1 Lugaru
\r\r---------Set Debug to 1 in config.txt for these to work----------
\r\rMap editor:
\rshift+m = toggle editor mode
\rm = place object
\rp = place enemy
\rshift-p = place waypoint
\rdelete = delete most recently made object
\rshift-delete = delete most recently made player
\rup/down = change size of next object
\rcontrol+up/down = change tilt of next object
\rleft/right = change rotation of next object
\rshift+left/right = change type of next object
\rh = give 2000 health
\r\ro = change enemy's skin
\rshift+o = change enemy's type (rabbit/wolf)
\r\rcontrol+p = make/connect pathfind waypoint
\rperiod/comma = select pathfind waypoints
\rshift+comma = delete pathfind waypoint
\r\rRandom Keys:
\r~=console (map mapname, save mapname, quit)
\rcommand+z = restart level
\rshift+k = win level
\rn = die
\rb = slow motion (with motion blur that might work)
\rj = toggle snow/grass/desert
\rf = spontaneously combust
\ri = explode nearby head
\rshift+i = explode nearby enemy
\r\r\rConsole commands:
\rf is floating point, i is integer, b is boolean, str is string.
\r\rMap mapname where mapname is the name of a map in the maps folder
\rSave mapname where mapname is an unused filename
\rCellar door, rambo, kungfu, white, brown, black = change skins
\r\rTintr f = red clothes color from 0 to 1
\rTintg f = green clothes color from 0 to 1
\rTintb f = blue clothes color from 0 to 1
\rTint f f f = r,g,b clothes colors from 0 to 1
\rNoclothes = remove all clothes
\rClothes str = add clothes str.png
\r\rIncluded clothes include:
\r\rSkybox = toggle skybox (i.e. turn off to get fog)
\rSky Tint f f f = r,g,b colors from 0 to 1 for the sky
\rSky Light f f f = r,g,b colors from 0 to 1 for the lighting
\r\rSpeed f = set player speed
\rStrength f = set player power
\rPower f = set player power
\rProtection f f f = set high,medium,low resistance to blunt attacks
\rArmor f f f = set high,medium,low resistance to sharp attacks
\r\rslomo f = set the slomo speed
\rslofreq i = set the slomo sound frequency
\r\rtutorial b = toggle tutorial mode on/off
\rhostile b = toggle hostility
\r\rtype active/sitting/sitting wall/sleeping/dead1/dead2/dead3/dead4 = set initial state
\rpath keepwalking/pause = determine whether enemies walk through the next pathpoint or pause briefly
\r\rmapkilleveryone = set the map objective to kill everyone
\rmapgosomewhere = set the map objective to go somewhere
\rmapkillsomeone = set the map objective to kill a specific enemy
\rmapkillmost = set the map objective to kill everyone but one
\r\rhs f i str = set the size, type, and text for a hotspot
\r(type 0 = static, display text
\rtype 1-10 = attached to player 1-10, display text
\rtype 11-20 = attached to player 1-10, must kill to win
\rtype -1 = win if approached)
\r\rdhs = delete last hotspot
\r\rdialogue str = load the dialogue str.txt and enter directing mode (fly around, press numpad 1-10 to change their head target, press 1-10 for who is saying each line and to go to next line)
\r\rddialogue = delete last dialogue
\r\rplay i = play dialogue #i
\r\rimmobile = make immobile; this can increase fps
\rmobile = make mobile
\r\rproportion f f f f = set head, body, arm and leg proportion (1 is default)
\r\rviewdistance x= set the far clipping plane (1 is default)
\rfadestart x= set what fraction of the viewdistance an object must pass to begin fading (1 is default)
\r\rfunnybunny = set player to rabbit
\rwolfieisgod = set player to wolf
\r\rquit = quit