1 ;;; Gacela, a GNU Guile extension for fast games development
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2009 by Javier Sancho Fernandez <jsf at jsancho dot org>
4 ;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 ;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
9 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 ;;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 (define-module (gacela video)
19 #:use-module (gacela sdl)
20 #:use-module (gacela gl)
21 #:use-module (gacela ftgl)
22 #:use-module (gacela math)
23 #:use-module (ice-9 optargs)
24 #:use-module (ice-9 receive)
40 set-frames-per-second!
50 get-texture-properties
65 #:export-syntax (glmatrix-block)
66 #:re-export (glPushMatrix
76 (define* (init-video width height bpp #:key (mode '2d) (title "") (fps 20))
78 (let ((info (SDL_GetVideoInfo)))
81 (if (= (assoc-ref info 'hw_available) 0) SDL_SWSURFACE SDL_HWSURFACE)
82 (if (= (assoc-ref info 'blit_hw) 0) 0 SDL_HWACCEL)))
83 (set! screen (SDL_SetVideoMode width height bpp flags))
84 (set-screen-title! title)
85 (set-frames-per-second! fps)
87 (if (eq? mode '3d) (set-3d-mode) (set-2d-mode))))
89 (define (get-screen-height)
92 (define (get-screen-width)
95 (define (get-screen-bpp)
96 (* (surface-format-BytesPerPixel screen) 8))
98 (define (set-screen-bpp! bpp)
100 (set! screen (SDL_SetVideoMode (get-screen-width) (get-screen-height) bpp flags)))))
102 (define (resize-screen width height)
104 (set! screen (SDL_SetVideoMode width height (get-screen-bpp) flags))
105 (resize-screen-GL width height))))
109 (SDL_FreeSurface screen)
113 (define (clear-screen)
116 (define (flip-screen)
117 (SDL_GL_SwapBuffers))
120 (define screen-title "")
122 (define (set-screen-title! title)
123 (set! screen-title title)
124 (SDL_WM_SetCaption title ""))
126 (define (get-screen-title)
132 (define (set-2d-mode)
134 (glDisable GL_DEPTH_TEST)
135 (resize-screen-GL (get-screen-width) (get-screen-height)))
137 (define (set-3d-mode)
140 (glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST)
141 (glDepthFunc GL_LEQUAL)
142 (resize-screen-GL (get-screen-width) (get-screen-height)))
149 (glShadeModel GL_SMOOTH)
150 (glClearColor 0 0 0 0)
155 (define (resize-screen-GL width height)
156 (glViewport 0 0 width height)
157 (glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION)
160 (let ((ratio (if (= height 0) width (/ width height))))
161 (gluPerspective 45 ratio 0.1 100)))
163 (let* ((w (/ width 2)) (h (/ height 2)))
164 (glOrtho (- w) w (- h) h 0 1))))
165 (glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW)
169 ;;; Frames per second
172 (define frames-per-second 20)
173 (define time-per-frame 50) ;in ms
175 (define (get-frames-per-second)
178 (define (set-frames-per-second! fps)
179 (set! frames-per-second fps)
180 (set! time-per-frame (/ 1000.0 fps)))
182 (define (init-frame-time)
183 (set! time (SDL_GetTicks)))
185 (define (get-frame-time)
188 (define (delay-frame)
189 (let ((frame-time (- (SDL_GetTicks) time)))
190 (cond ((< frame-time time-per-frame)
191 (SDL_Delay (- time-per-frame frame-time))))))
196 (define current-color '(1 1 1 1))
198 (define (get-current-color)
201 (define* (set-current-color red green blue #:optional (alpha 1))
202 (set! current-color (list red green blue alpha))
203 (glColor4f red green blue alpha))
205 (define-macro (with-color color . code)
207 `(let ((original-color (get-current-color))
209 (apply set-current-color ,color)
210 (set! result (begin ,@code))
