null transparent-color) optimized-image) (t (SDL_SetColorKey optimized-image SDL_SRCCOLORKEY (SDL_MapRGB (surface-format optimized-image) (car transparent-color) (cadr transparent-color) (caddr transparent-color))) optimized-image))))))) (defun load-image2 (image-file &key (transparent-color nil)) (let ((address-image (load-image image-file :transparent-color transparent-color))) (list (lambda (x y) (print-surface x y address-image)) (lambda () (SDL_FreeSurface address-image))))) (defun clean-screen () (fill-screen *background-color*)) (defun refresh-screen () (clean-screen) (funcall-procs #'print-mob) (flip)) ;;; Audio Subsystem (let ((audio nil)) (defun init-audio () (cond ((null audio) (progn (init-sdl) (setq audio (Mix_OpenAudio 22050 2 4096)))) (t audio))) (defun quit-audio () (setq audio (Mix_CloseAudio)))) ;;; Resources Manager (defstruct resource plist constructor destructor time) (defun make-resource-texture (&key filename min-filter mag-filter) `(:type texture :filename ,filename :min-filter ,min-filter :mag-filter ,mag-filter)) (defun make-resource-font (&key filename size encoding) `(:type font :filename ,filename :size ,size :enconding ,encoding)) (let ((resources-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) (defun set-resource (key plist constructor destructor &key static) (setf (gethash key resources-table) (make-resource :plist plist :constructor constructor :destructor destructor :free-function free-function :time (if static -1 (SDL_GetTicks))))) (defun get-resource (key) (let ((resource (gethash key resources-table))) (cond ((null resource) nil) (t (cond ((/= (resource-time resource) -1) (setf (resource-time resource) (SDL_GetTicks)) (setf (gethash key resources-table) resource))) (resource-plist resource))))) (defun free-all-resources () (maphash (lambda (key res) (funcall (resource-free-function res) (resource-address res))) resources-table) (clrhash resources-table))) ;;; Connection with the GUI (let (socket) (defun connect-to-gui () (setq socket (si::socket 1984 :host "localhost"))) (defun eval-from-gui () (cond ((and socket (listen socket)) (eval (read socket)))))) ;;; GaCeLa Functions (let (commands) (defun prog-command (command) (setq commands (cons command commands))) (defun run-commands () (cond (commands (let (running) (setq running commands) (setq commands nil) (labels ((run-com (comlst) (cond (comlst (run-com (cdr comlst)) (eval (read-from-string (concatenate 'string "(progn " (car comlst) ")"))))))) (run-com running))))))) (let (time (time-per-frame (/ 1000.0 *frames-per-second*))) (defun set-frames-per-second (fps) (setq time-per-frame (/ 1000.0 fps))) (defun init-frame-time () (setq time (SDL_GetTicks))) (defun delay-frame () (let ((frame-time (- (SDL_GetTicks) time))) (cond ((< frame-time time-per-frame) (SDL_Delay (- time-per-frame frame-time))))))) (defmacro run-game (title &body code) `(progn (init-video-mode) (SDL_WM_SetCaption ,title "") (init-frame-time) (process-events) (do () ((quit?)) (glClear (+ GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)) (glLoadIdentity) ,@code (SDL_GL_SwapBuffers) (delay-frame) (init-frame-time) (process-events) (setq running nil)))) (defun quit-game () ; (free-all-resources) ; (quit-audio) ; (quit-ttf) (quit-video-mode) ; (quit-all-procs) ; (clear-events) ; (quit-events) (quit-sdl))