]> git.jsancho.org Git - lugaru.git/blob - Source/Settings.cpp
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[lugaru.git] / Source / Settings.cpp
1 #include "Settings.h"
2 #include "Game.h"
3 #include "Input.h"
5 void DefaultSettings(Game &game) {
6         detail=1;
7         ismotionblur=0;
8         usermousesensitivity=1;
9         kContextWidth=640;
10         kContextHeight=480;
11         kBitsPerPixel = 32;
12         floatjump=0;
13         autoslomo=1;
14         decals=1;
15         invertmouse=0;
16         bloodtoggle=0;
17         foliage=1;
18         musictoggle=1;
19         trilinear=1;
20         gamespeed=1;
21         difficulty=1;
22         damageeffects=0;
23         texttoggle=1;
24         alwaysblur=0;
25         showpoints=0;
26         showdamagebar=0;
27         immediate=0;
28         velocityblur=0;
29         volume = 0.8f;
30         ambientsound=1;
31         vblsync=1;
32         debugmode=0;
34         game.crouchkey=SDLK_LSHIFT;
35         game.jumpkey=SDLK_SPACE;
36         game.leftkey=SDLK_a;
37         game.forwardkey=SDLK_w;
38         game.backkey=SDLK_s;
39         game.rightkey=SDLK_d;
40         game.drawkey=SDLK_e;
41         game.throwkey=SDLK_q;
42         game.attackkey=MOUSEBUTTON1;
43         game.consolekey=SDLK_BACKQUOTE;
44         game.chatkey=SDLK_t;
45 }
47 void SaveSettings(Game &game) {
48         if(game.newdetail<0) game.newdetail=0;
49         if(game.newdetail>2) game.newdetail=2;
50         if(game.newscreenwidth>3000) game.newscreenwidth=screenwidth;
51         if(game.newscreenwidth<0) game.newscreenwidth=screenwidth;
52         if(game.newscreenheight>3000) game.newscreenheight=screenheight;
53         if(game.newscreenheight<0) game.newscreenheight=screenheight;
54         ofstream opstream(ConvertFileName(":Data:config.txt", "w"));
55         opstream << "Screenwidth:\n";
56         opstream << game.newscreenwidth;
57         opstream << "\nScreenheight:\n";
58         opstream << game.newscreenheight;
59         opstream << "\nMouse sensitivity:\n";
60         opstream << usermousesensitivity;
61         opstream << "\nBlur(0,1):\n";
62         opstream << ismotionblur;
63         opstream << "\nOverall Detail(0,1,2) higher=better:\n";
64         opstream << game.newdetail;
65         opstream << "\nFloating jump:\n";
66         opstream << floatjump;
67         opstream << "\nMouse jump:\n";
68         opstream << mousejump;
69         opstream << "\nAmbient sound:\n";
70         opstream << ambientsound;
71         opstream << "\nBlood (0,1,2):\n";
72         opstream << bloodtoggle;
73         opstream << "\nAuto slomo:\n";
74         opstream << autoslomo;
75         opstream << "\nFoliage:\n";
76         opstream << foliage;
77         opstream << "\nMusic:\n";
78         opstream << musictoggle;
79         opstream << "\nTrilinear:\n";
80         opstream << trilinear;
81         opstream << "\nDecals(shadows,blood puddles,etc):\n";
82         opstream << decals;
83         opstream << "\nInvert mouse:\n";
84         opstream << invertmouse;
85         opstream << "\nGamespeed:\n";
86         if(oldgamespeed==0)oldgamespeed=1;
87         opstream << oldgamespeed;
88         opstream << "\nDifficulty(0,1,2) higher=harder:\n";
89         opstream << difficulty;
90         opstream << "\nDamage effects(blackout, doublevision):\n";
91         opstream << damageeffects;
92         opstream << "\nText:\n";
93         opstream << texttoggle;
94         opstream << "\nDebug:\n";
95         opstream << debugmode;
96         opstream << "\nVBL Sync:\n";
97         opstream << vblsync;
98         opstream << "\nShow Points:\n";
99         opstream << showpoints;
100         opstream << "\nAlways Blur:\n";
101         opstream << alwaysblur;
102         opstream << "\nImmediate mode (turn on on G5):\n";
103         opstream << immediate;
104         opstream << "\nVelocity blur:\n";
105         opstream << velocityblur;
106         opstream << "\nVolume:\n";
107         opstream << volume;
108         opstream << "\nForward key:\n";
109         opstream << Input::keyToChar(game.forwardkey);
110         opstream << "\nBack key:\n";
111         opstream << Input::keyToChar(game.backkey);
112         opstream << "\nLeft key:\n";
113         opstream << Input::keyToChar(game.leftkey);
114         opstream << "\nRight key:\n";
115         opstream << Input::keyToChar(game.rightkey);
116         opstream << "\nJump key:\n";
117         opstream << Input::keyToChar(game.jumpkey);
118         opstream << "\nCrouch key:\n";
119         opstream << Input::keyToChar(game.crouchkey);
120         opstream << "\nDraw key:\n";
121         opstream << Input::keyToChar(game.drawkey);
122         opstream << "\nThrow key:\n";
123         opstream << Input::keyToChar(game.throwkey);
124         opstream << "\nAttack key:\n";
125         opstream << Input::keyToChar(game.attackkey);
126         opstream << "\nConsole key:\n";