211 (apply set-current-color original-color)
213 (else `(begin ,@code))))
215 (define-macro (progn-textures . code)
217 (glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D)
218 (set! result (begin ,@code))
219 (glDisable GL_TEXTURE_2D)
222 (define (draw . vertexes)
223 (begin-draw (length vertexes))
224 (draw-vertexes vertexes)
227 (define (begin-draw number-of-points)
228 (cond ((= number-of-points 2) (glBegin GL_LINES))
229 ((= number-of-points 3) (glBegin GL_TRIANGLES))
230 ((= number-of-points 4) (glBegin GL_QUADS))))
232 (define (draw-vertexes vertexes)
233 (cond ((not (null? vertexes))
234 (draw-vertex (car vertexes))
235 (draw-vertexes (cdr vertexes)))))
237 (define* (draw-vertex vertex #:key texture-coord)
238 (cond ((list? (car vertex))
239 (with-color (car vertex)
240 (apply simple-draw-vertex (cadr vertex))))
242 (cond (texture-coord (apply glTexCoord2f texture-coord)))
243 (apply simple-draw-vertex vertex))))
245 (define* (simple-draw-vertex x y #:optional (z 0))
246 (cond ((3d-mode?) (glVertex3f x y z))
247 (else (glVertex2f x y))))
249 (define (load-image filename)
250 (let ((image (IMG_Load filename)))
252 (SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha image)))))
254 (define (load-image-for-texture filename)
255 (let ((image (load-image filename)))
257 (let* ((width (surface-w image)) (height (surface-h image))
258 (power-2 (nearest-power-of-two (min width height)))
260 (cond ((and (= width power-2) (= height power-2)) (values image width height))
261 (else (set! resized-image (resize-surface image power-2 power-2))
262 (if resized-image (values resized-image width height))))))
266 (define (resize-surface surface width height)
267 (let ((old-width (surface-w surface)) (old-height (surface-h surface)))
268 (cond ((and (= width old-width) (= height old-height)) surface)
269 (else (let ((zoomx (/ (+ width 0.5) old-width)) (zoomy (/ (+ height 0.5) old-height)))
270 (zoomSurface surface zoomx zoomy 0))))))
272 (define* (load-texture filename #:key (min-filter GL_LINEAR) (mag-filter GL_LINEAR))
275 (image real-w real-h) (load-image-for-texture filename)
277 (let ((width (surface-w image)) (height (surface-h image))
278 (byteorder (if (= SDL_BYTEORDER SDL_LIL_ENDIAN)
279 (if (= (surface-format-BytesPerPixel image) 3) GL_BGR GL_BGRA)
280 (if (= (surface-format-BytesPerPixel image) 3) GL_RGB GL_RGBA)))
281 (texture (car (glGenTextures 1))))
283 (glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D texture)
284 (glTexImage2D GL_TEXTURE_2D 0 4 width height 0 byteorder GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE (surface-pixels image))
285 (glTexParameteri GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER min-filter)
286 (glTexParameteri GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER mag-filter)
287 (set-texture-size! texture real-w real-h)
290 (define (get-texture-properties texture)
291 `((width . ,(texture-w texture)) (height . ,(texture-h texture))))
293 (define* (draw-texture texture #:optional (zoom 1))
295 (let ((width (texture-w texture))
296 (height (texture-h texture)))
297 (draw-rectangle (* zoom width) (* zoom height) #:texture texture)))))
299 (define* (draw-line length #:optional color)
300 (let ((l (/ length 2)))
302 (with-color color (draw (list 0 l) (list 0 (- l)))))
304 (draw (list 0 l) (list 0 (- l)))))))
306 (define* (draw-quad v1 v2 v3 v4 #:key texture color)
309 (glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D texture)
311 (draw-vertex v1 #:texture-coord '(0 0))