127         opstream << Input::keyToChar(game.consolekey);
128         opstream << "\nChat key:\n";
129         opstream << Input::keyToChar(game.chatkey);
130         opstream << "\nDamage bar:\n";
131         opstream << showdamagebar;
132         opstream << "\nStereoMode:\n";
133         opstream << stereomode;
134         opstream << "\nStereoSeparation:\n";
135         opstream << stereoseparation;
136         opstream << "\nStereoReverse:\n";
137         opstream << stereoreverse;
138         opstream.close();
139 }
141 bool LoadSettings(Game &game) {
142         ifstream ipstream(ConvertFileName(":Data:config.txt"), std::ios::in);
143         if ( !ipstream || ipstream.fail() ) {
144                 printf("Config file not found\n");
145                 return false;
146         }
147         char setting[256];
148         char string[256];
150         printf("Loading config\n");
151         while(!ipstream.eof()) {
152                 ipstream.getline( setting, sizeof(setting) );
154                 // skip blank lines
155                 // assume lines starting with spaces are all blank
156                 if ( strlen(setting) == 0 || setting[0] == ' ' || setting[0] == '\t') continue;
157                 //~ printf("setting : %s\n",setting);
159                 if ( ipstream.eof() || ipstream.fail() ) {
160                         fprintf(stderr, "Error reading config file: Got setting name '%s', but value can't be read\n", setting);
161                         ipstream.close();                       
162                         return false;
163                 }
166                 if ( !strncmp(setting, "Screenwidth", 11) ) {
167                         ipstream >> kContextWidth;
168                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Screenheight", 12) ) {
169                         ipstream >> kContextHeight;
170                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Mouse sensitivity", 17) ) {
171                         ipstream >> usermousesensitivity;
172                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Blur", 4) ) {
173                         ipstream >> ismotionblur;
174                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Overall Detail", 14) ) {
175                         ipstream >> detail;
176                         if(detail!=0)kBitsPerPixel=32;
177                         else kBitsPerPixel=16;
178                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Floating jump", 13) ) {
179                         ipstream >> floatjump;
180                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Mouse jump", 10) ) {
181                         ipstream >> mousejump;
182                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Ambient sound", 13) ) {
183                         ipstream >> ambientsound;
184                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Blood ", 6) ) {
185                         ipstream >> bloodtoggle;
186                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Auto slomo", 10) ) {
187                         ipstream >> autoslomo;
188                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Foliage", 7) ) {
189                         ipstream >> foliage;
190                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Music", 5) ) {
191                         ipstream >> musictoggle;
192                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Trilinear", 9) ) {
193                         ipstream >> trilinear;
194                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Decals", 6) ) {
195                         ipstream >> decals;
196                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Invert mouse", 12) ) {
197                         ipstream >> invertmouse;
198                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Gamespeed", 9) ) {
199                         ipstream >> gamespeed;
200                         oldgamespeed=gamespeed;
201                         if(oldgamespeed==0){
202                                 gamespeed=1;
203                                 oldgamespeed=1;
204                         }
205                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Difficulty", 10) ) {
206                         ipstream >> difficulty;
207                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Damage effects", 14) ) {
208                         ipstream >> damageeffects;
209                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Text", 4) ) {
210                         ipstream >> texttoggle;
211                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Debug", 5) ) {
212                         ipstream >> debugmode;
213                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "VBL Sync", 8) ) {
214                         ipstream >> vblsync;