312 (draw-vertex v2 #:texture-coord '(1 0))
313 (draw-vertex v3 #:texture-coord '(1 1))
314 (draw-vertex v4 #:texture-coord '(0 1))
317 (with-color color (draw v1 v2 v3 v4)))
319 (draw v1 v2 v3 v4))))
321 (define* (draw-rectangle width height #:key texture color)
322 (let ((w (/ width 2)) (h (/ height 2)))
323 (draw-quad (list (- w) h 0)
330 (define* (draw-square #:key (size 1) texture color)
331 (draw-rectangle size size #:texture texture #:color color))
333 (define* (draw-cube #:key (size 1)
334 texture texture-1 texture-2 texture-3 texture-4 texture-5 texture-6
335 color color-1 color-2 color-3 color-4 color-5 color-6)
336 (let ((-size (- size)))
339 (draw-quad (list -size size size) (list size size size) (list size -size size) (list -size -size size) #:texture (or texture-1 texture) #:color (or color-1 color))
341 (draw-quad (list -size -size -size) (list size -size -size) (list size size -size) (list -size size -size) #:texture (or texture-2 texture) #:color (or color-2 color))
343 (draw-quad (list size size size) (list -size size size) (list -size size -size) (list size size -size) #:texture (or texture-3 texture) #:color (or color-3 color))
345 (draw-quad (list -size -size size) (list size -size size) (list size -size -size) (list -size -size -size) #:texture (or texture-4 texture) #:color (or color-4 color))
347 (draw-quad (list size -size -size) (list size -size size) (list size size size) (list size size -size) #:texture (or texture-5 texture) #:color (or color-5 color))
349 (draw-quad (list -size -size size) (list -size -size -size) (list -size size -size) (list -size size size) #:texture (or texture-6 texture) #:color (or color-6 color)))))
351 (define* (translate x y #:optional (z 0))
352 (glTranslatef x y z))
354 (define* (rotate #:rest rot)
356 (apply 3d-rotate rot))
358 (apply 2d-rotate rot))))
360 (define (3d-rotate xrot yrot zrot)
361 (glRotatef xrot 1 0 0)
362 (glRotatef yrot 0 1 0)
363 (glRotatef zrot 0 0 1))
365 (define (2d-rotate rot)
366 (glRotatef rot 0 0 1))
370 (cond ((3d-mode?) (camera-look))))
372 (define-macro (glmatrix-block . code)
375 (set! result (begin ,@code))
382 ;; (define* (add-light #:key light position ambient (id GL_LIGHT1) (turn-on t))
384 ;; (and light (glLightfv id GL_DIFFUSE (car light) (cadr light) (caddr light) (cadddr light)))
385 ;; (and light position (glLightfv GL_POSITION (car position) (cadr position) (caddr position) (cadddr position)))
386 ;; (and ambient (glLightfv id GL_AMBIENT (car ambient) (cadr ambient) (caddr ambient) (cadddr ambient)))
387 ;; (and turn-on (glEnable id))
393 (define camera-eye '(0 0 0))
394 (define camera-center '(0 0 -100))
395 (define camera-up '(0 1 0))
397 (define* (set-camera #:key eye center up)
398 (cond (eye (set! camera-eye eye)))
399 (cond (center (set! camera-center center)))
400 (cond (up (set! camera-up up))))
402 (define (camera-look)
403 (apply gluLookAt (append camera-eye camera-center camera-up)))
408 (define* (load-font font-file #:key (size 40) (encoding ft_encoding_unicode))
409 (let ((font (ftglCreateTextureFont font-file size)))
410 (ftglSetFontFaceSize font size 72)
411 (ftglSetFontCharMap font encoding)
414 (define* (render-text text font #:key (size #f))
416 (cond ((not (= (ftglGetFontFaceSize font) size))
417 (ftglSetFontFaceSize font size 72))))
418 ((not (= (ftglGetFontFaceSize font) (font-size font)))
419 (ftglSetFontFaceSize font (font-size font) 72)))
420 (ftglRenderFont font text FTGL_RENDER_ALL))