215                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Show Points", 11) ) {
216                         ipstream >> showpoints;
217                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Always Blur", 11) ) {
218                         ipstream >> alwaysblur;
219                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Immediate mode ", 15) ) {
220                         ipstream >> immediate;
221                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Velocity blur", 13) ) {
222                         ipstream >> velocityblur;
223                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Volume", 6) ) {
224                         ipstream >> volume;
225                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Forward key", 11) ) {
226                         ipstream.getline( string, sizeof(string) );
227                         game.forwardkey = Input::CharToKey(string);
228                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Back key", 8) ) {
229                         ipstream.getline( string, sizeof(string) );
230                         game.backkey = Input::CharToKey(string);
231                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Left key", 8) ) {
232                         ipstream.getline( string, sizeof(string) );
233                         game.leftkey = Input::CharToKey(string);
234                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Right key", 9) ) {
235                         ipstream.getline( string, sizeof(string) );
236                         game.rightkey = Input::CharToKey(string);
237                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Jump key", 8) ) {
238                         ipstream.getline( string, sizeof(string) );
239                         game.jumpkey = Input::CharToKey(string);
240                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Crouch key", 10) ) {
241                         ipstream.getline( string, sizeof(string) );
242                         game.crouchkey = Input::CharToKey(string);
243                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Draw key", 8) ) {
244                         ipstream.getline( string, sizeof(string) );
245                         game.drawkey = Input::CharToKey(string);
246                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Throw key", 9) ) {
247                         ipstream.getline( string, sizeof(string) );
248                         game.throwkey = Input::CharToKey(string);
249                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Attack key", 10) ) {
250                         ipstream.getline( string, sizeof(string) );
251                         game.attackkey = Input::CharToKey(string);
252                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Console key", 11) ) {
253                         ipstream.getline( string, sizeof(string) );
254                         game.consolekey = Input::CharToKey(string);
255                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Chat key", 8) ) {
256                         ipstream.getline( string, sizeof(string) );
257                         game.chatkey = Input::CharToKey(string);
258                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "Damage bar", 10) ) {
259                         ipstream >> showdamagebar;
260                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "StereoMode", 10) ) {
261                         int i;
262                         ipstream >> i;
263                         stereomode = (StereoMode)i;
264                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "StereoSeparation", 16) ) {
265                         ipstream >> stereoseparation;
266                 } else if ( !strncmp(setting, "StereoReverse", 13) ) {
267                         ipstream >> stereoreverse;
268                 } else {
269                         ipstream >> string;
270                         fprintf(stderr, "Unknown config option '%s' with value '%s'. Ignoring.\n", setting, string);
271                 }
273                 if ( ipstream.fail() ) {
274                         fprintf(stderr, "Error reading config file: EOF reached when trying to read value for setting '%s'.\n", setting);
275                         ipstream.close();                       
276                         return false;
277                 }
279                 if ( ipstream.bad() ) {
280                         fprintf(stderr, "Error reading config file: Failed to read value for setting '%s'.\n", setting);
281                         ipstream.close();
282                         return false;
283                 }
284         }
286         ipstream.close();
288         if(detail>2)detail=2;
289         if(detail<0)detail=0;
290         if(screenwidth<0)screenwidth=640;
291         if(screenheight<0)screenheight=480;
293         return true;
294 }